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Appetite Stimulate Suggestions Please.


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Have you given him a pepcid? Maybe he's got an upset stomach....


A couple of months ago Jack was having eating issues. He was put on pepcid 2X/day, plus he got carafate, which really helped, as well as an injection of cerenia. Now he just takes pepcid 2x/day and he's been fine.


Also, depending on what the vet says of course, there is always syringe feeding. We did that with Ruby after her accident, and it kind of kept her going till she felt better and actually wanted to eat. We used canned rx food initially (high calorie), then switched to regular mushy canned food mixed with baby food cereal (the dry flaked kind, mixed with water).

Edited by rascalsmom

Phoebe (Belle's Sweetpea) adopted 9/2/13.

Jack (BTR Captain Jack) 9/28/05--11/2/12
Always missing Buddy, Ruby, and Rascal.

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Sometimes when Robin's pemphigus flares up, due to the meds he takes he doesn't feel like eating. And when he starts losing weight he starts losing weight fast! What tempts him back to his food bowl is the canned Alpo beef slices in gravy with veggies, or the chicken or lamb stew...I will mix a good amount of that into his kibble and he will scarf it down and lick the bowl!

Edited by fsugrad

Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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Tuna didn't do it. Tuna with shaky cheese didn't do it. But he SEEMS fine otherwise. He's panting more then normal but I'm attributing that to the lack of pain meds.




I can't wait to get to the vet.



I'm terrified of going to the vet.


I'm sorry. I'm not ignoring the rest of the suggestions. I have tuna in the house. After the vet we'll go to the store and pick up anything and everything suggested.


I'm also going to ask for the vet for an injection to get his appetiate going and about the b12.



We have tried pepto. Didn't seem to help. We'll see if the vet can give him something for his tummy.

My sweet angel Tanner-"Showoffs Magic" 79D-82695. DOB 7/22/99. Gotcha Day 6/20/05. Bridge Day 3/11/10. Big Beautiful Brave Angel Norm-"Showoffs Storm" 89B-83263. DOB 8/16/99. Gotcha Day 3/24/06. Bridge Day 4/20/13. Angel Girl Bree-"Breezy Betty" 201A-93631. DOB 2/05/01. Gotcha Day 5/11/10. Bridge Day 10/07/11. She reached the beach.... Maci-"CF's Owhatanite" 44H-29320. DOB 10/05/04. Gotcha Day 10/11/11. Greta-"Greta's Milam" 90B-54582. DOB 9/17/10. Gotcha Day 11/30/12. Bridge Day 03/30/17. Ben-"P Kay Key Train" 63A-61271. DOB 6/2/13. Gotcha Day 12/26/15.

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Hmmm, instead of trying to feed him, can you just drop food on the floor and see if he's interested in vacuuming?


Ryder was on cerenia to calm him, reduce nausea. Kasey is on pepcid to reduce acid. Both of these meds really do work to help tummies settle. I have given Pepto before and honestly doesn't seem to do a thing. It could be he's just not feeling well in his tummy and doesn't want to eat cause every time he does, it hurts.

Edited by XTRAWLD

Proudly owned by:
10 year old "Ryder" CR Redman Gotcha May 2010
12.5 year old Angel "Kasey" Goodbye Kasey Gotcha July 2005-Aug 1, 2015

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Nope to vacuuming. I'm bringing him food to his pillow and he's not interested.


He wouldn't even drink his favoritest thing in the world this morning.......coffee.



I just don't understand how one day he's fine and the next day it's like a switch was flipped.

My sweet angel Tanner-"Showoffs Magic" 79D-82695. DOB 7/22/99. Gotcha Day 6/20/05. Bridge Day 3/11/10. Big Beautiful Brave Angel Norm-"Showoffs Storm" 89B-83263. DOB 8/16/99. Gotcha Day 3/24/06. Bridge Day 4/20/13. Angel Girl Bree-"Breezy Betty" 201A-93631. DOB 2/05/01. Gotcha Day 5/11/10. Bridge Day 10/07/11. She reached the beach.... Maci-"CF's Owhatanite" 44H-29320. DOB 10/05/04. Gotcha Day 10/11/11. Greta-"Greta's Milam" 90B-54582. DOB 9/17/10. Gotcha Day 11/30/12. Bridge Day 03/30/17. Ben-"P Kay Key Train" 63A-61271. DOB 6/2/13. Gotcha Day 12/26/15.

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He hasn't eaten anything that I don't know about. And he's within sight 23 put of 24 hours.


He's thrown up, but only bile. Which makes sense because he hasn't eaten. He's not struggling to throw up. And not all the time. Not even every day.



I'm really not making light of that. The last time he didn't eat he grew up also. We'be done this before. Which is why I didn't panic first day out. But now it's just to long.

