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6 Banannas At Once... What Happens Next?

Guest quinoa

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Guest quinoa

Rocket ate a bunch of banannas this evening - just the insides, while somehow avoidig the peels. (my husband saw the devastation, i did not) Any ideas what to expect tomorrow?

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My guess either nothing or a whole lot of big D. I know banana's can be binding for some people, don't know if it works the same way for dogs though.

Edited by JillysFullHouse

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Jeez...mine won't touch fruit to save their lives!


I don't think you'd have any big issues, but that's a guess. You may have discovered a healthy treat inthe process (in moderation, of course!). Now sure what a canine's potassium needs are?!

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Guest Sunset123



The one and only time that I let Arrisa have a whole banana I had to aim a fan at her bed while we slept so I wouldn't suffocate in my bedroom.

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Guest Stripeyfan

Kelly has IBD and can eat a whole banana without any ill effects... not sure about a whole bunch though! I expect Rocket'll be ok though.

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I'm on a vegan dog yahoo group where at least one owner feeds his dogs *primarily* on bananas! I'm not advocating that (at all), just sayin' it probably won't hurt yours. Good luck to you both!


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Good luck!!! :lol I am amazed that Rocket was able to peel them....hmph...and they say that we are superior because of our opposable thumbs.....Apparently, the hounds have adapted.


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Rocket ate a bunch of banannas this evening - just the insides, while somehow avoidig the peels. (my husband saw the devastation, i did not) Any ideas what to expect tomorrow?


within a few weeks of bringing win home he ate a whole bunch of banannas, peels and all - left the stems :) i phoned the vet frantic who laughed and said he would have gas, maybe big d and the peels may come out in-tact (ewww) but nothing - nope - nada - gas was about as bad as usual, no d and didn't see a thing - it's probably been 5 years ago, so i'm saying you're just fine.

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Guest sheila

I would imagine the worst that will happen might be some tummy upset and poop issues.

Also a bit off topic but I knew a guy whose dog ate a banana peel out of the garbage. The next day the dog pooped the whole intact peel. I couldn't resist asking him, 'When your dog 'peels out' like that, does it leave skid marks?'

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