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Need Help Understanding If My Greyhound Is Really Sick Or Not..

Guest EliseA89

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Guest EliseA89

Hello everyone!

I am very lost. I rescued my Greyhound in October of last year and since then have been thrown around by multiple veternarians who have refused to work on him and I have been told that he has kidney, liver, and bladder issues. But everything I have read online tells me that maybe he is what is considered "normal" for his breed. This is my first grey and I am from Ohio and vets in my area are not very familiar with the breed. I love my dog dearly but the amount of money I am spending and never getting any answers is very frustrating.

First off the day that I adopted him I was told he tested positive for Ehrlichia. They gave me the Doxy and I treated him for 4 weeks. He seemed to be doing just fine after that. Several months later I noticed his urine was strong and his urethra seemed to be inflammed so I took a urine sample in the next day that was his first morning urine and there was some bilirubin (which I have read that its normal for a moderate amount of bilirubin in males urine) and lots of blood. I then set up an appointment for him to be seen and we ran another 4dx and he was positive for Ehrlichia again, 10% dehydrated, his Creatinine was 2.4, his platelets were 143 K/uL and his RBC's, HCT, and HBG were all high. They chose to hospitalize him over night and run IV fluids. They also started him on the Doxy again for 4 weeks. I found out the next morning he was so stressed there that he spiked a temp of 104.5 and so he was sent home. At that time they told me that he may have a bile duct block, bladder stones, or kidney infection. She did call and consult with a vet from OSU and was informed that a 2.4 CREA was the "higher end of normal" and he did not seem to be worried at all. If there was somthing to be worried about, it was maybe that he had Lepto, or a UTI or kidney infection. Either way Doxy is the drug of choice so I continued.

While on the Doxy, he lost 3.5 pounds in one month and would lay and pant for no reason. I was told he was probably not feeling well from the Doxy. After the 4 weeks of treatment I took him in for an ultrasound but they found nothing.

A month went by and he was doing great so I scheduled him to have a dental cleaning and they declined because his bloodwork came back bad again. His CREA was still a 2.4, and his platelets went down to 117 K/uL. RBC's, HCT, and HGB was also still high, each level was a little higher than the last blood work. It was 3 months apart from the bloodwork.

I am concerned about his platelets. And no one seems to be able to give me any answers or want to help for fear that something will happen to him.

Since all of this, his urine has been rechecked twice, the first time there was no more blood, and the second there was blood again but no inflammation in his urethra. He has not lost anymore weight and seems to be happy, running and playing at the park like he was before the Doxy. I have been told they do not want to see him anymore, if I need anything I need to take him to OSU. Now, I am in college and don't have a lot of extra money so I feel like I need some advice.

If anyone can help I appreciate it very much!

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Did they not treat his urinary tract / kidney infection? If he's got blood in his urine, he almost certainly has one, and it should be treated ASAP.


Platelets can vary a lot from sample to sample, and the count can also depend on sample handling. 117K is fine.


Can you post his values and the lab's normal range for Hct, Hgb, Rbc's, and the Cre? Greyhounds run high on all of those things so chances are the values are normal.


OSU's greyhound health & wellness program has a consultation form where you could submit his bloodwork (scans of the actual lab reports would be best) and get their assessment for free. I don't have the link offhand but someone here will.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Where are you located in Ohio?

That was going to be my question. Why not go straight to OSU-- I travel there from NJ for their expert care.

Sounds to me that your hound has an untreated uti. Did they ever culture the urine? The rest of your hounds bloodwork seems like it just be normal gh values. Go to OSU.

Edited by tbhounds
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Guest EliseA89

For the first bloodwork his RBC's were 9.08 M/uL, HCT was 65.1%, and HGB was 21.2g/dL. The next set of bloodwork showed that the RBC's were 9.74 M/uL, HCT was 71.8% and HGB WAS 20.7 G/dL.

Its nice to know that his values seem normal, from everything that I have read it made me wonder if he was..

He is on ammoxicillin for the blood in his urine now. I was told it is not very common for male dogs to have UTI's though, and since it cleared up once and then happned again that makes them concerned about stones. I will be getting an x-ray done soon after I recheck the next urine sample.

I am located in Wooster, Ohio. I have looked into the Ohio State Greyhound Wellness Program and I am unable to send them a consultation without signing up as a member. But maybe I am wrong, I will look further into it and see.

Thank you so much for your responses!

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You can send them a consultation form without being a member. They want you to be a member but they will respond even if you aren't.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest EliseA89

His CREA was 2.4 both times as well. Sorry I left that out!

No they have never asked me to culture his urine either..

My other fear is that its a two hour drive, I do not have a problem with that but he is very nervous and anxious, often getting a fever/diarrhea. So I just wanted to get another opionion on here first but I will be in contact with OSU soon.

