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How I Ended Up Almost Going To Jail

Guest IndyHound

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Kicking/hitting/hurting ANY dog is unacceptable! I've stories on here even where grey owners state they will kick a dog that comes to close, so please...think about what YOU would do in this situation or if you were on the other side. (You meaning, in general anyone reading this).

Greyhound Collars : www.collartown.ca


Maggie (the human servant), with Miss Bella, racing name "A Star Blackieto"

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Annie Bella is family and nobody hurts my family. Hitting my dog is the exact same thing as if he had hit my granddaughter (or son when he was a child). My heart is pounding thinking of my Annie being in Beckett's place and me being you and what I would have done. It brings tears to my eyes thinking about a person like that man who thinks it's acceptable to hurt animals, whether his own or others. My God, how can anybody hit an animal in the face?? A person with deep issues, that's for sure. Good for you for calling the police!

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I'm just curious, why didn't you just take your dog out of the park after your first verbal exchange when he said something about his dog nipping other dogs?


We've run into our fair share of rude young dogs, and I'll warn the owner that my dog will tell their dog off if it acts inappropriately. If they're not comfortable with that they move on or I do, but usually they say the same thing this jackass did which is "He needs to learn some manners and my other dog won't tell him off, so if yours will that would be great". Of course, I've never had my dog then attacked for doing so.


But if ANYONE laid an ill hand on my dog, I promise you they would never do so again. And I'm 5'3 and 115lbs, so that tells you what kind of fury I'd be in. The only time it is acceptable to use physical force on a dog is if it is attacking you or your dog(s). And I mean actually attacking... not "I kind of thought it might possibly attack".

Kristie and the Apex Agility Greyhounds: Kili (ATChC AgMCh Lakilanni Where Eagles Fly RN IP MSCDC MTRDC ExS Bronze ExJ Bronze ) and Kenna (Lakilanni Kiss The Sky RN MADC MJDC AGDC AGEx AGExJ). Waiting at the Bridge: Retired racer Summit (Bbf Dropout) May 5, 2005-Jan 30, 2019

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I'm just curious, why didn't you just take your dog out of the park after your first verbal exchange when he said something about his dog nipping other dogs?


That's exactly what I was wondering. And how did this man get close enough to your dog to hit it, and where were you? I can barely get my dog to come to ME when he's loose and excited. If anyone approached George looking ticked off (and he must have), I'd shout at him before he got anywhere near him.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest IndyHound

I'm just curious, why didn't you just take your dog out of the park after your first verbal exchange when he said something about his dog nipping other dogs?


Mainly because there wasn't any malice in the dogs interaction. And i wasn't worried about it because they both were still playing freely with eachother. It wasn't anything to do with the dogs. It was the guy who kept overreacting.

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Guest IndyHound

I'm just curious, why didn't you just take your dog out of the park after your first verbal exchange when he said something about his dog nipping other dogs?


That's exactly what I was wondering. And how did this man get close enough to your dog to hit it, and where were you? I can barely get my dog to come to ME when he's loose and excited. If anyone approached George looking ticked off (and he must have), I'd shout at him before he got anywhere near him.


I was less that 5 to 8 feet away watching the dogs interact. His dog was just a little on the rough playful side. He wasn't being aggressive just overly playful. Had i thought that Beckett was in danger from the dog we would have left immediately and not stayed.But he and the other dog were getting along. This guy just overreacted and hod no idea what he was doing when it came to dog behavior. Oh to answer everyone's question. Yes animal control and the city police were aware of this person. As they had been called on him for excessive use of a shock collar.


He wasn't ticked off or showing any other signs of anger before he struck. His dog had run over to B and I while he was trying to leave. He came over to get his dog when this happened.

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Since I don't do dog parks, the only place I take mine to run is a local high school soccer field. If there are kids playing or someone playing with their dog(s), we go for a walk in the park instead. If they're gone when we come back by, that fine....if not, the walk will just have to do. Some people are very nice and say my dogs are welcome to come in and play with theirs, but I don't. House doesn't particularly do well with little dogs and Hitchie dislikes anything that's not a greyhound. If someone comes up while we're on the field and asks if they can come in, I ask them to please give me 5 or 10 more minutes and we'll pack it up (they're usually done in 5!). I just don't want to set myself up for trouble...with their dogs or mine. I always take a bungee cord with me since the gate doesn't shut very well and call me paranoid but I wrap it around the poles about 15 times. That stops anyone from just walking in before I can stop them and I don't have to worry about anyone even thinking of hitting one of my dogs.


Blair, Stella (DND Heather), Lizzie (M's Deadra), Hitch (Hallo Dominant) and House (Mac's Dr. House)

Missing my handsome men Lewis (Vs Lowrider) - 11/11/01 - 3/11/09, Kevin (Dakota's Hi Five) - 1/1/06 - 4/18/11 and my cat, Sparkle Baby - ??/??/96 - 4/23/11

"The gift which I am sending you is called a dog, and is, in fact, the most precious and valuable possession of mankind." (Theodorus Gaza)

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Guest avadogner

It sounds like the man was one sick, sadist. Zapping his dog over and over and then smacking your hound! Y'all just scoot on down that jail cell bench cause I here I come! I would have gone postal on that jerk. :angry: I would have probably left when he got there but hindsight is always 20/20. I am glad the police were notified too. Anyone who can hurt an animal with such glee is a small step from hurting people. It's one thing to protect yourself and pet during an aggressive attack but a totally different ball of wax to hit a dog you encouraged to play that wasn't being aggressive. It sounds like that dude is bad news!

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You most definitely did not over react. It sounds like you acted with the right amount of force, meaning strong verbal force, & thankfully did not need to escalate. There is one other thing I may have tried to do. I'd have grabbed that remote from him & crushed it!!! Though that likely would have been the cause of him escalating & then... well, everyone slide down that bench & make room for one more.


I can actually imagine someone like this could just casually smack someone else's dog without giving any overt signs he was about to strike or even getting angry. And I can also imagine him doing it as a way to vent his frustration with the other human. Would like to hope the results of this incident will have a positive effect on his behavior but I seriously doubt it.

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I used to enjoy locking up nutcases like him when I was an active duty police officer. He's obviously got mental issues and it is very sad to think of anybody dog or human who finds themeselves in the presence of such a quack who enjoys inflicting pain on underlings. Note the yellow belly ran away. Cowards,disgusting.

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Guest KennelMom

feedback: when a dog comes in that is nipping your dog and your dog is nipping back, leash your dog and leave immediately. That situation is setting up at least one dog to fail...


Visit the Lexus Project site if you need more convincing that we need to proactively protect our dogs when in public.

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Guest zoolaine

what an idiot! I once had a little kid - maybe 9 years old - say he would hit my dog Sunny with his bike. I so calmly told him "touch my dog and I will break your leg!" I felt a little bad about it later

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