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Guest snoopycomehome

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My neighbor has a Greyhound too, and hers never shuts up. He'll whine when we're both outside walking our boys together. It would drive me nuts! My Dad had a dog who was the same way. It was awful. I think some dogs just like the sound of their own voice.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Lila occasionally whines when she sees another dog, never a greyhound, just other breeds. She doesn't have anything else going on at the same time (like pulling toward the other dog, tail tucked, etc) to give me other clues. Her posture seems neutral to me. I can't tell if she wants to meet the other dog, eat it, or is scared. After a second or two of whining she goes back to whatever she was doing or wanders off. She is not a vocal girl, the only other time she whines is when she is super excited about going for a ride or walk.

Any ideas what she wants with those other dogs?

Lila Football
Jerilyn, missing Lila (Good Looking), new Mistress to Wiki (PJ Wicked).



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Lila occasionally whines when she sees another dog, never a greyhound, just other breeds. She doesn't have anything else going on at the same time (like pulling toward the other dog, tail tucked, etc) to give me other clues. Her posture seems neutral to me. I can't tell if she wants to meet the other dog, eat it, or is scared. After a second or two of whining she goes back to whatever she was doing or wanders off. She is not a vocal girl, the only other time she whines is when she is super excited about going for a ride or walk.

Any ideas what she wants with those other dogs?


Paige does that too. And then also just because she's in the same room as us. I think it's just a bit of communication - hey, look at me/ look at that/ feed me/ cuddles/ let's go/ let's stop. She's just a chatter box.

Edited by Brandiandwe
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Guest LuvsGreys

Owner of a whiner / barker here. The whine can escalate to a bark. Seems to be "I'm bored" "I'm frustrated" "The neighbours are making a noise" "It's time to get up" "It's dinner time" "I want some attention" "I'm excited/over-excited" "I want to see that dog over there now!!!!" (escalates into barking/growling.


I try to ignore it most of the time, occasionally distract and occasionally use the spray bottle.

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Guest avadogner

I was forewarned when we adopted Augie that he was vocal. Ava our only grey for 8 yrs has never whined EVER so we didn't think he would be that vocal. The only she ever barks is to go potty (pre dog door and Augie) and now whenever Augie's getting on her nerves with whining. Midnight to 4 a.m. is the nightly play, whine and bark fest. Thank goodness I am a night owl. The funny thing is Augie has this high pitch whine/ bark and Ava has the deep bark. Ava is 56 lbs and Augie is 89. Go figure!

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Otis is whit us since the end of june and he is a big time whinner :blush

At first I was so worried about this... was thinking something was wrong and wanted to anylize and found a reason for every whinnes.

We had to accept that it's how Otis is... easy said then done some times ;)

Our first greyhound, Tuffy: You will always be there with us my angel!
Tuffy greyhound-data
Otis greyhound-data Abbey greyhound-data
"When you open your minds to the impossible, sometimes you find the truth." W.Bishop

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Ben is our whiner. I love the sound even though I can't figure it out. I know some day in the future I won't hear that whine, so I enjoy every single moment of the sound while I can. We adopted him 6.5 years ago and I keep thinking where did the time go. When people post about how some things about their greys drive them nuts, I always wonder how they'd feel if their grey wasn't around. Life is too short to swaet the small stuff. jmho

Jan with precious pups Emmy (Stormin J Flag) and Simon (Nitro Si) and Abbey Field.  Missing my angels: Bailey Buffetbobleclair 11/11/98-17/12/09; Ben Task Rapid Wave 5/5/02-2/11/15; Brooke Glo's Destroyer 7/09/06-21/06/16 and Katie Crazykatiebug 12/11/06 -21/08/21. My blog about grief The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not get over the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same, nor would you want to. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

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Guest mbfilby

Our Myka is super vocal, and she whines a lot. A LOT!!


She whines when she wants something, and if the humans can't figure it out in a greyhound reasonable time frame the whining will progress to barking. Usually it is go out, food, or a comfy spot on the furniture that some other mammal is occupying.


Last night Myka decided that it was past bed time and she wanted the humans in bed with her even though the movie wasn't over...

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Jeffy, his royal whineness, only whines under very specific circumstances. They include but are not limited to -


He is awake and I am not

He wants to go to bed and we do not

he wants out

he wants in

it is raining

the bathroom door is closed

the phone is ringing

he wants food

the chinchilla is looking at him

his bed needs fluffing

he wants to play

it is within 3 hours of a mealtime

he wants a walk

the garage door is opening or closing

a family member is outside and he is not

someone is having a shower



I am pretty sure it is all just karma for me making fun of Kari and Passion about her whining (Passion's, not Kari's )


Take the time to stop and smell the flowers - appreciate your everyday ordinary miracles

Carolyn, Faith, Jeff Gordon (aka Jeffy) and Oscar the chilla. Desperately missing our Stella, we'll see you later sweet girl.

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