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Hilda's Smiley! Still Fighting Heartworms Update Post 431

Guest TheUnrulyHound

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Guest GentleHugs
Oh my gosh! I'm sitting on pins and needles here!


Me, too. I was sitting on pins and needles yesterday.


I SOOOOOO HOPE the test comes back negative!

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Guest TheUnrulyHound

I called Susie and she is going to call me back..... she has not heard from them..... she seemed busy so I may not hear today. I was trying to change the first post and topic title but my donation expired yesterday and my new on has not gone thru yet so I will change the title whne I am able....

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Guest GentleHugs
I called Susie and she is going to call me back..... she has not heard from them..... she seemed busy so I may not hear today. I was trying to change the first post and topic title but my donation expired yesterday and my new on has not gone thru yet so I will change the title whne I am able....



Well....... darn..... :sad1


OK - so I will remain sitting on pins and needles (and now I've got one heck of a sore butt from doing that for the past 2 days) until we hear what the test results are. :nod I hope we hear before the 27th (sorta special day here but I'm not telling why :rolleyes: ) and I REALLY hope the test results come back negative. This boy needs a break. He's smiled through this entire ordeal and for a dog to go through what he's been through - he deserves the high life of being totally pampered now.


Keep us posted Holly. This boy has a fan club you know!

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Guest TheUnrulyHound

Been gone all day, Susie called me with bad news, he is still testing positive :( So now we wait another 30 days to retest him again.


Bummer :weep

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Guest GentleHugs
Been gone all day, Susie called me with bad news, he is still testing positive :( So now we wait another 30 days to retest him again.


Bummer :weep


Oh no..... poor Smiley. :( The news is disappointing but we will keep our prayers going for him with hopes that by Thanksgiving he will be negative. At least I know he's safe, in greyt hands with lots of loving care.


Hang in there Smiley.

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Guest PhillyPups

Dang disappointing news. Geesh by the time he is negative you may just forget he is not really yours and just keep him, you could always bleach some stripes on him so he looks brindle. :lol

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Holly, I know nothing about heartworms, so is it possible that his re-test in 30 days could be negative?

And if not, does this mean he will go through the treatment again?


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest TheUnrulyHound

The same thing happened when we were fostering Daddy Duke, it was actually about this time of year too now that I think of it... Anyhow Daddy Duke tested positive and just had to wait another 30 days then he tested negative. The worms just take a while to get out of his system. Perhaps they both had a heavier burden of worms in the beginning. At this point Smiley has already been taking heartworm preventative for the last two months to prevent a reinfestation.


As for testing positive after the next 30 days.... I do not know what would happen then....


Smiley says he had a blast going to the vet and enjoyed all the love :beatheart But he was VERY excited that his Foster momma had returned for him :blush



He also says "I look greyt in red" :D

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It is going to be so difficult to let him go!! He is such a handsome boy and Wayne can't wait to show him the ropes :rolleyes:


Re-test has to be negative!


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Well this is all I needed...:beatheart



PS Sweetboy...one of my favorite colors is red. It was Dear's favorite color too. I think you'd look better on my couch or bed than on Claudia's. :)


Holly, is he chattering in this picture? Oh how sweet!!!

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Holly, is he chattering in this picture? Oh how sweet!!!


no no no, he wasn't chattering, he was sending us a telepathic message to come and get him :lol


He's not sure he could learn to bark southern


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest TheUnrulyHound

no he was not chattering, the pic is just blurry and he has his mouth slightly agape cause he's a doofus ;):rotfl He was having a lot of fun adding a new layer of greyhound smeary snot to my windows :D

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I think he was chattering, "Aunt Heehoo...come get me...momma Holly calls me a doofus"

Smiley...keep watching out the window, either aunt Claudia or aunt Heehoo will come get you soon. We won't call you a doofus snot nose dog. :hehe

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