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Flea Question

Guest borzoix4

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Guest borzoix4

This will probably sound like a really dumb question, but I have a question about monthly flea treatments.

I use k9 Advantex on my dogs, and flea season just started. Normally when I put it on my Borzoi, I bathe them 3 days after applying the k9.

Maura ( now called Bambina or 'Bam Bam") doesn't seem to need a bath as much as the Borzoi do obviously.

Do others wash their greyhound after the flea treatment, or just go ahead and reapply it the following month?

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My guys get Frontline Plus. Sam (greyhound) hasn't had a bath since his birthday last year (May 10).


Most of the oil that carries the pesticide gets absorbed on Sam. After about two days, if it's still there (or if it has pollen sticking to it!), I'll often wipe off the excess with a damp paper towel. But if he's absorbed it all, I don't worry about it.


And I usually timed Sam's baths for just before the Frontline treatment, figuring there's no point to a bath that will strip oil off his coat when I've just gotten the flea preventative into that oil. (I know you can bathe them, I just don't.) I'd bathe the dogs, wait a few days, then apply the preventative. If you're bathing after the application, you might want to check into a shampoo that doesn't include an actual oil-stripping detergent in it.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Guest borzoix4

My guys get Frontline Plus. Sam (greyhound) hasn't had a bath since his birthday last year (May 10).


Most of the oil that carries the pesticide gets absorbed on Sam. After about two days, if it's still there (or if it has pollen sticking to it!), I'll often wipe off the excess with a damp paper towel. But if he's absorbed it all, I don't worry about it.


And I usually timed Sam's baths for just before the Frontline treatment, figuring there's no point to a bath that will strip oil off his coat when I've just gotten the flea preventative into that oil. (I know you can bathe them, I just don't.) I'd bathe the dogs, wait a few days, then apply the preventative. If you're bathing after the application, you might want to check into a shampoo that doesn't include an actual oil-stripping detergent in it.

Thank you for your reply. I did notice that it did absorb awfully well, whereas the Borzoi sometimes are a 'bit greasy' in spots.

Bambina really stays clean compared to the others, so really baths are rare with her. I was not sure about left over residue from treatment to treatment.


I'm assuming that Advantex is a topical treatment? Can't imagine why else you would be worried about bathing. Valid question....look forward to hearing responses.

Yes it is topical and as I stated, a few days after I use it, its bath day/s for the Borzoi.

I guess what I am saying is that I am wondering if it was okay to leave it on her as really, its not often she needs a bath.

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I only bathe my Bella if she has been playing in the mud...otherwise maybe 3 times a year, she a greyhound though. I almost try not to bathe her after her flea treatment because I don't know how long it needs to "sink in" if that makes sense. :blush

Greyhound Collars : www.collartown.ca


Maggie (the human servant), with Miss Bella, racing name "A Star Blackieto"

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Guest borzoix4

I only bathe my Bella if she has been playing in the mud...otherwise maybe 3 times a year, she a greyhound though. I almost try not to bathe her after her flea treatment because I don't know how long it needs to "sink in" if that makes sense. :blush

Yea my girl stays clean also basically. Thank you for your reply!

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I've used Frontline for many many years, on my GSD and on my greys.... The rule is DO NOT wash for 2 days BEFORE or AFTER applying it. In other words, bathe dog, wait at least 2 days, and then aaply Frontline. Or apply Frontline, and wait at least 2 days to bathe. Vets told me same thing when I started out with it.


If she doesn't need a bath, don't give her one.

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I use Advantix II for flea/tick topical treatment year around. It never crossed my mind to wash any of it off, and now that it has, it doesn't seem necessary to me. I've had Annie since July of last year and she's had one bath which was necessary after an hour of playing in the mud.

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Guest budsmom

I use Frontline and if mine stay a little icky after a couple days, I just brush them. They only get baths about once a year, unless they get into something!

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Guest borzoix4

I use Advantix II for flea/tick topical treatment year around. It never crossed my mind to wash any of it off, and now that it has, it doesn't seem necessary to me. I've had Annie since July of last year and she's had one bath which was necessary after an hour of playing in the mud.

Thank you! So you never had a dry skin allergy show up if not bathed off?