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Guest boondog

I'm in Columbus, so that's why I asked where you live. OSU is definitely the place to go. I don't know any vets in the Wooster area, but I know people who probably do. You can't send PM's yet, but you can email me at cogr @ att . net (just take out the spaces) if you need anything.

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Guest peacehound

For the first bloodwork his RBC's were 9.08 M/uL, HCT was 65.1%, and HGB was 21.2g/dL. The next set of bloodwork showed that the RBC's were 9.74 M/uL, HCT was 71.8% and HGB WAS 20.7 G/dL.

Its nice to know that his values seem normal, from everything that I have read it made me wonder if he was..

He is on ammoxicillin for the blood in his urine now. I was told it is not very common for male dogs to have UTI's though, and since it cleared up once and then happned again that makes them concerned about stones. I will be getting an x-ray done soon after I recheck the next urine sample.

I am located in Wooster, Ohio. I have looked into the Ohio State Greyhound Wellness Program and I am unable to send them a consultation without signing up as a member. But maybe I am wrong, I will look further into it and see.

Thank you so much for your responses!


Goodness, I am here in Wooster!! I know of just one other grey in the area, excited to see another one. I go to the vets in Orrville at Orrville Vet Hospital. We see both Dr. Fink and Dr. Jackwood. They both are OSU grads and seem to be great with our girl, we have gone there for three years since adopting her. Just this month, we did travel to Columbus to go to the OSU for unexplained limping, the vets in Orrville sent all her records and xrays for us and were very helpful. OSU examined Peace for seven hours and gave a very detailed report/diagnosis. The entire visit was only 122 dollars and worth every penny. Peace is now on Adequan and responding wonderfully. I would suggest going to see them, we are very lucky to live so close. Let me know how things go and if you would ever like to get the greys together. Peace is almost ten and can't run much anymore because of old injuries/arthritis but a walk would be nice. Good luck

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He is on ammoxicillin for the blood in his urine now. I was told it is not very common for male dogs to have UTI's though, and since it cleared up once and then happned again that makes them concerned about stones. I will be getting an x-ray done soon after I recheck the next urine sample.

My male dog has had UTI's, as have several others that have been discussed on GT. This seems a good time to get on my soapbox about docs who practice what I call demographic medicine. If something isn't "common" in a given population, the doc doesn't pursue it seriously. Well, it doesn't matter if it's common, to the one who actually has it! And amoxicillin is not a first-line drug for a UTI, as far as I know. Untreated or under-treated UTI's can easily lead to kidney problems, so I hope OSU or the other vet that was recommended to you can get a handle on the situation. (I spent the better part of the last year with a vet who treated my boy as if he were just incontinent, even after his urine cultured positive for E. coli repeatedly! :angryfire Now he does have kidney trouble, despite kidney values that are greyhound normal).


I'm so very sorry for what you and your boy have been through. You have certainly made every effort to get to the bottom of this!

Edited by greyhead
Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Guest Mom2Shiloh

I hope so much that between your consult with OSU (bless them) and the vets that Peacehound recommended things will resolve soon and you can breath a sigh of relief. I am so Angry that you had to go through so much garbage, honestly. Once you're set up with a greyhound savvy vet and have OSU to consult as well things should be much better And less expensive.


Agree Amoxi is Not the first choice for UTI's and when your dog has one, he has one.. common shmommon dummies :angryfire . It's also fairly common with an Erlichia (one type of which is now called Anaplasmosis) to need up to 8 weeks on Doxy to get a complete cure. Any antibiotic needs to be given with food, never on an empty stomach and you absolutely need to give probiotics with antibiotics -- that helps with the nausea and also to prevent urinary tract and intestinal problems. Greyhounds have many, many differences from other breeds of dog -- larger heart, much higher concentrations of red blood cells etc. etc. --- if a vet is going to have a general practice they should either be well educated on these differences or, minimally, be willing to let you educate them. Dr. Suzanne Stack has a website that lists a lot of the Greyhound Blood values and I've printed them up and given them to my vets in the past -- fortunately the vets I see now are fairly greyhound savvy and open to suggestions when I make them.


Good luck and please keep us posted.. and thank you for trying so hard for your boy.

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First off, how is your greyhound doing? Is he acting sick, or are you noticing any problems? The only problem I really see is the blood in his urine. If he had bladder stones, they should have been found on the ultrasound, so you shouldn't need x-rays. The bloodwork values you mentioned all look pretty normal for a greyhound. Here's a link to Dr. Stack's article on greyhound bloodwork that Carla mentioned. And here's a Greyhound Health Packet put together by a vet that explains most of the common medical differences seen in the breed.


Testing positive for Ehrlichia on a 4DX test does not mean he has an active infection. It just tests for antibodies, which could also mean that he's either been exposed, or had it in the past.


