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Hi From Florida...please Read (About Adopting This Weekend)

Guest mischaluvsgreys

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just to add my $ 0.02

I've never seen anything like retaliation peeing that your BF is concerned about....


ME, personally, I prefer boys.... they are much more affectionate.... girls are more independent... I have one of each, and have met plenty of both sexes, and find the same holds true for majority of boys, and same for girls... with each having the occasional exception... i adopted my boy first, and my girl a year and a half later... she is alpha... she is very vocal, very independent, and stil has to have me in her eyesight, but my boy is literally attached to me, and if i leave his sight, he is inconsolable until i ge back... he sleeps with me, he is the only one to kiss me, he is such a good boy, he doesn't argue when i have to trim his claws, give him baths, give pills, he eats anything you give him.... my girl is the pickiest eater I've ever met, though cooperative when we need to trim claws, bathe, etc...


don't discount the boys because of your BF... go in open hearted, and you may be surprised who you fall for... or who picks you..

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Guest Clawsandpaws

just to add my $ 0.02

I've never seen anything like retaliation peeing that your BF is concerned about....


ME, personally, I prefer boys.... they are much more affectionate.... girls are more independent... I have one of each, and have met plenty of both sexes, and find the same holds true for majority of boys, and same for girls... with each having the occasional exception... i adopted my boy first, and my girl a year and a half later... she is alpha... she is very vocal, very independent, and stil has to have me in her eyesight, but my boy is literally attached to me, and if i leave his sight, he is inconsolable until i ge back... he sleeps with me, he is the only one to kiss me, he is such a good boy, he doesn't argue when i have to trim his claws, give him baths, give pills, he eats anything you give him.... my girl is the pickiest eater I've ever met, though cooperative when we need to trim claws, bathe, etc...


don't discount the boys because of your BF... go in open hearted, and you may be surprised who you fall for... or who picks you..

Agree 100%

PS. Gold Coast Greyhounds Inc is in Clearwater, they have a few boys from the adoption kennel I volunteer for... One of those boys: "HL's Guage" is a total lover and super affectionate (in the kennel at least) I wanted him!


ETA: http://www.petfinder.com/petdetail/25754173

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Guest mischaluvsgreys

I brought up the whole male vs. female issue with my boyfriend today and noted the things that Claudiav and Jr Grey Lover said. My BF Mac's argument is that he's grown up with both male and female dogs and the males always had the retaliation peeing (I was thinking maybe it was something his parents were doing wrong with the dogs? But I didn't think it out loud)Mac said if the male dogs got mad at them (for example one got mad because it got used to going to the dog park every weekend and then one weekend Mac's family didn't go so the male dog got them back by peeing up on the wall) they could apperantly "get us back." Mac's former greyhound Dray was a female and she was a velcro-dog always following Mac around. I loved the be-joo joos out of her. I'm so sad she died of a stroke....pretty black female greyhound and only 5 too. Oh and the meet and greet that I took those photos was sponsored by the goldcoast greyhound group. I am anxiously awaiting Donna's call. She said she would call when she had what I was looking for at Ft Myers Adoption Kennel. However I still just might go with a closer group in the Tampa Bay Area. I'd love to get my hound within the next 4 weeks though.

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If you happen to get a male it's easy enough to put a belly band on him to deter peeing in the house. I've had 6 males and none of them ever peed in the house.


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

tiny hada siggy.png

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Just a quick 2 cents on my part, which is probably worth only 1 cent. LO. I have one Greyhound and it's a girl. I have, though, taken care of male Greys, right off the track, therefore not yet neutered, for a few hours once in a while, and honestly, I've never had a male lift his leg to try to mark more than once because he has responded to my "eheh -- no" command (said in firm voice) and a quick trip outside. They learn quickly that marking is for outside only, even my visitors.


And ya know... I don't want to insult your BF ... but IMO opinion there's no way a dog gets back at you. If a dog reacts to something being done, it's immediate. Try to take his food? If s/he cares, s/he may growl or give an attitude. But don't take him to the dog park? Dogs don't read calendars. Sure they get used to routines, but IMO there's no way a dog knows it's 2 PM on Sunday and he should be at the dog park. That's nuts! Sounds to me the male dogs in your BF's family needed more training and attention to learn marking is not to be done.


