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Twistmas Probably Has Lymphoma

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Some of you know that in addition to my greyhound Joe, I have two whipador sisters, Twister and Shelby. Their mom was a pure whippet who was rescued from a local shelter one hour before she was to be euthanized for lack of space. When she was rescued she was pregnant with four puppies. Once the puppies were born it was clear that Dad was a black labrador, either full or large part. Well I ended up with two of the sisters. They were born 14 years and 8 months ago and have had happy lives. Twister came to me when she was 4 months old, after having her first two months in an abusive home. Shelby needed to be rehomed when she was 2 and came to me from a very happy home.


Twister (aka Twistmas) helped see me through some very tough times shortly after I adopted her. She is a sensitive soul but loves me with all her heart. I love her so much.


She hasn't been eating well for the last few weeks. Late last week I noticed a slightly swollen lymph node in her neck and made an appointment for a checkup and bloodwork for next week at my low cost vet. Yesterday afternoon, she started being wobbly and having trouble walking. I immediately took her to my closest (but not cheap) vet who let me come in just as they were closing. They did a thorough physical and also did a couple of x-rays and aspirated the lymph node. On exam, she had some mild symptoms of vestibular disease but she also had symptoms indicating the problem might be in the central nervous system. The vet felt it was probably central nervous system (i.e. brain). The slides from the aspirate were suspicious for lymphoma. The x-rays didn't show any obvious masses but one of the two vets who looked at them thought he saw an enlarged lymph node in her abdomen but wasn't confident of this. She also had a somewhat tender stomach and exhibited mild back pain and stiffness in her hips and knee. This was consistent with her history (she blew out her knee and she is 14 1/2 after all). So they sent me home with instructions to use meclizine for 7 days (to help any nausea) and tramadol as needed in case the pain was severe enough to cause issues with walking. They also instructed me to do subcutaneous fluids if she became at all dehydrated and to bring her back in for IV fluids if necessary. They gave me several possible diagnoses: they feel she likely has lymphoma, if it had invaded her brain it would have caused the walking issues and prognosis was very poor; she could have old age vestibular disease in addition to the likely lymphoma; she could have had a stroke (she does take meds for high blood pressure). My vet doesn't have the ability to do a chem profile in house so I elected to wait until Monday to do a full CBC at my low cost vet (1/3 the cost). They gave me the slides to take into OSU.


I abused the priviledge of knowing all the oncologists at OSU and called Dr. Urie (who was on call this weekend). My main goal was to find out what tests I should have my inexpensive vet run. It just so happens that my other whipador is going in on Monday (tomorrow) for an abdominal ultrasound. My low cost vet has an ultrasound vet come in once every one to two months-- and abdominal ultrasound is just $80. So I wanted to know if I should ask for an abdominal ultrasound for Twistmas on Monday (either in addition to or instead of Shelby's if they are short on time). Otherwise, if they want it later it would cost at least $300 to $500 at OSU. She indicated that if they confirmed lymphoma, the ultrasound would show the extent of the lymphoma but wouldn't change the treatment plan. She said that sometimes people like to have the ultrasound to make sure there is nothing else going on. She did talk to me about treatment possibilites and also about what could have caused the walking issues. She said that lymphoma increases the risk of strokes and that it also can cause an increase of calcium which can cause stroke-like symptoms. She also agreed that it could indicate brain involvement. She recommended I get a complete blood work-up (available at $60 from my low-cost vet) at the minimum. Once the results are back (should be on back on Tuesday), I can come in to OSU for an onco consult. She didn't feel it was necessary to come into OSU on Monday for a blood panel (they do it in house so they almost immediately get the results). They typically recommend chemo even for older dogs -- unlike osteo, the chemo here is to improve the quality of life. The other possible treatment is prednisone.


Well, Twister is doing much better today. She was actually improved last night and today she is almost back to normal. My guess is that this is a good sign meaning that cancer isn't in her brain. I don't know if this points more to a stroke or a vestibular episode. She is still not eating super well but is enjoying the homemade broth.


Sorry for such a long posting. I just had to get it all out. So would you get the ultrasound? I know it is not invasive but Twisty really doesn't like vets. She does have to go to the vet anyway to get bloodwork done.


My schedule next week pretty much consists of chauffering dogs all around the city of Columbus:


Monday am: Take Twister and Shelby to low cost vet for ultrasound(s) and bloodwork

Monday am: Take two greyhounds to OSU to give blood (these are friends greyhounds who I am taking in for my friends) and try to see someone in oncology to get them to look at the slides -- might not be possible because Monday is a very, very busy day for them.

Monday later: Take greyhounds back

Monday later: Pick up Twister and Shelby

Wednesday (probably): take Twister in for oncology

Thursday: take Joe in for oncology for his monthly osteo check up.


Thank you so much for listening. I am just beside myself and am not thinking very clearly. I'm sure I will be posting later as to OSU findings and what course of action I should take.


Twisty is an old girl who has had a very happy life. She is the light of my life. I want to honor her by doing what is best for her, not keeping her around just for me. I just don't know what the best is, hopefully it will be clear after her onco appointment.


