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How To Teach Her To Get On The Couch?

Guest Tabby

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Guest Tabby

Hello all! We have had Tabby for about a month now and she is settling in very nicely. I do have a question though.....she wont even offer to get on a bed or couch. She only will sleep or lay on the green rug she stole from my teenage daughter's room and in her crate. I have even had my DH pick her up and put her on the bed but she justs shakes and jumps off. She is way more timid than we thought she was. She was very confident at the adoption center but since being here she is very timid. Weird things scare her and other things you think should...dont. Will she just "learn" after time?





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Guest 4dogscrazy

Laura, some houndies just never get on the couch...some climb up the first day and never move! My boy is a typical male and is not a good jumper. We spent a good deal of time teaching him how to jump on beds, he was so proud the first time! My small black female can do a vertical jump straight up into the air with no running start, but choses not to get on the couch at all. Piper is not a good jumper, I assume from a broken hock, and she is timid. I would let her settle a bit, then start teaching. Put the front two legs up and see what they do. I will tell you though that the one time piper was on my bed with me, during a thunderstorm, she growled at me when I moved. Some things are better left alone! LOL

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She may need more time to settle in before learning the couch.


With that said, neither of mine get on the furniture but I did have a foster once who thought my bed was his :rolleyes: I had to watch him closely as we're not supposed to let fosters on the furniture! :lol :lol


I have been able to coax Zelda onto my futon, one paw at a time, but as soon as I let go she jumps off.


Pop REFUSES to keep his paw on the furniture...you put his paw up, he pulls it down :blush So the only way I have cuddly dogs is to lay on the carpet with them.

greytalk signature 2020.jpg

Marble, Noah, Eden, Raya (red heeler), Cooper & Trooper (naughty kittens)

Missing my bridge angels: Pop, Zelda, Mousey & Carmel

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Guest Tabby

Laying on her green shaggy rug with her is where we cuddle now...If I can get a pic I will post her and her rug. I know it sounds weird but I would love to cuddle with her on the couch. :blush

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It took our Darcy well over a year to get on our couch. DH would put her on there and she looked so miserable. Then, one day, she finally decided the couch looked like a pretty darn good place. She loves the couch and bed now. It took a long time for Darcy to come out of her shell. Not surprising considering she lived at the kennel until she was 6 y/o. She is now one of our cuddliest greyhounds at the age of 10 y/o.

Laura with Celeste (ICU Celeste) and Galgos Beatrix and Encarna
The Horse - Gracie (MD Grace E)
Bridge Angels Faye Oops (Santa Fe Oops), Bonny (
Bonny Drive), Darcy (D's Zipperfoot)



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I have had 3 hounds who will not get up on a bed or a chair or a couch, just wouldn't do it, even if I put them up on the bed or couch! The rest of em love/loved the beds and couches! I have no idea why some wouldn't get up, not a clue!

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It took Murray about two years to get up on the couch. How did he finally learn? By watching Bee Wiseman do it everyday. :)


Tricia with Kyle, our senior mutt dog 
Always missing Murray MaldivesBee Wiseman, River, Hopper, Kaia, and 
Holly Oaks Holly
“You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.“          -Bob Dylan

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Um, sorry Laura. I can't help. The only dog who has been allowed on my sofa was the senior Grey I adopted at age 10 yo. When he died I actually go rid of "his" sofa to prevent another dog from getting on it. I love my dogs as much as anyone, & likely have them with me much more than anyone, yet I really don't want to have them on the furniture.


In seriousness though, you should try just working on basic training & confidence raising exercises. When she feels comfortable that your space is at least part of her space she will likely be willing to start sharing the couch with you.


Good luck. If you need a place to start try this website: http://www.sue-eh.ca/page24/ TRAINING LEVELS the first incarnation is a greyt place to start.

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Guest BrianRke

My first grey, Cleo, did the exact same thing. She would never get on a couch or a bed. When I would pick her up and put her on the furniture, she would shake and jump off immediately. I had her for 8 years and she never got on any furniture except for one couch in the Living Room that was never used. It was "her couch".

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This question makes me laugh and remember when!


George was the same way. Has still never been on a couch. I actually put him on the bed and sat up there with him, feeding him biscuits, a few times. But it was 18 months until he actually STAYED on the bed. Now I can't get the darn dog off, and he's a bed hog!


Be careful what you wish for!!




Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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How about putting "her" rug on the couch? Maybe that will let her know she's welcome there.

Or maybe it will make her think you're taking her rug away from her. Who knows? Just a thought.

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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Guest HHHounds

Do you really want her on your couch? Sorry, but we have 3 hounds (also 3 teens) and we have nice furniture so no dogs on the couches or beds. We do have many wonderful Costco dog beds scattered around the house for the houdies so they have many places to lay and be with us...

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Guest DebSzal

There was a time I remember when I desperately wanted Primo,our second grey, to get up on the couch and bed. Gracie had no trouble and needed no encouragement. She did get a little spooked of the couch when her leg got stuck in between the cushions of the couch, but she quickly got over it. She was the queen of the couch and bed, so I gave up on encouraging Primo to join us. Then one day, Primo got cornered by a cat and the only way out was up on the bed. Once he realized it was a giant soft place, there was no going back. He started racing into bed at night and then growled at Gracie when she tried to join us. Needless to say, I had to correct that right away. Now they both are content to share. He tried the couch all by himself and I have no words of wisdom as to how to encourage the first step. I gave up trying to show him and he explored it on his own terms. I imagine that might be the same for you, although it is hard to be patient while you wait for them to get it.


