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Guest anka

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Two days ago, Ricky woke up with a large lump on his spine. It had never been there before. I had taken him to the vet this August for shaky legs and a sore spine, was given Metacam (which we've been giving all weekend), and that was the end of that. This morning, we learned the lump was osteosarcoma. His 4th vertebra is almost non-existent. Surgery is not an option, as it is in his spine. All we can do is wait. Ricky has 20-60 days left.


Some of you may remember me posting a story about him years ago, when I first adopted him. I had come home from the grocery store and found a bright red stain on the carpet...I thought it was blood, and ran into the kitchen in a huge panic. There was powdered sugar everywhere, and a coffee cup on its side, with coffee spilled all over the counter. I thought maybe the "blood" was jelly from the jelly donut, but doubted it, because the box was closed. I checked the box anyway - totally empty. He had managed to vault himself up to the back of the stove, take out all the donuts, leaving the lid closed on the last pass, while trying some of my coffee on the way. We always joke that that's the day he finally became a Canadian citizen.


I would like to hear from anybody, please please please, about what I might see over the next few weeks, if that question can even be answered. I'm frightened out of my wits. Should I expect coughing as it spreads to his lungs?? (don't know where or if it's spread, but the assumption is yes), or will his legs give out first? What do I do for him? Should I not allow him to use the stairs? I feel like I should be carrying him everywhere, although he still walks normally, but is more suspicious of the stairs. He looks so healthy, guys, I'm going out of my mind. Every time I pet him, he feels like my strong healthy dog... He can't be dying...What do I do????





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Guest trevdog

I wouldn't let him do stairs....and yes get some more pain meds. It may spread but his bones may break before that causing immense pain.....Sorry to be blunt.....hoping you have some good quality time with him but most OS in this area progresses pretty quickly.

I lost my boy Trevor to OS of the ribs, it is painful, I let him go about a week after the diagnosis....he was breathing heavily and stopped eating.


Sending prayers.....

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Guest TBSFlame

I have lost two to osteo. Pain control is the most important thing you can do. Don't miss a dose, keep control of the pain. Hawk's tumor was on his leg and Beecher was on his ribs. I would think, the spine would be very painful so you may not have much time. Because of the pain, you most likely not make it to the lungs and couging stage. I know this is a difficult time and I am so very sorry. Love your boy as if each day might be his last. Give him steak and spoil him rotten. I really am sorry. :(.

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Thank you all for the responses. I need it told to me straight, as I don't know what to expect, and it's better to hear about all the things that will happen, before they actually do.


The vet won't give anything more than Metacam...he said it's all we can do. I have to wait until he gets back in the office to ask about the stairs. I know that when Osteosarcoma is in the leg, it can weaken it to breaking point, but I'm not sure how that works with the spine.



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I would definitely not let him do the stairs. I know that will be hard on him because of the change, and hard on you emotionally but I think it is just too dangerous. Keep up with the pain meds so that any pain is blocked before he can feel it. I know that the last month of so I never even made it off the sidewalk around my building with Scarlett, walking was just too much. That said, she maintained her appetite and her attitude right through. I chose a day to let her go as soon as we did the x-rays and got the diagnosis. I knew that I might well be letting her go earlier than I had to but I also knew that I did not want her to live in pain.


I moved my mattress onto the floor for her last weeks, and I ordered dinner in from local places every single night. She got all her favorite foods and lots of love and we made all the memories we could. Her last day was a party where everyone she loved could drop in all day to visit (and keep me sane) and we had a big champagne toast to the worlds most wonderful girl with all her closest people gathered around her before I held her and let her go.


The walks were rough, I won't lie but she was a girl who would NOT mess in the house. However, nearly every time we went out I was stopped by strangers offering help and telling me that even though they didn't know us, they had seen her for years. There is a lot of love and compassion out there. If people offer to help you, let them. It may be nothing more than helping you move your baby a few feet but it is there for you if you need it.


Love on your boy as though every moment might be the last. Spoil him rotten.

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"The vet won't give anything more than Metacam...he said it's all we can do."


Your Ricky is going to need stronger Meds than this alone as the disease progresses.

Unless you want to send him to the bridge sooner .....


If you want more time with him, I'd be looking for another vet that understands the amount of pain that Osteo causes.


I haven't been through Osteo in the spine, but I lost my Pup to Osteo in the leg.



CORY and CRICKET - Solitary Tremble & CASPER - Pj's Mia Farrow
* With CAPT. GUS - Solitary Trigger, RAINY - Peach Rain, PUP - Red Zepher, DOC - CTW Fort Sumpter
and MAX - Shiowa's Silver Maxamillion / Afghan .... all waiting at the bridge

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I agree, you need a new vet he if won't prescribe the proper pain meds!


I'm so sorry about the diagnosis :grouphug



Michelle...forever missing her girls, Holly 5/22/99-9/13/10 and Bailey 8/1/93-7/11/05

Religion is the smile on a dog...Edie Brickell

Wag more, bark less :-)

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The vet won't give anything more than Metacam...he said it's all we can do.

:angryfire No.no.no. You should get tramadol & gabapentin in addition to the metacam. Tramadol dosage can be quite high so don't be afraid to give it. In truth, OS is very painful & I have heard that pain meds don't really touch the pain, but he should be on as much as possible anyway. You can add pepcid & sucralfate to help his stomach with the meds if he needs it. If you're vet won't write the scrips, find someone else.


My girl's tumor was high up on her shoulder near the spine. A week before I let her go, she got up from her bed & with a strange look on her face, lifted her head up & to the left. It passed after a minute or so, but she looked very tired after. Every day after that, her back legs gave her a little more trouble. When I realized that she really only had one good leg left, I sent her to the bridge before she lost control of her back end entirely. My vet said it could have been that she passed a clot.