The founder/president of my group will tell you that in all her years of Greyhound adoption and always having 8 to 10 Greys of her own, she considers males more affectionate than females.




I think you adopt who wants you. Who speaks to your mind or spirit or heart. Who just grabs at you in ways that can't always be described. :beatheart I went to a M&G just to see what was out there. I went with the intention of looking. There are a few groups in the greater Albany, NY, area so I figured I'd take my time, look at all the Greys available over a few weeks and pick one. HaHa on me! There were 4 or 5 dogs at the first, and only, M&G I went to on that mid-July Saturday in 2011. As Greys are prone to do, they all came to greet me, pushing to be the first to get close. Annie didn't win the race to be first, but she was the one who stayed with me when the others moved on. She leaned and leaned and leaned, and I pet and scratched and marveled and also thought, "If I step away, this girl will fall over." She didn't, of course, but I fell over.. errr .. in ... love with her. I spent almost 3 hours with her and never looked at another Greyhound. Exactly one week later, after being vetted as an appropriate Greyhound parent, I brought her home. She isn't a velcro dog, but she still leans and comes to me for love and affection and looks to me for approval or just to know that I'm watching her and I've got her back, so to speak.


Good luck. Male or female, it's all good.

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Guest mischaluvsgreys

Thankyou Greyaholic. I will mention all of the facts to him & hopefully change his mind on being so picky about a fem. Also I'm about to order a leash online for my future friend & was wondering fi 4 ft or 6 ft was better for length? I've never done leash shopping before so I have zero experience in this. :gh_run2 I'm looking forward to power walks with my new grey-friend. I love how Drey would be like a pogo stick hopping up and down when she wanted to go for walks. I sure hope my greyhound likes car rides too because I plan on taking he/she to visit my grandparents a few towns over.

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Leash length is a personal preference, but you can always shorten up a 6' leash by winding it around your hand but can't lengthen a 4' one. For almost everything, I use a 6' leash for Annie, and often do shorten it up when it's necessary (when other dogs come into our view for instance). I have a 4' leash for when we visit the local nursing/rehab center to make it easier for me to keep her close.

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Guest mischaluvsgreys

Greyahloc I really enjoyed reading your post about how you picked out (Annie Bella? I'm assuming from your signature). Thats why I posted pics of Song because she was the first to greet me even though she was taken. Yeah that's another thing. For a meet and greet there were like 10 dogs there and only 3 available however that works. I love the coloring of your dog too. I like the tan and white face. LOL I can't believe I'm already shopping for a dog I don't even have. I've never been this excited about a pet before. I've never owned a dog only cats but wow this seems like a process like picking out items for a newborn baby or something LOL. :ghplaybow I love this message board 2. Everyone here seems chill. I guess all owner of such an outgoing laid back must be..well...laid back. Also Greyaholic do you only have one greyhound?

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Greyahloc I really enjoyed reading your post about how you picked out (Annie Bella? I'm assuming from your signature). Thats why I posted pics of Song because she was the first to greet me even though she was taken. Yeah that's another thing. For a meet and greet there were like 10 dogs there and only 3 available however that works. I love the coloring of your dog too. I like the tan and white face. LOL I can't believe I'm already shopping for a dog I don't even have. I've never been this excited about a pet before. I've never owned a dog only cats but wow this seems like a process like picking out items for a newborn baby or something LOL. :ghplaybow I love this message board 2. Everyone here seems chill. I guess all owner of such an outgoing laid back must be..well...laid back. Also Greyaholic do you only have one greyhound?


It was me -- Feisty49 -- who has Annie Bella. (My granddaughter gave Annie her second name. Now we mostly call her Annie Bananie Whisker Face -- my dog, not my granddaughter :--). I also love the story of how Annie picked me, but I don't think it's unusual. Many Grey parents will relate how their "baby" picked them.