As a caution, remember once she learns to be comfortable on the couch/bed there will be no going back. So be careful what you wish for. Life was much easier when Primo was happy sleeping on his beds around the house and we got much more space on the bed to sleep. But when they snuggle up at night and give contented sighs, I quietly give in and move over.

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Guest Liz_in_PA

And once the dog is on the couch, then the head is on your laptop--which makes it remarkably challenging to type. Or the head is wedged behind your back breathing heavily and hotly--much like a choo choo.


And the kids aren't too crazy about negotiating sofa space with the dogs. Perhaps you should enjoy the short time of sofa ownership that you still have.

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I'd say be thankful she doesn't want to go on your furniture!


I'll second that. She just might be very comfortable staying on her green rug. Franny doesn't go on the furniture/beds either, and that's be her choice.

Jodie D (hope to have another grey name her soon)
Missing my Bridge Babies:
Rusty (Cut a Rusty) 10/18/95-06/09/09
Solo (Tali Solo Nino) 01/10/98-03/25/10
Franny (Frohmader) 02/28/04-08/31/17

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Guest shanesmom

It took Elton 3 years to get on the couch and bed. He was terrified of them and the all of a sudden one day he just walked right up on the bed and then the couch like he had been doing it forever.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Ledalia

When we first brought Odin home he did the same thing. He refused to get on the couch or bed. We tried helping him but he seemed really frightened so we gave up. A few weeks later, one day he just jumped up on his own and he's been doing it ever since! I think your girl just needs a little more time to get comfortable. Odin likes to lay on the couch and will climb on the bed if we are in the room, but he refuses to sleep there - he prefers his dog bed! No complaints here about that! Also, whenever we take him to a family or friend's house he never gets on the furniture so I think it's just a matter of feeling at home. Good luck!

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Sammi was the queen of my couch at the home visit and already eyeing my bed with interest :lol Fast forward 5 years, I have forgotten what it feels like to have the couch to myself. So be careful what you wish for ;)


We recently moved, so as for my bed, which is in a "loft" now (4+ feet off the ground), I am trying to devise a way to build a ramp for her to get up and down from there because she whines that she can't sleep with Mommy atm. Okay... and I feel strange not having her next to me at night... :blush She's gotten up there when we first moved in, but the jump down scared her and I both. But I was pretty amazed that she did that height in a jump!

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Guest FullMetalFrank

I just love this post :) a testament to how much we adore our hounds, wanting to train them to get ON the furniture! :lol Seriously, though, while my girls readily jump on the couch (and sometimes even share it with the humans) Frank has never been a couch or bed hound. He likes his comfy Costco beds on the floor just fine. The only exception is in our travel trailer, they all get on the furniture in it.

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Guest Tabby



Tabby will now excitedly place both front paws on the bed. so, as she becomes more comfortable with the idea I think one day she will discover how wonderful it is! :colgate

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No hounds are allowed on human furniture here. Just to share our reasons: it's not only because it's nice to keep some human areas undamaged and leaving space open for human use. Most importantly, "some" hounds can become possessive of "their" resting/sleeping space. This elevates a hound to your resting space, and your face / head level. This can raise the dog's perceived level in the family "pack". Not good to get up in the middle of the night only to have a growling, snapping large-mouth hound not letting a person get back in bed, or not letting a human sit on the only sofa in a room. If your hound happens to have sleep aggression, awakens from a dream biting whatever is close, your head could become the target before the hound realizes (or cares) that it's you.


It never hurts to wait at least 6 months for a newly retired hound to settle into their new environment in a family home (1 month is not long enough to settle IMO) before inviting them on human furniture. Your hound still has a lot more of her temperament to reveal. This extra time allows new owners to watch their hound's personality unfold, can help the hound learn family pack levels, and to be respectful of the humans before letting them on furniture. Many retired racing Greyhounds' personalities are very slow to blossom, we see a variety of changes in Greyhounds within the first 2-3 years (mostly positive).


I know many people have no problems with hounds on furniture, but many people DO have problems and later regret it. It becomes even more important if children are ever the house, or if they are expected in the coming years. "Let sleeping dogs lie."


I don't mean to scare you, this is simply a safety caution to consider with all dogs.


Edited to add - Congratulations on your new girl!! :colgate Greyhounds are truly the best ever!!

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Guest Tabby

I am not meaning to start anything but even though Tabby is my first Grey she is by far not my first rescue. I have owned and foster/resuced English Mastiffs for over 10 years. I always will be and have been the leader of my pack and there is no grey area (no pun intended) on that in my house. All my dogs know who the boss is. I am not mean but just in general have a dominant personality. (ask my husband... ;) ). The good thing is I know when and how to address any resource guarding. I do appreciate the advice b/c not all people have been around the block as much as I have.





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I am not meaning to start anything but even though Tabby is my first Grey she is by far not my first rescue. I have owned and foster/resuced English Mastiffs for over 10 years. I always will be and have been the leader of my pack and there is no grey area (no pun intended) on that in my house. All my dogs know who the boss is. I am not mean but just in general have a dominant personality. (ask my husband... ;) ). The good thing is I know when and how to address any resource guarding. I do appreciate the advice b/c not all people have been around the block as much as I have.






Excellent, I'm glad to read this. You are right, since this is a public forum, many people new to dogs and Greyhounds read (and learn from) GT. ;)

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