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Sterling Has Osteosarcoma

Guest RynnAndLyra

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Guest RynnAndLyra



VirginiaGreys - I have been following your thread on Dodge's progress. I'm lucky in that Sterling has kept his appetite pretty much. He is afraid of his normal stainless steel dog bowl - so we have to hand feed him. I really hope he gets past that!!!


It took over 1/2 hour to take off the patch with the mineral oil!!! It was soooo stuck to his skin. I'm glad we did it - because Dr. Bill said to just tear it off. What??? It would have ripped his skin off too! Didn't seem to make a difference in his pain - we continued the 1/2 tram every 3 or 3 and 1/2 hours last night.


This morning I woke up on the couch and Sterls came over and walked right up and gave me kisses in the face. Wow - he hasn't done that in a long time. Brought tears to my eyes.


VirginiaGreys - what is FNA?


Our next step after the sutures are removed is to see the Radiologist and have chest x rays and blood work. If they are clean (please please), then we go to the Oncologist. It is a week and 1/2 away and I already am losing sleep over it.


I can't believe that tomorrow will be a week from surgery. He is just so amazing. I'm at peace with the decision to amputate - just to see him loping around in the backyard and looking into the sun with a grin on his face.


I'm so lucky this didn't happen last December when we had feet of snow for so long. I can't imagine trying to help him in the back yard in the snow to go potty. We have had beautiful warm weather.

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Merann! To think he's already "loping around the back yard and looking into the sun with a grin on his face"!! That's amazing! See? I told you that boy could do this and bounce back! :):grouphug


Glad YOU took off the patch, not Dr. Bill (who's not high on my Nice list right now, I have to say). I hate to think that now you'd both be dealing with a big hole in his side on top of the amp. *shaking my head*


Now, come on, we really do need some pictures of Miracle Sterls!



My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Guest VirginiaGreys

FNA Fine Needle Asperate...where the vet goes in with a needle and gets cells to determine whether it's Osteo or something else. (not the clinical definition..but the general idea)


I think that Dodge had more issues the first 24 hours due to the Morphine they gave him. His body didn't like it at all and started shutting down. :( Then we had the issue with the vet prescribing too much tramadol the following week. argh!


Each day is truly a blessing...and although that first week and a half ...I truly wondered if I had done the right thing...I'm glad that I did it now. I don't know how much time we will have with Dodge...but I feel blessed that he's improving each day right now.


Give Sterling a hug from me!

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Guest jenznaz

We're not going through osteo, but are going through losing our beautiful 6 year old boy to mast cell tumor after one unsuccessful surgery. Thinking of you and all your family is going through.



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Guest RynnAndLyra

Jenznaz - I am sooo very sorry - so sorry. I know I'm very lucky to still have my boy with me. To think it was a week ago today - this time of the morning I was a nervous wreck - waiting for the Dr. to call. He didn't - so I called about 930 am. That is when they had me running all over for meds and the patch.


My first great fear - we would lose him during surgery. Made if over that hurdle. Then - worried when he got home - actually frantic - is he going to make it through this? Screaming and crying non stop - that was truly awful. And Xan - I agree with you - Sterling NEVER should have come home that night - or even the next day.


Now I worry about licking stitches. I can't seem to make him shorts - can't make them stay up (elastic waist) and he hates them. I don't want to cone him. And now I have to go back to work on Monday - so it would have to be something he could wear while I was gone and he was in the den.


Next worry is the chemo. I was awake a lot last night thinking about that. Whew. Trying to take it a day at a time. When I finally did get to sleep - woke up with an ant crawling up my neck. eeeuuuuu They are back - the big black ones. I rescue earthworms off the sidewalk - but I truly hate ants when they invade my house.


Good news is he ate a whole can of Kirkland wet food this morning at 4:00 am. Wish wish he would eat out of a dish.


VirginiaGreys - maybe that is what my doctor did after/during? surgery? When I went to pick up Sterls, the receptionist showed me a little jar with fluid and said it would cost $60 to send it to be read? by the radioligist. Dr. Bill called on Saturday and said it was Osteosarcoma.


What do you do with a bored tri pod who is only one week post surgery? We just played the snappy jaws talk to each other game. He really needs something new. Wish he would be able to do the stairs - but scared he will do them at the same time.


Will take some pictures of my boy today. Oh we are back with the snappy jaws game.

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Yeay, snappy jaws! :)


Hey, Merann, how would you feel about talking to Elizabeth about the vet the group uses? The one that cared for Wabi originally? I know it's a bit like changing horses in the middle of the race, but if it works out better for Sterling, maybe it's worth it? I don't know. How do you know if Dr. Bill is not up to this? :unsure:


What to do with a bored tripod ... hm! Good question. :rolleyes: Frozen kong?