At some M&Gs volunteers will bring their own dogs, hence more dogs there than are up for adoption, so that the general public can see all sorts of personalities, sizes, colors, etc. My group tends to have a lot of Greys for adoption-- often 10 or more -- so it's seldom, if ever, we bring one of our own to a M&G.


Yes, I have only one Greyhound (I also have a cat). Part of me would love to have another but it would not fit my lifestyle nor my pocketbook, so for the foreseeable future Annie is an only. (I don't know how regular middle-income people can afford multiple Greys. I just spent $98 yesterday for Annie's annual checkup: $48 for the exam and $48 for blood work, plus tax. To do that for a few dogs would require me to cut back on something else that I don't want to cut back on.) Annie is very cool about being an only, which can be a problem for some Greyhounds. She's so cool about it that I doubt she'd welcome another dog. She wouldn't be snarky, but I suspect she'd pretty much ignore it.

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Guest mischaluvsgreys

Oh wow you have a cat. I'd love to see a picture of your dog & cat together, Feisty. Also about cost of greyhounds. How much would you say you spend all together every month on Annie if that's not being too nosy? I added up the food and advantage costs which is not bad. What I mean is how much should I put aside every month for my new greyhound when it comes to expenses? Even owning one can get a little pricey especially if you have a lot of vet bills. That's another thing. Can I just choose any vet for a greyhound or do I have to call a certain vetrenarian or what? Here is a picture of Drey my boyfriend's former female greyhound. I hope whatever Grey I get is super friendly like Drey was. Her original name was "Starizjusta Dream." I miss her leaning in on me & asking for peanut butter spoonfuls LOL.



RIP Drey AKA Dream :gh_child :devilangel :gh_bow 12/2007 - 12/2012


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Guest IrskasMom

" one Greyhound (I also have a cat). Part of me would love to have another but it would not fit my lifestyle nor my pocketbook, so for the foreseeable future Annie is an only."


Same here. My Morty will be 9 in May and I really would love to have slightly Younger one to keep him Company . Money and Lifestyle is my Dilema to. Morty is quiet happy alone ,so no Issues

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Oh wow you have a cat. I'd love to see a picture of your dog & cat together, Feisty. Also about cost of greyhounds. How much would you say you spend all together every month on Annie if that's not being too nosy? I added up the food and advantage costs which is not bad. What I mean is how much should I put aside every month for my new greyhound when it comes to expenses? Even owning one can get a little pricey especially if you have a lot of vet bills. That's another thing. Can I just choose any vet for a greyhound or do I have to call a certain vetrenarian or what? Here is a picture of Drey my boyfriend's former female greyhound. I hope whatever Grey I get is super friendly like Drey was. Her original name was "Starizjusta Dream." I miss her leaning in on me & asking for peanut butter spoonfuls LOL.



RIP Drey AKA Dream :gh_child :devilangel :gh_bow 12/2007 - 12/2012


She is a beautiful dog. I'm sorry she left :(

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Guest mischaluvsgreys

Hello all fellow grey lovers. I finally got the phone call I was waiting for from Donna (the owner of the adoption kennel) and she informed me that she had some females for me to come look at. I am sooooo excited! I hope I mesh well with one. Also I have a question. Technically I'm going to be the main owner of the greyhound I'm adopting. However since I now live with my boyfriend, he is going to come with me to pick a grey out. Also he said that he would help me with the grey and pretty much be a co-owner. Should I pick out a grey if she vibes well with me and say she vibes REALLY well with y boyfriend? What should I pick out my grey based on?

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Guest bethac

This is a hard question. I can only share my own experience. When we adopted our first greyhound, it was one year after our terrier-mix had died of cancer and my husband went to look at the hounds with me, but still really wasn't ready and insisted that the choice of dog had to be mine. I REALLY wanted a hound, so I chose the hound that I was most drawn to. No regrets AT ALL . . . And of course she is daddy's girl, LOL. Things just have a way of working out. Trust your instincts. Keep us posted!

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if you're making the decision, you'll know...


