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10 Yr Old Has A Sudden Limp

Guest DearCarrie

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Guest DearCarrie

Hello, I think this is a common topic amongst greyhound owners, but I'm just looking to hear of other's experiences & advice while I wait until her vet appointment, which is tomorrow afternoon. My girl is 10 years old and in great health (other than an eye condition which is now successfully treated with meds). She suddenly started to limp 9 days ago & the limp has been consistent over the 9 days. When walking or running, she won't put any weight on her back right foot. When standing she allows her foot to barely touch the floor or it hovers 1/4" or so just above the floor. I can't see or feel anything unusual on the leg or foot and she allows me to press, squeeze and manipulate her foot and toes with no response. Nothing seems to bother her about me touching her leg and foot. A few things to note - 1. over the last several months, her usual ravenous appetite has decreased ever so slightly. Every 2 or 3 days, she won't completely finish a meal. 2. I remember the vet commenting in a routine exam earlier this year that her back legs quivered slightly when raising her front legs (putting the weight on the back ones) and 3. I've noticed over the last year or so that she is panting more, which I always take as a sign of discomfort/pain, and which I thought might be part of her dry eye condition that is now under control.


I'm on pins and needles waiting for our vet appointment tomorrow & hate to assume the worst, but also don't want to be caught off guard. Any advice or wisdom would be appreciated!

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I'd have the leg x-rayed. Her diminished appetite and panting to me are also a sign of pain so I think even if the vet didn't think it necessary I would still have the leg x-rayed. Wishing you both the best.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Think of it this way: Veterinary tests like X-Rays are done to rule out things that it might be. So while it MAY be that horrible Osteosarcoma, it could possibly be Arthritis and/or Tendonitis, or even some foreign body in the foot that no-one could see.

We were so sure our Great Dane had Osteo given that her foot swelled up as well as her not putting any pressure on it, but it was a 3/4" piece of wood from the forest floor which had remained invisible to the X-Rays. Never seen a happier vet with a sample bottle.

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Guest DearCarrie

Oh yes, I definitely want to have her x-rayed! Should I ask for multiple x-rays if they don't see anything in the first one? And would these other things like arthritis and tendonitis show up in an x-ray?

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I hope that this is nothing major. Things I would check for:


1) Corns. Even if you don't see it, it is possible it is just under the surface. Squeezing the pads often elicits a pain response

2) X-rays. Do the rear legs, if you don't see anything, do the back. The vet can check for:

a. osteosarcoma

b. arthritis in the leg, hip or back

c. lumbar stenosis

3) a thorough physical exam can point to problems in the back or tendons/ligaments. Osteo is also usually painful on palpation.


Since you say that she has shown some signs of pain for almost a year (panting) I would think this increases the likelihood of arthritis but decreases the likelihood of osteo (but I am just a lay person, not a vet). You also indicated that you can press on her bones and she doesn't have a pain response. This, to me, is also more indicative of arthritis.


Since you say she shows signs of pain when she is not putting pressure on the foot, I would think that a corn would be less likely. However, corns are easy to check for and are often overlooked by vets who do not see a lot of sighthounds (they are practically unheard of in other breeds). There have been a few people here who had expensive tests done, only to find out it was a corn.


In the absence of proof of a corn, I would definitely get x-rays done. If it is osteo, time is of the essence if you would amputate. If your vet has any questions or says it is osteo, I would immediately send the digital x-ray to OSU's Greyhound Health and Wellness Program. They will review it (usually takes up to 3 days) and give their opinion at no charge. Submit a consult request here:




Good luck tomorrow,




edited to add: If the vet says osteo, have them do a lung x-ray. If they do not have a high resolution digital machine, it might be best to go to a specialist vet for this. They will look for any lung metastases. This helps determine what course of treatment is best. Send this x-ray to OSU also. However, don't wait on sending the bone x-rays if you have to wait for a specialist for the lung x-ray. Send the lung one later.


edited to add again: If I ignore your points 1, 2 and 3. The symptom could be a sign of torn ligaments. Not putting any weight would indicate a tear severe enough that a vet should be able to identify it on physical exam. This is probably not as likely as the other possibilities.

Edited by joejoesmom
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You may also want to have the x-rays taken without anesthesia and the pictures should be good enough for a diagnosis. The reason that you don't want to have anesthesia is that if they put her under, they manipulate the leg much more and in some cases, can cause additional problems when the dogs wake up.

