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Lincoln Going To Osu On Monday

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No definitive diagnosis yet, but from Lincoln's history & the xrays that is his best guess. He said if he has Immune Mediated Polyarthritis that could cause the luxation in his hip. He does have fluid on his knees & they will tap his joints to see what is going on there.


So Monday Lincoln will be seeing Drs. Couto & Dyce at OSU to get a thorough screening & hopefully a diagnosis.


Polyarthritis is not the best diagnosis for a 1yr old puppy, but it is treatable (with steroids.)


Now we just wait until Monday.

Edited by ripley488

Jennifer Watkins

Shamrock Greyhound Placement, Louisville, KY

Greyhound Festival of the Bluegrass -July 19-21, 2013

Holiday Inn/Hurstbourne, Louisville KY

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Beau was just diagnosed this 2 weeks ago, but I am not 100% sure of the diagnosis. I have my IMS checking out the labs for a more definitive answer.


How did your vet come to that diagnosis other than the fluid?



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Beau was just diagnosed this 2 weeks ago, but I am not 100% sure of the diagnosis. I have my IMS checking out the labs for a more definitive answer.


How did your vet come to that diagnosis other than the fluid?



My vet didn't - Dr. Couto suggested it from his history & xrays. We (me & Lincoln) and meeting with Dr. Couto & Dr. Dyce (his ortho) on Monday.


He said we would redo the xrays to get a better view of his hip. They will also tap is knee joints to see what is going on in the fluid. He mentioned a tick panel - which I have run - but there was one TBD I hadn't heard of & he said they would run that Monday too. I can't remember the name of it & his email is on my home PC.


So...he hasn't been officially diagnosed yet, but that is Dr. Couto's guess based on history & xrays.



Jennifer Watkins

Shamrock Greyhound Placement, Louisville, KY

Greyhound Festival of the Bluegrass -July 19-21, 2013

Holiday Inn/Hurstbourne, Louisville KY

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Guest boondog

PM me if you need anything. I work right by OSU. I remember Lincoln (and Douglas/Joey) from last year's Bluegrass. He is such a cutie.

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Oh, yes! Good luck and have a very safe trip! Praying for a definitive diagnosis.

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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You are right, not the best for a 1 year old. But yes, it is manageable. Shanti was diagnosed with it last year. Right now she has other issues that are more pressing and won't allow us to use the immune suppressors.


Let us know how it goes. If they prescribed Imuran, it is really cheap at Costco. $44 for 100 IIRC. It was hundreds elsewhere.

The Girls

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Jennifer, I am so glad that Dr. Couto will be checking him. Have a safe and productive trip. This boy needs to get better.

From Wisconsin -- It's Nancy, Bob, Carla, June Bug and our newby Skorch.... along with Buffy. She's the little hound that meows.

With loving memorials to K.C., Barko and Major Turn -- all playing at the bridge.

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:hope Sending prayers your way :hope


Keep us posted!!!

Major & Black Jack are the BEST Doggies in the WORLD

A Major Presence - MAJOR - March 10, 1999 - January 13, 2011

Little Joe - BLACK JACK - July 31, 1998 - February 8, 2011


"If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. " - Randy Pausch

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How did it go, Jennifer? Inquiring minds want to know. :colgate

Denise & Strider, Blake, Fields, Frank, FlippyDoo, and Momma Gail.

The Bridge Angels Zack(Ags Marble Chip) 4/25/93-2/16/06, Wanda(Rainier Rowanda) 12/14/94-06/09/06, Brooke/Boogers(Rainier Restive) 01/01/99-10/20/08, Warlock(Rainier Rammer) 4/29/99-10/01/09), Patsie(Frisky Patsy) 5/17/96-2/05/10, Hatter(Cals Madhatter) 6/3/00-3/11/10, Dodger(Rainier Ransack) 4/29/99-4/16/10, and Sparkle(Okie Sparkle) 11/8/2000-1/28/11

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I know Jennifer is playing catch up at work today. Hopefully she'll get a chance later to update us.

Denise & Strider, Blake, Fields, Frank, FlippyDoo, and Momma Gail.

