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Poop Too Firm

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"Poop too firm". We don't hear that very often, do we?


A friend's senior italian greyhound has the firmest, bounciest poop. He does seem to be struggling a bit to get it out.

He used to get yams and green beans but stopping those didn't help.

What can he be given to facilitate the poop's exit?

Some kind of oil? Which kind and how much?


Adding a wet dog food of some kind?

We don't want this little fella going from almost constipated to runny poop.


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

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Guest GreytMom333

Has your friend tried feeling his hound canned pumpkin? I mix it with my hounds kibble, add a little warm to first soften the kibble, add brown rice and pumpkin for their evening meal. They have really good 'poops' on a consistent basis. Pumpkin is loaded with fiber and fiber helps to keep things moving in the right direction.


A friend of mine also swears by pumpkin to keep things 'right' for her dog.


Good luck to your friend and the little pooper. :rolleyes:

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I would think that pumpkin and yams would have similar effects. Most folks say the pumpkin will firm up the poop. But with my Gracie it made things worse.


I'm curious to see what others may have experienced with either vegetable.


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

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pumpkin actually should help either way, the fiber bulks up soft poo (doesn't really help true diarrhea) and loosens up too-firm poo. If that doesn't work, metamucil (same as pumpkin, works both ways), a small amount since it's a small dog, or maybe fish oil? Fish oil caps give two of my greys very loose poop.


I used to give my rabbit a metamucil wafer, 1 wafer=7 # rabbit per day.

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I would also increase water intake by adding wet/canned food, or adding water to the dry food.


I wouldn't recommend epsom salt, especially not as a long term solution. It's more appropriate for short term use as a laxative, and chronic use can cause too high of a magnesium level in the bloodstream and lead to other health problems. Also not recommended if there are any underlying problems like kidney disease or heart disease, and with a senior dog, we can't assume there aren't any other problems.

Jennifer &

Willow (Wilma Waggle), Wiki (Wiki Hard Ten), Carter (Let's Get It On),

Ollie (whippet), Gracie (whippet x), & Terra (whippet) + Just Saying + Just Alice


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Guest eaglflyt

We've had this happen on occasion. I add some unsweetened apple sauce and it always works. Also, make sure their pup has plenty of fresh, clean water offered at all times.


We also always wet down all kibble at each meal to increase the moisture content and add a bit of canned food too.

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"Poop too firm". We don't hear that very often, do we?


A friend's senior italian greyhound has the firmest, bounciest poop. He does seem to be struggling a bit to get it out.

He used to get yams and green beans but stopping those didn't help.

What can he be given to facilitate the poop's exit?

Some kind of oil? Which kind and how much?


Adding a wet dog food of some kind?

We don't want this little fella going from almost constipated to runny poop.


Won't have to worry about getting the dogs anal glands expressed. :lol


Mom to Melly and Dani

Greyhound Bridge Angels - Jessie, Brittne, Buddy,

Red, Chica, Ford and Dodge.

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We had the same issue on our senior grey and we started using mineral oil in the a.m. and p.m. and it helped. The holistic vet also suggested marshmallow root which also helped our cat when she was "plugged" up because they were so hard coming out.



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I was just contemplating this same issue with my Dustin. As many of your know, he has had several rounds of bloody diarreah and is now on prescription diet - kibble. I give him a few treats....and some wheat bread, which seems to help him with acid....


On the flip side when he is healthy, his poop are like little rocks...and the poor guy struggles to get them out. Only if he does a second pile after his walk does it soften up. He always was on the firm side - even before the precription diet, but now it's even more noticable.


He has his annual check-up next week and I am going to ask his vet as she hasn't seen him since he went on the prescription diet.


In his case, I'm hesitant to add anything to soften it out of fear that it will mess with his system.


Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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