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Guest DearCarrie

This is such wonderful advice, everyone! I'm taking notes now... I have found it's best to be informed in these situations. When my boy Hunter was diagnosed with cancer in 2009, I was so uninformed and simply ignorant to canine cancer. But fingers crossed that they discover a corn or even arthritis on Gracie...anything but osteosarcoma! Thank God we have a place like greytalk to come for help. Thank you again! I will report back tomorrow after our 4:30 appointment...

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I knew that I was going to send Bee Wiseman's X-rays off to OSU for a second opinion no matter how my vet diagnosed her limp at age 10. In Bee's case the films showed osteo quite clearly. I sent the images to OSU anyway. Having my vet put the X-rays on a CD allowed me to get the pictures out to OSU the same day. I had confirmation from OSU in less than 24 hours.


Hoping this limp is caused by something minor. :goodluck


Tricia with Kyle, our senior mutt dog 
Always missing Murray MaldivesBee Wiseman, River, Hopper, Kaia, and 
Holly Oaks Holly
“You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.“          -Bob Dylan

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You may also want to have the x-rays taken without anesthesia and the pictures should be good enough for a diagnosis. The reason that you don't want to have anesthesia is that if they put her under, they manipulate the leg much more and in some cases, can cause additional problems when the dogs wake up.


Very good point. I have never had a vet want to use anesthesia or even sedation on any of my dogs for an x-ray, so I always forget that this is standard procedure with some vets.

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Guest DearCarrie

Hello everyone, I wanted to post an update on my Gracie Greyhound... we just got home from her vet appointment. After performing a series of neurological and reflex tests, she proceeded to the x-rays (without sedation).

The good news = there was nothing visible in any of the tests or x-rays.... no signs of tumors, osteosarcoma, arthritis, lumbar stenosis. All of her joints and vertabrae all had nice spacing, which was really cool to see! She reviewed with me all of the x-rays...there were 5 of her leg at various views/angles and 1 of her back. I told her about the Ohio State University Greyhound Program, which she didn't know about, but was excited to communicate with them. She will send the x-rays off to them tomorrow for a 2nd opinion, but wanted to make a call to them also.

The bad news = we don't have a definite diagnosis. She thinks it's a pulled ligament sort of issue, for which she prescribed bed rest with no free running and leash only bathroom breaks, 7 days of Rimadyl and 7 days of Tramadol (with continued use of her everyday Duralactin, fish oil and GNC Hip & Joint Support). She expects results by Monday or Tuesday at the latest.

I'm going with this diagnosis for the moment because I'm feeling optamistic :rolleyes: AND we moved to a new house a few months ago that has a 30 inch deck in the backyard that Gracie refuses to take the steps...she jumps from the deck to the ground and back again, so I'm hoping maybe she pulled something doing those jumps.

The only thing that she didn't really explore was the search for corns...she focused on further up, above the knee, because that seemed to be the source of pain during the exam (although Gracie is so stoic, I didn't notice any change in her face throughout the exam).


Fingers crossed that this bedrest weekend makes her better. Thank you all so much for the help yesterday... I took notes and printed out info from OSU and other sources that I took with me. I felt informed and empowered today.

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I am so happy to hear this news. You can look for corns yourself. There are plenty of pictures around of what they look like. Here's hoping that she returns to normal soon with some rest and TLC. You might want to consider building a ramp to cover up the stairs on your deck so she has no choice but to take it easy.


I hope OSU will give the all clear also.


If it doesn't clear up, you might want to consider x-rays again in a few weeks to a month. It is not common, but sometimes osteo doesn't show up on initial x-rays. OSU would be better able to comment on whether they feel this would be necessary. You might also want to consult with a specialist if it doesn't clear up.



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That is good news! I hope you can eventually determine what is causing the limp but very glad the x-rays were clean.

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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I hope that Gracie is gracious about taking it easy. :) If you're not already aware, watch for any signs of problems with the Rimadyl -- the vast majority of dogs don't have any, but they can be extremely serious for the unfortunate minority. It caused bloody stools in one of my dogs, for instance. Wishing her a happy recovery.


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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Welcome to GT and I hope that there is nothing seriously wrong with Gracie. Please update when you can!

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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