Was he sick when you took him to the vet where they found him to be 10% dehydrated and hospitalized him on IV fluids? Why was he dehydrated? What made them decide to hospitalize and do the IVs? Why were they thinking he might have a bile duct block? Were any of his liver values off on the bloodwork?


Glad you sent a consultation to OSU, even if it's just for your peace of mind. For anyone else who reads this thread and needs it, here's the link to the free Greyhound Health and Wellness Program Consultation Service.


Btw, amoxicillin is probably the most common first line antibiotic for UTIs. Here's a previous thread on guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of UTIs.

Jennifer &

Willow (Wilma Waggle), Wiki (Wiki Hard Ten), Carter (Let's Get It On),

Ollie (whippet), Gracie (whippet x), & Terra (whippet) + Just Saying + Just Alice


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As others have already covered most of what I was thinking. Will just add the following.


My girl was on doxy for Lyme and it zapped her appetite. She was losing weight fast but nothing else seemed wrong with her & blood work was unchanged. Finally ended up using low dose of metoclopramide which solved the prob. Doxy messed with me in a similar way for the first few weeks I was on it. Now at week five it isn't a problem.


Have had multiple vets prescribe Clavamox as the first drug for treating a UTI. In recent years, since some generic anti-b's became free, they sometimes just prescribe amoxicillin. Though one vet preferred Baytril & yet another, with my dog who had only one kidney & history of urinary issues, went straight to a Baytril + Clavamox combo. It just depends on the animal, prior health history & vet involved.


Hope OSU can offer you some insight. Glad to see a GTer has a vet recommendation for you. Good luck. Sounds like your boy will be fine with the right veterinary staff assisting you.

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My dog was on Doxy for almost a year, and it had no side effects (very long story as to why) such as you describe. I guess every dog is different.


George's creatinine is ALWAYS 2+. When viewed in light of a normal urine specific gravity and normal BUN, it's not a concern. But I went through, to an extent, the same thing. Test after test after test. I finally emailed OSU, and Dr. C himself wrote back, "There is no reason to continue testing this dog based on his creatinine. I consider it within normal range for a Greyhound." Handed the email to my vet, and she backed off.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest EliseA89

First off, how is your greyhound doing? Is he acting sick, or are you noticing any problems? The only problem I really see is the blood in his urine. If he had bladder stones, they should have been found on the ultrasound, so you shouldn't need x-rays. The bloodwork values you mentioned all look pretty normal for a greyhound. Here's a link to Dr. Stack's article on greyhound bloodwork that Carla mentioned. And here's a Greyhound Health Packet put together by a vet that explains most of the common medical differences seen in the breed.


Testing positive for Ehrlichia on a 4DX test does not mean he has an active infection. It just tests for antibodies, which could also mean that he's either been exposed, or had it in the past.


Was he sick when you took him to the vet where they found him to be 10% dehydrated and hospitalized him on IV fluids? Why was he dehydrated? What made them decide to hospitalize and do the IVs? Why were they thinking he might have a bile duct block? Were any of his liver values off on the bloodwork?


Glad you sent a consultation to OSU, even if it's just for your peace of mind. For anyone else who reads this thread and needs it, here's the link to the free Greyhound Health and Wellness Program Consultation Service.


Btw, amoxicillin is probably the most common first line antibiotic for UTIs. Here's a previous thread on guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of UTIs.


My greyhound seems to be doing great. He eats and drinks well, plays and has never shown any sign that he didn't feel well other then when he was on the Doxy. I had no idea that he was 10% dehydrated which sounds a little crazy but he was acting fine, I only took him in because they wanted to see his urethra and check some blood work. The reason they thought he may have a blocked bile duct was because of the bilirubin in his urine (which can be normal for male greys to have I'm learning) but after that they never said anything else about his liver. His liver values were all normal and they weren't sure why he was so dehydrated. He ALWAYS has water available at home and so they thought for sure he was very sick with something. But since I have had him home he is back to his normal self and that is why I have been so confused why they think there is something wrong with him.

Also I printed off all of the medical packets and bloodwork readings and took them with me and no one would look at them. I have a whole binder plus more on Greyhounds I take with me but it never seems to matter.. (I think maybe its because I am employed there and I'm young so they don't listen well and I always spend a ton of money..) :angryfire That goes for ANY of my pets though, so I have considered taking them elsewhere from now on..


For the first bloodwork his RBC's were 9.08 M/uL, HCT was 65.1%, and HGB was 21.2g/dL. The next set of bloodwork showed that the RBC's were 9.74 M/uL, HCT was 71.8% and HGB WAS 20.7 G/dL.

Its nice to know that his values seem normal, from everything that I have read it made me wonder if he was..

He is on ammoxicillin for the blood in his urine now. I was told it is not very common for male dogs to have UTI's though, and since it cleared up once and then happned again that makes them concerned about stones. I will be getting an x-ray done soon after I recheck the next urine sample.