The Bridge Angels Zack(Ags Marble Chip) 4/25/93-2/16/06, Wanda(Rainier Rowanda) 12/14/94-06/09/06, Brooke/Boogers(Rainier Restive) 01/01/99-10/20/08, Warlock(Rainier Rammer) 4/29/99-10/01/09), Patsie(Frisky Patsy) 5/17/96-2/05/10, Hatter(Cals Madhatter) 6/3/00-3/11/10, Dodger(Rainier Ransack) 4/29/99-4/16/10, and Sparkle(Okie Sparkle) 11/8/2000-1/28/11

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What a long day! Lincoln & I left home at 6am & did not get home until 11pm.


Within 20mins of our arrival we met Regina our assigned student. She took Lincoln in the back to be examined. She said as soon as they had looked over Lincoln, Dr. Couto would talk to me. About an hour later we met & he told me Dr. Dyce with Ortho had already seen Lincoln. He wanted to do xrays & tap his knees. The one thing he knew was my dog is in a lot of pain. I pointed out to him the underdeveloped hip muscles Lincoln has & he he has almost no muscle tone. He told me he had a meeting in the afternoon, but should be ready to meet with me about 3pm.


Julie (boondog) thankfully picked me up for lunch, so I could get out for a bit. We had a great Mexican meal and sadly she had to go back to work & I had to go back to waiting. The weather was yucky - rain most of the day - so even taking a walk was not an option.


By 4pm I had no new news, so I asked at reception for an update. Literally running, Regina came from the back apologizing for not getting with me sooner. She said they had just tapped his knees & the fluid was being sent to the lab. Dr. Couto wanted to discuss the xrays with Dr. Dyce before getting with me. As soon as he knew something he would get with me.


About an hour later Dr. Couto came out with an update. He said Lincoln has luxation in both hips, not just the right one. He said there was no evidence of arthritis in his knees - although his xrays did show fluid there. He said Dr. Dyce wanted a few more xrays, so they were sedating him again (he is in pain, so manipulating him without sedation is not an option) to get those done. Dr. Couto also mentioned he was doing bloodwork. He said Lincoln has a lot of lumbar pain & there is some very rare infection which can cause the pain & ironically could cause luxation in the hips.


Later Dr. Couto came out & said Dr. Dyce wanted to meet with me. So the docs, Regina & myself went into a room with a computer to look at Lincoln's films. He showed me where both hips are out of joint. He noted the lack of hip muscles Lincoln has as well. (I knew that but it is very graphic to see his xrays compaired to others.) He said for lack of a better word, he has hip dysplasia. His bones are in good shape - he does not have the flattened sockets of like a Lab with HD. For some reason his joints will not stay in socket.


We talked about options. He said FHO is one surgery, but it is not recommened for such a long limbed dog. The best option is Total Hip Replacement. He showed me xrays of dogs who have had the procedures & followup xrays as well. He noted the way the muscles develop once the hip is repaired. In 80% of dogs with THR, fixing the worst side will also help the other limb.


I asked if he had ever done one on a Greyhound & he said one that was from trauma. He has not done one on a dog as young as Lincoln.


I asked lots of questions & they had lots of answers. We looked at bunches of xrays.


We got to the bottom line & I asked what a THR cost. Dr. Dyce said for a dog his size it was $4,000. Immediately Dr. Couto said he has money to help with vet bills & he could help me with the price.


I am exhausted, Lincoln is still somewhat sedated & my head is spinning, but they released him & we head out for a long drive home.


Regina called today & said all his bloodwork is normal, so no infection is present. She is going to have Dr. Couto get in touch with me about pricing & timing. She said they do offer a payment plan.


So right now I am waiting to hear back from him. The money is certainly not in my budget right now, but if we can work with it - it may be doable. I want what is best for him, but also have to watch my money closer nowadays.


If it can all be worked out - I guess I will have the Bionic Puppy.


Oh - we will be having a Raffle to benefit Dr. Couto at this years Greyhound Festival of the Bluegrass. That has already been worked out.






Jennifer Watkins

Shamrock Greyhound Placement, Louisville, KY

Greyhound Festival of the Bluegrass -July 19-21, 2013

Holiday Inn/Hurstbourne, Louisville KY

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I hate to be repetitive, but WOW. Not only a killer drive but all that info! Will keep you both tucked tightly in our prayers. Bionic puppy. Has kind of a catchy ring to it!

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest gottaluvgreysindy

Wishing you and Lincoln the best. Glad you went straight to the expert and got some answers. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE OSU.

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