My sweet angel Tanner-"Showoffs Magic" 79D-82695. DOB 7/22/99. Gotcha Day 6/20/05. Bridge Day 3/11/10. Big Beautiful Brave Angel Norm-"Showoffs Storm" 89B-83263. DOB 8/16/99. Gotcha Day 3/24/06. Bridge Day 4/20/13. Angel Girl Bree-"Breezy Betty" 201A-93631. DOB 2/05/01. Gotcha Day 5/11/10. Bridge Day 10/07/11. She reached the beach.... Maci-"CF's Owhatanite" 44H-29320. DOB 10/05/04. Gotcha Day 10/11/11. Greta-"Greta's Milam" 90B-54582. DOB 9/17/10. Gotcha Day 11/30/12. Bridge Day 03/30/17. Ben-"P Kay Key Train" 63A-61271. DOB 6/2/13. Gotcha Day 12/26/15.

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The throwing up of bile was one of Jack's symptoms. Our vet suggested the carafate to 'coat' the stomach, in case there was inflammation, and the cerenia for nausea. The carafate was almost a miracle drug--within two doses of that Jack was eating again. Pepcid helps too.


I hope you get some answers today.

Phoebe (Belle's Sweetpea) adopted 9/2/13.

Jack (BTR Captain Jack) 9/28/05--11/2/12
Always missing Buddy, Ruby, and Rascal.

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I so hope one of these suggestions work. My mind is already doing really bad things.

My sweet angel Tanner-"Showoffs Magic" 79D-82695. DOB 7/22/99. Gotcha Day 6/20/05. Bridge Day 3/11/10. Big Beautiful Brave Angel Norm-"Showoffs Storm" 89B-83263. DOB 8/16/99. Gotcha Day 3/24/06. Bridge Day 4/20/13. Angel Girl Bree-"Breezy Betty" 201A-93631. DOB 2/05/01. Gotcha Day 5/11/10. Bridge Day 10/07/11. She reached the beach.... Maci-"CF's Owhatanite" 44H-29320. DOB 10/05/04. Gotcha Day 10/11/11. Greta-"Greta's Milam" 90B-54582. DOB 9/17/10. Gotcha Day 11/30/12. Bridge Day 03/30/17. Ben-"P Kay Key Train" 63A-61271. DOB 6/2/13. Gotcha Day 12/26/15.

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Guest Mom2Shiloh

New suggestion, and I don't honestly remember whose it was but I thought at the time -- how brilliant, must try. A few drops of coconut oil.. a couple drops on tongue, rubbed on nose .. repeat. When some interest in eating .. dribble small bits on food. I have -0- idea why it would work... I've used Slippery Elm for tummy and gut and indigestion issues, I know Coconut oil is strangely powerful -- but I don't know why it would be an appetite stimulant -- but from what I read, it's amazingly effective. Can't hurt anything.


ooops.. now there is a thread on it.. go read!!

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Guest verthib

Baby food right? Having never had children, I'm clueless as to what's out there. What am I getting? What "stage"? What flavor?


Isn't cat food another one? Any particular flavor?


If I do nothing else I NEED to get norms pills in to him. He's getting so wobbly. :(







This can't be "it" can it?????


Use baby food. We do. Any stage he'll eat or like. We do squash or carrots etc. poor baby. I will pray for him.

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Holly, did you try Manuka honey to try and settle his stomach? There are threads here about Manuka's healing effects for many things.

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

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:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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Guest FreddyGirl

Sliced chicken cold cuts I bought at Costco, two pund packages or so,mimrecall

Chobani vanilla yogurt

Triplett green lamb tripe I buy through doggie food.com

Cooked chicken thighs I'd take neat off of bone and mix in kibbie

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Canned cat food, the stinkier the better. Also hot dogs, all beef and with as few additives as possible. When Argus had osteo hot dogs were the last thing he would still eat.

Kristen with

Penguin (L the Penguin) Flying Penske x L Alysana

Costarring The Fabulous Felines: Squeak, Merlin, Bailey & Mystic


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Guest 2dogs4cats

When Chance had cancer and lost his appetite, the only thing he would eat was McDonalds cheeseburgers. Also, there is an appetite stimulant pill you can get from the vet, I can't remember the name of it. It doesn't always work, but maybe worth a try. Good luck and hope your pup feels better soon!

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Checking in to see how the vet visit went .... hope.gif


I remember how frustrating it was when Rainy quit eating. sad1.gif

Hopefully the vet was able to give him something to stimulate his appetite.

They lose weight so fast when they quit eating .....

CORY and CRICKET - Solitary Tremble & CASPER - Pj's Mia Farrow
* With CAPT. GUS - Solitary Trigger, RAINY - Peach Rain, PUP - Red Zepher, DOC - CTW Fort Sumpter
and MAX - Shiowa's Silver Maxamillion / Afghan .... all waiting at the bridge

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Guest wmlcml6

I used to give my religiously picky eater a b12 tablet when she went a day without eating. Now I give her coconut oil (a bit in her food twice a day, plus I brush her teeth with it about 5 times a week), and she loves it and eats much better. I hope your boy feels better. It's possible he overdid it on Friday, but I'm glad you are going to the vet just in case it's something that needs treatment. oh - when Hope seems to want food but won't actually eat it, we've learned that means her stomach is upset and we give her some pepto - a couple of hours later she usually eats a little. Then we give her small snacks until her tummy has adjusted to eating regular amounts again.