I am located in Wooster, Ohio. I have looked into the Ohio State Greyhound Wellness Program and I am unable to send them a consultation without signing up as a member. But maybe I am wrong, I will look further into it and see.

Thank you so much for your responses!


Goodness, I am here in Wooster!! I know of just one other grey in the area, excited to see another one. I go to the vets in Orrville at Orrville Vet Hospital. We see both Dr. Fink and Dr. Jackwood. They both are OSU grads and seem to be great with our girl, we have gone there for three years since adopting her. Just this month, we did travel to Columbus to go to the OSU for unexplained limping, the vets in Orrville sent all her records and xrays for us and were very helpful. OSU examined Peace for seven hours and gave a very detailed report/diagnosis. The entire visit was only 122 dollars and worth every penny. Peace is now on Adequan and responding wonderfully. I would suggest going to see them, we are very lucky to live so close. Let me know how things go and if you would ever like to get the greys together. Peace is almost ten and can't run much anymore because of old injuries/arthritis but a walk would be nice. Good luck


For the first bloodwork his RBC's were 9.08 M/uL, HCT was 65.1%, and HGB was 21.2g/dL. The next set of bloodwork showed that the RBC's were 9.74 M/uL, HCT was 71.8% and HGB WAS 20.7 G/dL.

Its nice to know that his values seem normal, from everything that I have read it made me wonder if he was..

He is on ammoxicillin for the blood in his urine now. I was told it is not very common for male dogs to have UTI's though, and since it cleared up once and then happned again that makes them concerned about stones. I will be getting an x-ray done soon after I recheck the next urine sample.

I am located in Wooster, Ohio. I have looked into the Ohio State Greyhound Wellness Program and I am unable to send them a consultation without signing up as a member. But maybe I am wrong, I will look further into it and see.

Thank you so much for your responses!


Goodness, I am here in Wooster!! I know of just one other grey in the area, excited to see another one. I go to the vets in Orrville at Orrville Vet Hospital. We see both Dr. Fink and Dr. Jackwood. They both are OSU grads and seem to be great with our girl, we have gone there for three years since adopting her. Just this month, we did travel to Columbus to go to the OSU for unexplained limping, the vets in Orrville sent all her records and xrays for us and were very helpful. OSU examined Peace for seven hours and gave a very detailed report/diagnosis. The entire visit was only 122 dollars and worth every penny. Peace is now on Adequan and responding wonderfully. I would suggest going to see them, we are very lucky to live so close. Let me know how things go and if you would ever like to get the greys together. Peace is almost ten and can't run much anymore because of old injuries/arthritis but a walk would be nice. Good luck

Thank you so much! I will have to keep them in mind and take Tommy over there then! I think I have seen you and your Grey actually. We live in the OSU/ATI area and from the grey in your picture I thought it may be you! My Tommy sure loves walking up through the ATI :) Thanks so much again and maybe we will be seeing you around!

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I'd find a new vet.


I gave all the Greyhound stuff to my new vet. She happily read it. She also consulted with a friend of hers who is a vet and a greyhound owner. She's also contacted my old vet to ask questions. I personally think that is inexcusable these days for a vet to not be familiar with Greyhound values (c'mon folks, there are a LOT of Greyhound pets out there!)--but to refuse to even look at the literature?


Oh, an my dog has a tiny bit of bilirubin in his urine, and it IS normal.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest EliseA89

Thank you all so much for your advice! You have all really helped me understand a lot and I will keep everyone posted on what OSU has to say! :)

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I don't have anything else to add regarding your dog's "illness". I do think it is a crime that your vet wouldn't look at the paperwork on normal greyhound values and then did what appears to be expensive and unnecessary tests. :angryfire


I am in Columbus and have a friend in Wooster with greyhounds. I would be happy to get you in touch with her. You can call me at 614-523-0754 or email at finewhipador-drool@yahoo.com. Right now she is swamped with ill parents but I'm sure she would love to get together with other Woosterites at some point in the future. Also, if the other vet doesn't work out, I'm sure she would provide the name of hers.



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Guest peacehound

OP...I walk Peace twice a day at the OARDC/ATI early AM before work from 730 to 800 or so and again after work for 15 minutes at 5. We live right across the highway on Sadie Lane and absolutely love walking her there. There's a ballfield right beside Walmart that we use to let her run at several times a week before she got older, it's a nice area, usually empty, I use to take a bungee cord for the gate so she couldn't push it open. Hope everything turns out just great for your grey.

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Guest EliseA89

I couldn't agree more. I was very upset that neither of the two vets even bothered to look at any of my paperwork or even look it up themselves.


Good new! OSU responded and reported that his labs are normal. Welcomed us down for a dental if needed as well.

Thank you all for your support and advice :)

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