Leyla came straight for my lap and would not leave my side until she came home with me... I went with the full intention of letting Remy pick his new brother/sister, but he didn't care, he was happy with any grey, and Leyla zeroed in on me and made the decision for him/me. To this day, she is my shadow...


if you're unsure, let Donna, or the adotion coordinator choose the best grey for you, basesd on your lifestyle, your schedule, and preference...


Either way, you can't lose... They are the most fantastic dogs!!! Remy changed my life the moment he stepped into it...He was picked for me by the adoption coordinator and I couldn't love him more... Sadly, he was just diagnosed with Osteo, and will only have known life as a pet for 4 years... but they will have been the best 4 yrs of his life. I will be adopting another one after he leaves me... for sure!!! Greyhound Mom for LIFE!!!

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There aren't steadfast rules about how to pick out a Greyhound. We've all talked about how we've bonded, and how she leaned, and how I loved her right away, but in my situation, if Annie had not been cat friendly, or if she had major anxiety issues, or if she didn't like children, I would not have adopted her. Yah, I want my dog to feel good about me and vice versa, but the dog has to fit into the household and your lifestyle.


No matter how much you get a feeling for a dog, ask the important questions. Is there separation anxiety? Are there health issues? Can she be an only dog? Others will chime in with questions to ask. If there are issues, you need to dig deep inside, no matter how much of a feeling you have for a dog, and decide if you can work through the issues, and work it can be.


Also, just as an aside, I think you're overthinking this a bit re bonding with you or your BF. What you'll find is no matter who you adopt, you will love that dog as if none other exists. While I love my Annie to bits, if I hadn't adopted her, I know I would love another Grey just as much as I do Annie.

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Another "don't overthink it" here. My first grey was picked out for me by the adoption group based on my lifestyle. I first laid eyes on her when she was brought to my house as a foster-to-adopt. Was there an instant connection? No. Partly because she was a very shy, timid dog that had been through a lot of upheaval in a short time. However, in the five years she was with me, she learned to trust me, and became such a huge part of my life, and heart, that when she passed, I didn't think I would ever stop crying. My second grey was the complete opposite of what I was looking for, but it was love at first sight for both of us :) He has been a challenge over the years (I call him Issue Boy) but I wouldn't trade a second with him.


I guess my point is, the bond will form, whether it is instant, or develops over time.


Oh, and if you meet some dogs that aren't really interested in you, and you feel no strong connection with them, don't worry about it, it happens, but that dog is probably not the right one for you.

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Guest mischaluvsgreys

Thankyou for all the prompt responses. I tend to overanalyze things in life anyways LOL. I will try my best not to do that when I go tomorrow morning. As soon as I get back I will let you all know if I bonded with any hounds and who I ended up picking out. I can't wait! :ghplaybow Apparantly there are two fawn ones to pick from. There is also a light brindle and a black brindle. I hope one "chooses" me. I'll take some pix on my cell as well.

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Guest WhiteWave

Good luck! If I had the room, I would be heading down there too! She has a white/brindle boy that I'm quite smitten with! I really want him!



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Guest Firedancer

Adopting our sweet girl, Dancer has been such a highlight for all of us! My advice is not to give too much freedom at first- keep her off the furniture and use your crate. Stay patient and keep educating yourself and you will love her for sure.

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Be very careful when you are first learning to walk her. Make sure you have the leash loop around your wrist and looped around the palm of your hand (keep the leash away from your fingers). Every hound I have known is VERY strong and can easily put you on the ground and jerk the leash out of a loosely held hand. DaVid broke my little finger the first week.

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Guest mischaluvsgreys

Hi everyone! I just got back from my little trip to the Greyhound Adoption Kennel. Now I just have to make my decision on one to pick. I'm having trouble picking between three fine females. One is a light brindle and one is a dark brindle. Then there's a lovely fawn one (who is quite young about to be two in May). They are all soooo sweet, The Donna lady that runs the kennel said let me know who I pick and she will have her ready by this up and coming Saturday. Yay! Donna told me to sleep on it regarding which one to pick, Any advice on how to choose between such lovely greys? Also someone on here told me to look out for a male grey named "Shock." I saw him and he was quite the tail wagger. I can't wait to bring my little baby home :)

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