Jane (and also Twister, Shelby and Joe the greyhound)


edited because I am not spelling so well right now

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Wow Jane-- i was just thinking about you, wondering how Joe was doing. Sorry, you are dealng with so much. You already got the best advice (love Dr Urie)-- now to digest it all. Personally, because your pup is showing slight improvement I would hold off of the U/S. Honestly, even if you had the ultrasound performed would it change your treatment plan? If it turns out to be lymphoma would you do the chemo route or oral prednisone?? I know some dogs diagnosed with lymphoma that did great with just pred.

I think if things don't improve I would spend my money on a lymph node biopsy rather than an ultrasound.

I'll be thinking of you and your pups-- please keep us posted.

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Wow Jane-- i was just thinking about you, wondering how Joe was doing. Sorry, you are dealng with so much. You already got the best advice (love Dr Urie)-- now to digest it all. Personally, because your pup is showing slight improvement I would hold off of the U/S. Honestly, even if you had the ultrasound performed would it change your treatment plan? If it turns out to be lymphoma would you do the chemo route or oral prednisone?? I know some dogs diagnosed with lymphoma that did great with just pred.

I think if things don't improve I would spend my money on a lymph node biopsy rather than an ultrasound.

I'll be thinking of you and your pups-- please keep us posted.


Thank you so much. I am just not thinking clearly, therefore second guessing everything.


FYI, Joe is doing great and is a happy boy. Probably will get another chest x-ray in a month (or perhaps 4 months? -- not sure if they will do a 9 month post amp x-ray or wait until he is a year post amp.

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That is a lot of to-and-fro, and all of it for good causes. Safe travels, and best wishes for your Twistmas girl.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Oh Jane! I'm so sorry to hear the news. (You know I'll never forget your sisters!...remember the BP med episode?!)


I just lost my 15.5 yr old Onyx. And you know..........it has nothing to do with age. Whether they're 14 months or 14 yrs, they are still a very important part of the family. And it still hurts just as much even if they've had a good long life.


I'll pray that she still has some good quality of life left. And a good length of life.


Mary Pat

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Guest Lillysmom

Oh Jane. I'm so sorry to read this. Please know that if you need anything I'm always here. Feel free to call or e-mail me any time if you need to talk. I'm sending all my good thoughts to you and Twister. Joe, Twister, and Shelby (and the late Tattoo!!!) are so lucky to have you, and I can only imagine how much your heart is breaking right now. Sending love, hugs, and prayers.

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Short update:


Twister has an appointment with OSU oncology on Thursday. They were swamped so they didn't get a chance to look at the slides yet. I did speak with Dr. Cristina (hematologist who works with a lot of greyhounds in the blood bank) who confirmed what I kind of already knew. Infection in the lymph node and lymphoma look very different on a slide made from aspirate. If my general purpose vet thinks it is lymphoma, it likely is. So all I am expecting on Thursday is more info as to which type it is and what treatment options (if any) are recommended.


While I was waiting for the blood donors to be finished, I was able to speak with Suzy (packmom) who explained the treatment that her Shiloh has been getting. He is a grey who was diagnosed with lymphoma at 12 1/2 and received chemo at OSU. He is now in remission and a happy 13 1/2 year old grey.


Since I don't know enough at this point to make any decisions, I am just going to cuddle with her until Thursday in between bouts of doing my taxes -- yes I am a wonderful procrastinator along with being a world class worrier.



I know you guys will understand this. I just now had to run out and yell at some workmen from the gas company. They pulled in my driveway (the other side of the house) and came into the yard through the gate (clearly marked -- Do NOT Open -- enter through porch) and left the gate open. They didn't even knock on the front door. The only reason I knew they were here was that I saw them out of my office window. My greys definitely are not watch dogs.


If a dog had been outside they would have been gone gone gone. If I hadn't realized the workmen were here and let the dogs out (I can't see the driveway from the door I let my dogs out), they would have been gone.


Mind you, they had to ignore the sign, undo the wire closing the latch on the outside of the gate AND figure out that there was a second hidden slide bolt on the inside of the gate -- along with a warning on my account that I have a vicious dog and not to enter under any circumstances. I have paid extra to install an RF monitor so they can do the meter reading without coming on to the property. Despite all this they still entered and left the gate OPEN. They did not have any appointment and there was no warning that they were going to come today to replace a part. The only warning was from 6 weeks ago saying they were going to show up in 2 days and they never did.


Okay, I think I got my rant out. Definitely not a good day to mess with Mama Bear.



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I'll be thinking of you on Thursday. Can't believe how stupid some people can be!! Thank goodness your pups were not outside. I have padlocks on both if my gates because of exactly what you went through. You just can't count on people to play by the rules. Maybe you should make a phonecall to the gas company to let them know the mistakes made by their employees???

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Guest Lillysmom

Sending more huge hugs, Jane. I'm sorry about the idiots who disregarded your sign, too. Unfortunately, we've had similar episodes and now have bike locks on all of our gates so no one can get through without a key. Definitely not what you need on top of all you're going through. :angryfire

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I have lived here for years and I have never had anyone open my gates before. Where I live is very secluded. I guess I just got too complacent. With my health issues it is nice that my nearest neighbors could come to my aid immediately. If I padlock the gates it changes their walk from 100 feet to about 1000 feet or they would have to search for a key to get through the gate. I'll just have to think on it when I am clearer headed


Thank you everyone for your support. I am going to go let the dogs out and then cuddle with them for a while.