Which brings us back to the licking. Have you tried the muzzle with cup or duct tape? I wonder if you could get some vet wrap, and sort of tape the fly opening of a pair of boxers around his tail to help it stay up? Or put suspenders on them? Sew some wide elastic bands so that they can loop up around his front legs? Might slip off. Might have to connect them in the back, like a racer-back bra. That might work, with minimal sewing skills necessary. Then you wouldn't have to worry about him having a muzzle with a cup on it while you're not there, if there's a possibility of vomiting. Nice thing about duct tape as a solution is that you can just tape the lower half, so if he does vomit, it won't surround his nose like it would with a cup. At least, that's what works for my tongue-challenged Pogo (he's got the shortest tongue on a dog I've ever seen!)


I'm glad he's feeling so good! :) :) :)


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Guest VirginiaGreys

The FNA is normally done prior to amputation...after amputation...they send something...the whole leg? ...part of? just a section? I don't know...but the FNA is usually done prior to amputation...I chose not to. I had plenty of 2nd, 3rd and 4th opinions...and they are saw Osteo...so I felt comfortable with my amputation decision.


I guess I'm lucky...Dodge never even wanted to mess with his staples...


I thought you were brave to bring him home the first night. Those 2 nights that Dodge was on IV's...not fun...constantly cleaning the pads after he'd urinate on them ...seem like the pads just didn't hold it all. Everything had to be washed over and over.

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Guest RynnAndLyra

VirginiaGreys - I honestly didn't know I had an option to bring him home or not. I knew I couldn't leave him at Dr. Bill's because no one would be there with him. Knowing what I know now - I would never do that again - he would have been at Seattle Animal Hospital. My boy only peed once in all those hours.


Must have been a slice of the bone my vet sent.


Xan, I use to go to Dr. Doug years and years ago. Other than the initial vetting he does for our group - his rates are really really high. That wasn't the reason I switched to Dr. Bill - I did it because he is right up the street from me - and until this, every vet visit has been just routine.


The licking is a comfort thing I think now. So I give him a milk bone and he licks it and licks it..... and licks it. He goes into the zone. The slurping noise could drive you nuts! At least he isn't licking his stitches. And he got stitches not staples?????


He is starting to eat more and better - meaning many less treat e treats - and more dog food. But, only if you hand feed him. Baby steps!!!

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Guest Winslowsmom

When Winslow started chemo he refused to eat or drink from stainless steel. He would eat from a ceramic dog dish, which he still uses. Perhaps an option for Sterling?

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Guest RynnAndLyra

WinslowsMom - Wow - exactly the same with Sterls! Terrified of the stainless bowl. Accepting of ceramic - but still won't eat out of it. He will lap up his ensure from a ceramic bowl. What makes stainless so scary????

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Guest Winslowsmom

For Winslow I thought it had to do with the chemo. A couple of people who have had chemo told me that everything tasted metallic. Seems that eating from a metal bowl under those conditions would be torture.


It could be that something tasted really nasty after Sterling's surgery and he associates it with the stainless dish. Also, in the hospital there is a lot of stainless steel.. maybe something there scared him. If you are going to do chemo, then it may be good to stick with ceramic. I hope he begins to eat out of it. Perhaps hold your hand over it when you are feeding him and gradually start dropping the food into the dish?

Best of luck to you, best of health to Sterling from all of us at Winslow's house.

:paw :paw


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Hm! I wonder if something about the edge of hallucinations from the pain meds gives them the willies about the reflections in the stainless bowls? Just thinking, what is it he's percieving when he sticks his snoot towards the bowl? Something coming towards him all weird and distorted? *shrugging* Just a thought.


I'm so glad he's doing so well. Just amazing.


Is there maybe another vet nearish that you might check out? Do some phone interviews with about their experience, with greyhounds, with cancer, with amps and chemo and pain management? That's how I discovered our current vet, who happens to have a special interest in cancer and pain management (knock on wood!), as well as being the local vet blood bank. Maybe other grey owners from PSGA might know someone they like.


Anyway, I know you said you were a lousy nurse, but it sounds like you're exactly what Sterling needs.



My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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I have been following all the posts on this and what a wealth of information this group has provided. So glad to hear that Sterling is loping around in the yard and yes glad it is not winter with snow. Continued prayers and thoughts for all of you. Sterling has certainly showed you that he is a FIGHTER! :thumbs-up



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Guest RynnAndLyra

Great article Xan - thank you!!!


We are checking into dietary supplements and changes as we proceed with chemo. Wow, chemo. I'm hoping he will sail through it like he has this horrific surgery.


He just did a Wonderful poo in the backyard! (Yes, I'm glad it was in the backyard). Conversations around here are "How was his poo?" "Oh it was a pretty good poo" "What was the consistency?".


He is dreaming now - the amputated leg is running. Amazing. The bruising is almost gone. He had a sponge bath today and boy did he like that. He knows that is special and he is special and he just lords it over the other two. You just have to laugh.


