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Yay! Jeff Is Making Progress With Training

Guest Miller

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I had to post because between last evening and just now Jeff and I have had a few BREAK THROUGH training sessions. 4+ weeks of patiently training with Jeff for 5-10 minutes at a time multiple times a day Jeff and I are starting to get on the same page with Sit and Down. We have been attending an obedience school for the last 4 weeks and the owner of the school has been very understanding with Jeff and he reluctance to sit or down on command. Jeff Heals and Stays like a champ but getting him to Sit or Down has been very difficult.


He is not yet excuting Sit or Down on command without a little encouragement from my hand gently pushing on his rump or shoulder blades but he is doing 100,000,000,000% better!


Go Jeff! Mom and Dad are SOOOOOO PROUD of YOU <3

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:yay Jeff! Our Merlin mastered the "down" pretty quickly, but it took a couple of months before we achieved a reliable "sit".

Good for Jeff! :colgate


I'm starting a Greyhound-only obedience class with Bernie this weekend. I'm very excited!

We were fortunate to be able to attend a greyhound-only training class with our boy shortly after he came home. It was a great experience and I think it really helped Merlin to watch and learn with other greys. We humans certainly learned a lot :colgate. Hope your class is as helpful and enjoyable as ours was!

Merlin (Heathers Wizard), Mina (Where's Rebecca), and Mae the Galga - three crazy dogs in the house of M

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Congreytulations from Nutmeg, who will sit and stay when I "fold her up" but still doesn't have a clue what the voice command means, and from Romie, who says he doesn't need no stinking sit.


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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Who else chuckled at the thought of our esteemed moderator Jeff learning to sit and stay? :lol


Me! :lol Good boy, Jeff!

Sharon, Loki, Freyja, Capri (bridge angel and most beloved heart dog), Ajax (bridge angel) and Sweetie Pie (cat)

Visit Hound-Safe.com by Something Special Pet Supplies for muzzles and other dog safety products


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Who else chuckled at the thought of our esteemed moderator Jeff learning to sit and stay? :lol


:) that was my 1st thought, trudy likely had fun training him.


good boy, jeff. have a cookie. :dogcookie


(give jeff the greyh one too, please) :dogcookie


Wayne Kroncke

Vegetarians: My food poops on your food.

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Good luck with the greyhound only class! I wish there was one around here we could have taken. The all breed one we are in is helpful but some adjustments had to be made for Jeff.

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