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Jane, I don't know what to say other to say sorry you and Twister are going through this. I do believe you are in very good hands and hope that Thursday goes well.

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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Jane, we'll be waiting to hear how Thursday goes. Neither Suzanne or I got good news on Monday. Shilo is out of remission. We decided that we should not all sit together anymore at the hospital!

Sorry to hear about Shilo. Rescue chemo?

Anxious to hear the news from Jane on Thursday-- sending healing thoughts to Coutoland from NJ

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Jane, we'll be waiting to hear how Thursday goes. Neither Suzanne or I got good news on Monday. Shilo is out of remission. We decided that we should not all sit together anymore at the hospital!

Sorry to hear about Shilo. Rescue chemo?

Anxious to hear the news from Jane on Thursday-- sending healing thoughts to Coutoland from NJ

Not to hijack....

Dr Urie says the rescue drugs are not very effective and Shi has kidney issues which mean he can't have some drugs. He is near his lifetime cumulative dose of carboplatin. He has severe degenerative myelopathy and can barely walk some days. He is 13- it goes on....

Treating with Pred for now.

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no advice -- just many hugs to you, Twister and all your pups. :bighug :bighug


ps. I would love to see a picture of your girls!!!

Kim and Bruce - with Rick (Rick Roufus 6/30/16) and missing my sweet greyhound Angels Rainey (LG's Rainey 10/4/2000 - 3/8/2011), Anubis (RJ's Saint Nick 12/25/2001 - 9/12/12) and Zeke (Hey Who Whiz It 4/6/2009 - 7/20/2020) and Larry (PTL Laroach 2/24/2007 - 8/2/2020) -- and Chester (Lab) (8/31/1990 - 5/3/2005), Captain (Schipperke) (10/12/1992 - 6/13/2005) and Remy (GSP) (?/?/1998 - 1/6/2005) at the bridge
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." -- Ernest Hemmingway

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Finally back from OSU:


First, good news about Joe: His 9 month post amp lung x-ray is CLEAR!!!!!!!!!!


About Twister (aka Twistmas, Twistie, etc): The oncologist at OSU was actually very happy with her overall health. I won't know until tomorrow which type of lymphoma it is (B or T) but it is definitely lymphoma. Mean life expectancies with chemo are 12-14 months with B type and 6 to 9 months with T type. With prednisone alone, probably about 2 or 3 months, no treatment about 1-2 months. Of course all of these are averages and knowledgeable guesswork.


I have decided to try chemo as the doctors assured me that 90 percent of lymphoma patients who undergo chemo feel as good or better as they do when starting chemo. I just want her to have a good quality of life for as long as she is happy here. If she starts struggling with the chemo, we can always discontinue.


So she had her first treatment today. They will also have her on a one month course of prednisone (I am sure glad I still haven't gotten my carpets replaced :) ). They wanted to do a urine culture before starting the pred so we will wait on that until next week. Each week for the first two months she will get a different type of chemo. Then the frequency of the chemo is reduced.


Yes, it will be expensive but I would rather spend it on my furkid than on a new driveway, new clothes or pretty much anything else. You can't hug a driveway.




Jane, we'll be waiting to hear how Thursday goes. Neither Suzanne or I got good news on Monday. Shilo is out of remission. We decided that we should not all sit together anymore at the hospital!

Sorry to hear about Shilo. Rescue chemo?

Anxious to hear the news from Jane on Thursday-- sending healing thoughts to Coutoland from NJ

Not to hijack....

Dr Urie says the rescue drugs are not very effective and Shi has kidney issues which mean he can't have some drugs. He is near his lifetime cumulative dose of carboplatin. He has severe degenerative myelopathy and can barely walk some days. He is 13- it goes on....

Treating with Pred for now.




"Hijack" all you want. I am so sorry to hear about Shilo. I hope the pred helps. I so wish there was something I could do. You and your pups have had such a hard time.

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Guest Smiley

I'm so sorry to read this Jane. I think of you and Joe often and am so happy he is doing so well. My wish and prayers will be that Twister will do great too. Please keep us posted.

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Thanks for the update- I thought of you all day. First-- woo-hoo- go JoeJoe-atta boy! Sorry, Twister didn't get the best news but, at least you can move foward with the treatment. Usually you can knock lymphoma right into remission- let's hope that's this case. I know of a Standard Poodle that was diagnosed with lymphoma when she was 12 yrs old. The owner went with the Wisconsin protocol and she did very well with it. She's now 13 and is receiving her chemo treatments every 3 weeks now-- she looks and acts wonderful!! Fingers crossed that things will go the same way for you! Who needs a new driveway anyway???

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Guest vahoundlover

Wonderful news about Joe!! I'm sorry to read about Twistmas. I hope she does well with the chemo and has many many many many many....... more days with you.

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