Ok - stainless. No more stainless. We just had "lunch" in a ceramic bowl. Well, hand fed OVER a ceramic bowl. No big scares - even Rynn and Lyra got some bites : )


Two more days home with my boy - then back to work. He will be fine. I won't be!!!


The weather has cooled thank goodness.


He has played snappy jaw game with me at least a dozen times now. I'm estatic!!


All three are passed out here in the den with the fan blowing on them. The cats are all passed out in the sun upstairs. I'm the luckiest person in the world!

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Guest MorganKonaAlex
For Winslow I thought it had to do with the chemo. A couple of people who have had chemo told me that everything tasted metallic.

Metallic taste is a side effect of cytoxan. It's not usually used for osteosarcoma.

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Guest katieandpadfoot

Hi there!!!


I'm sorry you have to be going through this. I can't say I know what your going through, but we recently did have a osteo scare with our Cow Girl Katie. She recently at the age of 4 broke her front leg...and during the repair the did a biopsy. We did talk about what we would do if it came back postive....we wouldn't have hestitated to do an amputation and chemo so I think your doing the right thing. Thankfully it came back negitive, that was scary enough...so I really do feel for what you are going through.


Last year I went to Greyhounds Reach the Beach in Delaware...we're I actually met my first greyhound amputee and cancer survior. If I remember correctly the grey was 4-5 years post amputation and chemo and doing wonderful. I wish I would have taken the ladies name she would be a wonderful resource for you. If I can find out her info I'll get it to you!!!!


Please keep us updated!!!! Lots of hugs to the pup!!!! :bighug

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Great article Xan - thank you!!!


We are checking into dietary supplements and changes as we proceed with chemo. Wow, chemo. I'm hoping he will sail through it like he has this horrific surgery.

Hear! Hear! :)


He just did a Wonderful poo in the backyard! (Yes, I'm glad it was in the backyard). Conversations around here are "How was his poo?" "Oh it was a pretty good poo" "What was the consistency?".


:lol I bet we've all had periods when that topic has been the core of most conversation. :rolleyes:


He is dreaming now - the amputated leg is running. Amazing. The bruising is almost gone. He had a sponge bath today and boy did he like that. He knows that is special and he is special and he just lords it over the other two. You just have to laugh.


Aww! It must feel nice to get all cooled, stroked all over, and clean! :wub:


Ok - stainless. No more stainless. We just had "lunch" in a ceramic bowl. Well, hand fed OVER a ceramic bowl. No big scares - even Rynn and Lyra got some bites : )


Good start!


Two more days home with my boy - then back to work. He will be fine. I won't be!!!


The weather has cooled thank goodness.


He has played snappy jaw game with me at least a dozen times now. I'm estatic!!


All three are passed out here in the den with the fan blowing on them. The cats are all passed out in the sun upstairs. I'm the luckiest person in the world!

Merann, you're always so optimistic and cheerful! That's one of the things I like about you. :) I think it's a lot to do with YOU and your attitude that his healing and attitude is going so well.



My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Guest RynnAndLyra

It is 8:30 at night and my boy is licking his milk bone.


We had a horrible night last night - he couldn't sleep and because he couldn't - neither could I. I really HATE this couch.


That being said - I think I had the greatest gift ever given to me. Ever. Honestly!


This afternoon, before the Belmont, I asked Lisa to take Sterling into the backyard so that I could take Rynn and Lyra for a walk. We left and went for our normal walk. We were on our way home - someone was honking their horn at us (happens and I have no idea who it is - very busy street). I am almost to our street and look and there is my BOY - there is Sterling!!!!!!! Lisa had him on lead and he was coming around the corner to us!! I burst into tears - my boy!!!! She said as soon as they came back in the room - he KNEW we were on a walk. He LEAPED up the stairs and was crying. This was the first time since surgery since we has tried to go up the stairs!!!!!!!!


To see my boy - smiling and happy and dancing! Wow. I didn't even care that Mine That Bird did not win. My boy - my sweet boy - figured out the stairs and wanted to go for a walk.


Guess what we will be doing tomorrow?????


I'm down here again in the den on the couch - I hope my boy sleeps better tonight!!


I'm here with Blueberry - my cat with asthma - boy does he snore!!!!


What an amazing day!!!!!!!

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Oh that is wonderful. He has amazing spirit.


Hope your night is good.

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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Guest vahoundlover
Oh that is wonderful. He has amazing spirit.


Hope your night is good.


Yes, indeed what an amazing fella!

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Guest RynnAndLyra

He is doing so very well! He got to go for a walk with the other two yesterday and guess who was leading the pack? He did great - just a short walk - but got him out of the den.


I was making cookies yesterday to celebrate and I heard him come up the stairs to the landing. I called him and he bounded up for a treat e treat!!


He gets his stitches out on Saturday.

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