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Juneau - Letting Him Go Tomorrow

Guest greycrew

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Guest greycrew

I can't leave early today because I'm taking tomorrow off. I was going to wait until Tuesday night to do it so I'll have the weekend with him, but it's breaking my heart seeing him in pain. I'm going home at lunch to see the pups. I'll guess they'll have ice cream for lunch today! :)


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Guest DoofBert

YOu say you are from NEPA.. exactly where? I'm in the pocono's email me (lexsam@ptd.net) if you want to talk tomorrow night?

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Guest Hoolyghans

Do you have a friend that could call the vet's office today and ask about the outdoor or in the car option? Maybe even look in the yellow pages for vets that did home visits. I know it's so hard to say those kinds of words outloud, someone not so close could probably do those calls a little more coherently.


When we had to put our Golden Maggie to sleep, I did my best to think/visualize happy things for her in those last few minutes. Tennis balls, swimming, cookies. Anything she loved, I tried to picture in my mind. Kind of silly I suppose but it helped keep me distracted and I'd like to think if she was able to get a vibe from me, it was about things she loved instead of my being sad.


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Guest greycrew

Holly, that's a good idea. I'm trying to very happy at home with him and the others so they don't know I'm sad. I will think positive thoughts when I take him. I just miss him aleady. He was so shy when he came to me and he loves me and trusts me so much. I hate that I have to do this.


Everyone is helping me here so much. Thank you all!


Jayne, thank you - I will email you. I live in West Pittston right between Scranton and WB. And I will actually be in the poconos tomorrow night. I have to go to a wedding. I'll be pleasant guest won't I???

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Guest EmbersDad

we are all here for you and juneau. lean on us. god knows i would have been lost if it werent for this list when ember passed from osteo.

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Guest SusanP

It always helps me to focus on the relief I'm bringing my babies when I free them from pain. They do trust us. Don't feel you're betraying that trust by easing his way on this journey. You are fulfilling the trust. :grouphug Take care of yourself.

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Guest trevdog

Hang in there....it's one of the hardest things you'll ever do. Have someone else call the vet and see if they can arrange to be outside. Most of them will if they can.....


Sending you lots of prayers and thoughts, just keep thinking you are doing it because you love him and want him free of pain....we are all here for you.

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I'm so sorry you have to let your sweet boy go. But you know Juneau best, and you know that this is the right thing for him. As hard as it is, if you have this extra time with him, try to be as upbeat as possible when he can see you. Unlike humans, they don't fear the sadness to come. They live in the moment, and he only knows now that he is safe with you and very loved. Being there with him at the end, as much as it tears your heart apart, is the last and most unselfish gift you will give him.

You will both be in my prayers.

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
My Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Catsburgandhoundtown

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:candle I know, I'm sorry, I will keep you both in my thoughts, he has been a good friend to you, now it's time to be a good friend back
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I am so sorry that it is time to give Juneau the hardest gift any of us can give to our beloved pets. My thoughts are with you, and I know that my hound angel Chester will meet him at the bridge to make him welcome.



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Guest greycrew

I just went home to lunch. He was very happy, but I can only get like half of a helicopter wag out of him. My sister stopped by to visit - that made him happy. My boyfriend will visit tonight which will make him very happy. He LOVES him. He only likes certain people. He's very shy.

I will thinking of all of you tomorrow. Thank you so much. I'll tell Junebug to keep an eye out for Chester!

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I have goose bumps just reading this email. I am so sorry for you and Juneau. It is a tough decision and I think it is normal for us to question ourselves. I have been down this road so many times. It is too bad you do not have a mobile vet that can come to the house or that your regular vet is not willing to come to your home. Please keep telling yourself that you are doing the best thing for Juneau because in your heart you know you are doing what is right. I am so very very sorry that you are facing this.........

Edited by brandimom



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Guest barkdogs

I am so very sorry. I lost two dogs this year--one the week before Christmas, the other on St. Patricks Day. I am tearing up just thinking about it al over again. Best of luck to you.


We humans should be so lucky to be granted relief from unending pain.




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Guest HersheysMom
I'm starting to panic. I have to put Juneau to sleep tomorrow and I don't think I can do it. I can't breath when I think about taking him. He loves going in the car. He hates going in the vets office. I hate that his last ride has to be to that place. I wish my vet could come to my house. I can't believe how painful this cancer is for him and how quickly it got so bad. I almost changed the appointment last night because when I get home he runs to the door to greet me and runs outside (slowly) with his stuffy. He's soooooo happy. But, last night he was afraid to go down the stairs. He can barely make it. It's heartwrenching to watch and a lot of you know. I don't know how I'm going to make it through this day of work. I want to be home with him. I don't want to let him go. I hate having this responsibility. He's my baby June.


I just had to write about it. I know a lot of you know what this feels like...


Try not to panic. You will be able to do it, because you know Juneau best and love him, and will find the strength. I promise. You will be there for him and help relieve him of his pain. This is the last kindess you will give him on this earth. You are such a good parent to him to be so caring, and to be there with him until the end.


You are strong, you can do it, and you are doing what is best for him. I wish you peace and strength as you go through this. :grouphug


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Guest paulamariez

I am so sorry. We've gone through this heart wrenching thing twice and it never gets any easier. Hugs and doggie kisses coming to you from Tiger, Bueller and Domino. I will send our Chief, Nikki and Bandit to greet your precious Juneau at the Bridge and show him around. Know that he has some friends there already and you will see him again one day.

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:cry1 :cry1 :cry1 I have not been through this ordeal yet, so I have no advice... in fact, words fail me completely after reading your post. :(


I will be holding you and Juneau in my thoughts tomorrow.


We are here for support. :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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