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Kelly Ate Two Mice Last Night

Guest Stripeyfan

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Guest Stripeyfan

DH just told me (18+ hrs later :blink: ) that when he let Kelly out for his last 2 potty breaks last night, after I'd gone to bed, both times he pounced on and ATE a MOUSE!!!


He doesn't seem 'off' or anything and his poop was fine this morning, appetite fine all day, no vomiting. And I'm guessing the mice must have been ok (until they were eaten!!) because we'd know by now if they'd had any poison inside them, right?


BUT Kelly has IBD which we've only just had dx'd/started treating so I am a little worried... Anything we should look out for or would we know by now if there was going to be a problem??


I know some people say greys are cat-like… but that's just ridiculous!!

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Guest Energy11

Got ya beat by one larger rodent! Staggerlee at a RAT when we lived in Florida. :(

He was fine. No Big D or anything. I watched his stool for tapeworms, and he was UTD on his Rabies vaccine.


I don't know if it will effect Kelly's IBD. I'd keep my eye on him, and yes, an eye for tapeworms, as well.


Oh yuk, right???

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Guest Wasserbuffel

From what I know of mouse poisons they metabolize in such a way that the mouse is killed but anything that subsiquently eats the mouse is not harmed.

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Guest jettcricket

From what I know of mouse poisons they metabolize in such a way that the mouse is killed but anything that subsiquently eats the mouse is not harmed.


Are you sure? My DH is an exterminator and if people have pets, he stears away from using poisons to kill them.

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As has already been pointed out, watch out for tape worms.


I'm praying it doesn't affect his IBD.

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
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The ultimate raw diet! *shudder* Though seriously, so many people swear by raw feeding so I'd think it'd be fine with the IBD. The worms and stuff are another story *double shudder*


Btw, if it makes you feel better our Molly tried to go after a chipmunk that I'm pretty sure was suicidal since it just sat in an old dog house in our yard (which we've been meaning to remove for years) and stared at Molly. I'm just lucky my reflexes were quicker than Molly's in that moment.:blink:



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From what I know of mouse poisons they metabolize in such a way that the mouse is killed but anything that subsiquently eats the mouse is not harmed.


Are you sure? My DH is an exterminator and if people have pets, he stears away from using poisons to kill them.

It does, in fact depend on the poison. The newer poisons most exterminators use (also available online) generally have little to no secondary toxicity. The Decon that you buy at Wal Mart does.


OP, do you have mouse bait down and if so what type? The post doesn't say that I can see. If not then I wouldn't worry too much.

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Guest Stripeyfan

They were just mice that live in the garden (near our veggie patch), we've not had poison down as I quite like all the wildlife we have round here, even the mice! According to DH they were running about, quite lively... Kelly had to chase them to pounce on them. And I'm sure that if they had poison inside them we'd have seen the effects by now. We worm Kelly monthly as he has no worm resistance (it was a massive worm infestation that he had when he came to us that caused his IBD), next dose due this Friday so I'm not worried about tapes. It's just the IBD that concerns me... but like people here have said a raw diet is often recommended for IBD dogs so hopefully he will be ok!! He pooped again this eve and there were no mouse bits in it! We'll keep an eye on him and call the vet if anything changes.


Energy11 - a rat? Seriously ew! I'm quite happy for you (or rather Staggerlee) to win that one!!!


Thanks for all the thoughts and advice. :)

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

Probably the only thing you will see come out the other end is some very small teeth. The hounds digestive system will get everything else. My hounds are allowed to eat their catches in the back yard (rabbits every now and then) and not much makes it through the system other than teeth. Of course we watch very closely for the tapeworms, and yes, we have had a few bouts.

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“Love to eat them mousies, Mousies what I love to eat. Bite they little heads off… Nibble on they tiny feet.”—B. Kliban



The more I see of man, the more I like dogs. ~Mme. de Staël
Missing my Bridge Angels Ryce, Bo, Jim, Miss Millie, Miss Rose, Gustopher P Jones (Pimpmaster G), Miss Isabella and Miss Star

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I can't stop laughing at the comment about a possible teeth sighting . . . later. Watch out!!


And, of course, I hope your baby Kelly is JUST FINE after eating those mice. :)



Dog mama to angel-boy Ewan (racing name Atascocita Ewan), 3/26/10 to 8/23/20, and angel-girl Asta (racing name Pazzo Asta), 6/16/01 to 9/7/13.

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an animal or human needs to repeatively eat their body weight in rodent poison for it to be effective. it's usually a blood thinner and they bleed to death. i know because i called poison control when my daughter was a toddler. we were doing laundry in the basement of the apt. building i lived in. the next thing i knew she had a rat poison tray in her hand. i don't remember if she had some in her mouth or not- i paniced and called poison control.


my dogs eat birds all the time. no ill effects.

Edited by cleptogrey
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Guest Stripeyfan

So far all the post-mouse poos have been greyt, so I can only conclude that they went down nicely! And no sign of any teeth yet either. :sick At least the mice won't be eating my veggies... Thanks for all the good thoughts and advice!

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