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No, but most Greyhounds only need a bath about once a year. I'm not sure why I'd even think about bathing him after ward? Obviously a Borzoi is hairy and a Greyhound is not, but I grew up with English Setters and we didn't bath them after the treatment either.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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i spoke to a rep at merial re: bathing and frontline. i have a client who was crazy about when to apply it to his dogs and the timing of their baths. basically the rep said as long as the frontline is dry the dog can get wet, as long as the dog is dry- you can apply it.

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I wouldn't recommend routinely bathing any dog 3 days after applying a topical flea med like Frontline or Advantix. If the greasy spot bothers you, I've found that taking a damp paper towel and wiping that area in the direction the hair lies works pretty well. I usually only have an issue with my short-haired dogs. My longer-haired mix doesn't really get a greasy spot like the greys and whippet.


While these products are fairly waterproof, they will be washed off with detergent-based shampoos, and you aren't getting the full benefit of the product. Most oatmeal-based shampoos are non-detergent, so are a better option if you do need to bathe after application. It's been a while since I looked at the water resistance studies (which I believe were done with plain water, not shampoo), but from what I remember, water does still decrease efficacy slightly, and IIRC, Frontline was a little more waterproof than Advantage/Advantix was.


Missed the question about the 'dry skin allergy'... No, this isn't a common reaction, and you shouldn't need to wash off the product to avoid it. If your dog reacts to the Advantix this way, I'd consider switching to something different.

Edited by jjng

Jennifer &

Willow (Wilma Waggle), Wiki (Wiki Hard Ten), Carter (Let's Get It On),

Ollie (whippet), Gracie (whippet x), & Terra (whippet) + Just Saying + Just Alice


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We have had Bootsy for 3 years and I think I bathed him once a year or so ago. I only bathe a dog if it stinks. And besides his breath, Bootsy doesn't stink. The frontline residue eventually goes away.


Christie and Bootsy (Turt McGurt and Gil too)
Loving and missing Argos & Likky, forever and ever.
~Old age means realizing you will never own all the dogs you wanted to. ~

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  • 1 month later...
Guest FordRacingRon

I don't want to start a new thread,,,can anyone tell me if they use Advantage 2. Frontline doesn't seem to work on our fleas here in the LA area and Advantage works on Leia. But now there is Advantage 2 which I assume the big difference is now it does ticks also. Safe or not?

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Guest BrianRke

I don't want to start a new thread,,,can anyone tell me if they use Advantage 2. Frontline doesn't seem to work on our fleas here in the LA area and Advantage works on Leia. But now there is Advantage 2 which I assume the big difference is now it does ticks also. Safe or not?

I use Advantage II on all three of mine. Havent seen a :flea in years!!! Advantage II is for fleas and lice. Im not sure if a tick is considered lice or not??

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Advantage II does not cover ticks. (The product that does ticks is K9 Advantix.) Advantage II is essentially the same as the original Advantage, except they added an insect growth regulator to also kill immature stages of fleas. This is the same difference between the original Frontline Topspot and Frontline Plus.


Advantage II is safe to use. From what I can tell, the company seems to be phasing out Advantage/K9 Advantix and replacing them with Advantage II/K9 Advantix II.

Jennifer &

Willow (Wilma Waggle), Wiki (Wiki Hard Ten), Carter (Let's Get It On),

Ollie (whippet), Gracie (whippet x), & Terra (whippet) + Just Saying + Just Alice


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Guest FordRacingRon

I don't want to start a new thread,,,can anyone tell me if they use Advantage 2. Frontline doesn't seem to work on our fleas here in the LA area and Advantage works on Leia. But now there is Advantage 2 which I assume the big difference is now it does ticks also. Safe or not?

I use Advantage II on all three of mine. Havent seen a :flea in years!!! Advantage II is for fleas and lice. Im not sure if a tick is considered lice or not??


Maybe it isn't but I am too lazy too look i up. Leia uses Advantage but not Advantage 2. The reason I thought it may be an update and does ticks is becuase I got an ad from somhwere (probalby an online store I buy from) that showed all the flea stuff they carry up against one of those kind of charts that shows what each one kills,,and there was a checkmark for ticks for Advantage 2,,which sort of suprises me. We actully only use 1/2 tube on Leia is she doens't like the fell of this stuff,,but a hlaf tube works.

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