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Sol Has A Bruise, And I Think It Might Be Spreading

Guest lanielovesgreys

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Guest lanielovesgreys

Maybe not a whole lot bigger, but definitely not smaller. Or less red.


But it doesn't seem to be causing him any pain at ALL. He's a giant baby when he's hurt and I'm getting no response from him when I press or rub or anything. What on earth? Is this an e-vet situation? It looks like it's wet with blood! But it's under the skin. Just a bruise?


edited to add: there's no swelling at all.





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Guest lanielovesgreys
Oh my, I have no idea, but it looks scary.... :huh


I know! I was horrified when I saw it late last night. And we both said because he seemed to be fine we'd just watch it. Thought it might be a giant bruise. But, man the more I see it the worse it looks.



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Do you know what he hit himself on?

Looks like a bruise to me, but I am NOT a vet.

If you know what happened, I'd not worry too much about it. If you didn't see anything happen and this just appeared, I'd be concerned (less so if he had the opportunity to do something to cause bruising that you just didn't witness)


Ryan had bruising like that when he decided to not use the stairs on the deck, but jump up and hit the edge before the rails were put on...




Those were taken right after he did it - they got a bit darker and spread a bit more by the next day.

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Guest ishapespace

Anna came off the track looking like that. Weeks after her career ended, and she arrived in NC, she had big bruises like that. A big wreck on the track from what I understand. Wonder what he ran into?

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Guest 3greysinPA

It kinda looks like bruising, but not really, looks like bleeding under the skin... but i honestly do not know...


That looks scary... too scary for me... I would be on my way to the e-vet... but that is just me.


I'm a worried kind of mom.


Many prayers for Sol that it is nothing to worry about.

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Guest Energy11

Looks like bleeding under the skin to me. If it were my dog, I'd have the vet a look, just to be safe. Also have him/her check the platlet count. Poor baby! Good Luck!

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The initial blow or bruise could have been higher up on the torso and is now settling lower.


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I would get it checked. Looks like when my Peaches had the internal bleeding issue. Better to be safe than sorry especially if you don't know if he fell or something.


Check his gums, are they white or still red? Could also be a sign of internal bleeding.

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Guest lanielovesgreys
I would get it checked. Looks like when my Peaches had the internal bleeding issue. Better to be safe than sorry especially if you don't know if he fell or something.


Check his gums, are they white or still red? Could also be a sign of internal bleeding.


His gums are the same colors as laikas. Pink. :dunno: I called and left a message with our vet. He's usually pretty responsive.



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Guest lynne893

Timber has had bruising like that in the past when she had a dental appt (non anesthetic where the dental guy has to kind of wrestle them) and once when she had some extensive x-rays at the vet, where it was clear they had to lift her and such.


did you guys lift her up yesterday? it sounds silly, but...


I would have her examined and blood panels looked at to see if she has a bleeding disorder.


Good luck!

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Guest BellesDad

Please have this checked as soon as possible(can probably wait until Monday), probably is nothing, but could be a sign of internal bleeding and should investigate.

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Guest paulamariez

Please be careful! Bueller had some bruising like that and it was from an extremely low platelet count due to a dental infection that he had. We too, thought, ah no big deal it's not bothering him. Our vet said that if we EVER saw such a bruise again to call the vet asap. It could be nothing, but I would err on the safe side. Sending healing prayers to your sweetheart.

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Not to make anyone crazy, John E had two episodes like that and died then from internal bleeding. Please get it checked and watch his gums.

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Guest hlpnhounds

I would have bloodwork done on him. He may have some sort of bleeding disorder that is normally not tested for unless the dogs are acutely ill or are going to undergo invasive surgery. Platelets and clotting factors should be checked just to be sure.

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