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Checking in to see how the vet visit went .... hope.gif


I remember how frustrating it was when Rainy quit eating. sad1.gif

Hopefully the vet was able to give him something to stimulate his appetite.

They lose weight so fast when they quit eating .....



I've created an update thread in H&M. 4 shots, two for tummy, one antibiotic, and one for pain. Unfortunately something had a sedative effect and we had a tough time early evening. He seemed lose back leg function. Legs are "back" this morning but he's still turning up food. DP got a couple of syringes of food in to him, the 2nd time much easier.



Fingers crossed....


I used to give my religiously picky eater a b12 tablet when she went a day without eating. Now I give her coconut oil (a bit in her food twice a day, plus I brush her teeth with it about 5 times a week), and she loves it and eats much better. I hope your boy feels better. It's possible he overdid it on Friday, but I'm glad you are going to the vet just in case it's something that needs treatment. oh - when Hope seems to want food but won't actually eat it, we've learned that means her stomach is upset and we give her some pepto - a couple of hours later she usually eats a little. Then we give her small snacks until her tummy has adjusted to eating regular amounts again.



I asked about the b12 and vet seemed to poopoo it. But I'll try anything. Will pick some up today. Along with coconut oil.

My sweet angel Tanner-"Showoffs Magic" 79D-82695. DOB 7/22/99. Gotcha Day 6/20/05. Bridge Day 3/11/10. Big Beautiful Brave Angel Norm-"Showoffs Storm" 89B-83263. DOB 8/16/99. Gotcha Day 3/24/06. Bridge Day 4/20/13. Angel Girl Bree-"Breezy Betty" 201A-93631. DOB 2/05/01. Gotcha Day 5/11/10. Bridge Day 10/07/11. She reached the beach.... Maci-"CF's Owhatanite" 44H-29320. DOB 10/05/04. Gotcha Day 10/11/11. Greta-"Greta's Milam" 90B-54582. DOB 9/17/10. Gotcha Day 11/30/12. Bridge Day 03/30/17. Ben-"P Kay Key Train" 63A-61271. DOB 6/2/13. Gotcha Day 12/26/15.

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I have to recommend coconut oil now. I had some in the cupboard and threw a teaspoon into my super-picky eater Raven's food. She cleaned her bowl. Next meal we tried it again, and she cleaned her bowl once more. She's starting to gain weight again after one of her hunger strikes and looks great.

Kristen with

Penguin (L the Penguin) Flying Penske x L Alysana

Costarring The Fabulous Felines: Squeak, Merlin, Bailey & Mystic


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Guest Wasserbuffel

Have you thought about force-feeding him? When I had a chicken sick with cancer who stopped eating I was able to get a mash into her using a piping bag (for cake decorating, but a ziploc bag would do). I soaked her regular feed in water and added some yogurt and oatmeal. I would put in in the bag and squirt a little in her mouth at a time, so not to choke her, until she was full.

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Have you thought about force-feeding him? When I had a chicken sick with cancer who stopped eating I was able to get a mash into her using a piping bag (for cake decorating, but a ziploc bag would do). I soaked her regular feed in water and added some yogurt and oatmeal. I would put in in the bag and squirt a little in her mouth at a time, so not to choke her, until she was full.


He's eating again! We did have to force feed for a couple of days but all seems back to normal now. Well, lets say 90%. He still needs to gain the weight back that he lost!

My sweet angel Tanner-"Showoffs Magic" 79D-82695. DOB 7/22/99. Gotcha Day 6/20/05. Bridge Day 3/11/10. Big Beautiful Brave Angel Norm-"Showoffs Storm" 89B-83263. DOB 8/16/99. Gotcha Day 3/24/06. Bridge Day 4/20/13. Angel Girl Bree-"Breezy Betty" 201A-93631. DOB 2/05/01. Gotcha Day 5/11/10. Bridge Day 10/07/11. She reached the beach.... Maci-"CF's Owhatanite" 44H-29320. DOB 10/05/04. Gotcha Day 10/11/11. Greta-"Greta's Milam" 90B-54582. DOB 9/17/10. Gotcha Day 11/30/12. Bridge Day 03/30/17. Ben-"P Kay Key Train" 63A-61271. DOB 6/2/13. Gotcha Day 12/26/15.

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Guest Wasserbuffel

Awesome! Sometimes a force feed or two is all it takes. Gerta started eating on her own after just two days of force-feeding.

Edited by Jayne
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