I am very sorry that you're going through this with your boy. I hope he has many more peaceful days here with you.


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Guest EmbersDad

i realize there are no right or wrong answers, and the decision is highly private and personal, but i would not let mine suffer any and just drift away in a drug haze. in fact, i did just that after it spread to ember's lungs.

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Guest WarmheartedPups

So many here have been through this devastating process....as everyone says.....keep ahead of the pain.....I would immediately get a Vet that will give the meds that are needed.


The time can really vary.....no stairs here either.


I am so very sorry.

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I'm so sorry. So, so sorry.


My Argos was diagnosed October 9 and we lost him on November 2. He had it in his shoulder. When he was first diagnosed, he was on rimadyl 2x daily plus 50mg of tramadol 4x daily. At first, he was like his old self - it was hard to satisfy him with slow leash walks, becuase he wanted to R-U-N! After a few weeks, it was impossible to control the pain, even with 100mg of tramadol every 4 hours.


We decided it was time for him to go on a Saturday, when he refused his kibble and didn't want to get up. We took him out for an ice cream cone, and the next day he had a rotisserie chicken, and then we went to the vet.


I wish you many happy memories in the hours, days, and weeks ahead. And remember to listen to your gut. You WILL know when it's time. Don't second guess that. It's better that he leaves a day too soon than a day too late.




I have to add - do NOT allow your vet to be stingy with the meds. We are talking end of life pain management. If he is unwilling or unable to understand how to control that, then you need to find a new vet or say goodbye to your boy now.


I'm sorry to sound harsh, but metacam alone will not work.


Christie and Bootsy (Turt McGurt and Gil too)
Loving and missing Argos & Likky, forever and ever.
~Old age means realizing you will never own all the dogs you wanted to. ~

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Guest Annie

I am so very sorry Anka! I am shocked by your vet's unwillingness to supply proper pain meds to Ricky. If he/she is so unfamiliar with osteo and the pain it causes, perhaps you should send Ricky's Xrays to OSU for confirmation of the diagnosis and suggestions for pain management. :hope:hope:hope


We are all here with you and will support you through this heartbreaking time. :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug

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Guest myjazzy

I am so sorry about your boy. I agree with what has been said. Osteo is very painful and metacam is NOT enough to even make a dent. If your vet will not give you the medications he needs, go to another one who understands the disease, because this one obviously doesn't. :headwall If you can't get the medication, the kindest thing would be to let him go. :grouphug

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I am so sorry that you are going through this ...


With one of my greyhounds, 5 months after amp and chemo, the osteo had moved to the lungs. I started to measure his remaining life in weeks...


3 to 4 weeks later, the "lump" appeared on his spine. The vet said that since it was "bulging outward" there was less pressure on his spine and at that time, the remaining back leg could still stay functional. She did say that if he was lying on the part of the chest that had tumors, he would be in pain. I was now measuring his remaining life in days ....


Less than 2 weeks later and it became obvious that going to the bathroom was getting really really tough. He was not comfortable making any type of curvature movement with his spine. I was now measuring his remaining life in hours ...


A few days later he went to the bridge





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Guest KennelMom

Please get the proper pain meds or say good bye soon. Osteo is VERY painful. Personally, I'd be looking for another vet if all they'd give me is metacam.


It's tough :grouphug I've always promised my dogs that they won't have to live in pain and I won't drug them into a stupor. It's quality of life, not quantity.

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Guest GreysAndMoreGreys
Thank you all for the responses. I need it told to me straight, as I don't know what to expect, and it's better to hear about all the things that will happen, before they actually do.


The vet won't give anything more than Metacam...he said it's all we can do. I have to wait until he gets back in the office to ask about the stairs. I know that when Osteosarcoma is in the leg, it can weaken it to breaking point, but I'm not sure how that works with the spine.

Honestly, no BS here, if your vet won't give anything other then Metacam, the choices are let him go now cause the Metacam isn't going to TOUCH this pain, or find another vet to give you something stronger.


If his vertebrae is almost non existent then it has to be some major amount of pain. Heck human docs hand out Tramadol for tooth aches, this pain in the spine is going to trump a tooth ache by 10 fold


As far as osteo in a leg and breaking verses in the spine. IF the vertebrae is so deteriorated I would think it would eventually cause major spinal issues and issues with the spinal cord.


I'm so sorry you are going through all this and it's not easy. You are in our thoughts and prayers



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Thank you so much, everyone. It helps me to hear about other experiences, even if only because it forces me to stop crying, because I can't read while crying! It's doubly hard because my divorce goes through May 1st, and it feels like Ricky picked this time to go. Poor little guy. The Metacam has knocked him out - I'm calling other vets, but it would kill me to drive him anywhere else. I will see what they say.

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I'm so very sorry for this terrible diagnosis. :cry1 Stay ahead of the pain and use meds generously. I would avoid letting Ricky jump up or down from things like couches and beds, and minimize stairs, too. Hoping you have many more good days with your sweet boy. :hope

Jeanne with Remington & Scooter the cat
....and Beloved Bridge Angels Sandee, Shari, Wells, Derby, Phoenix, Jerry Lee and Finnian.....
If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven
and bring you home again.

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I am so sorry. We lost our boy Romeo last Monday to osteo. He was diagnosed Saturday March 21st and we lost him March 23rd. He had been limping for a couple of weeks but the first xray was clean. He continued to limp even on rimadyl so we took him in and the last xray showed the cancer. Romeo could never take pain and he did very bad on the morphine. We were up to a very high dose of tramadol and rimadyl. He would not eat and I could tell he was in pain so I knew it was time to let him go.

It is a very hard decision to make. Your vet will have to give more pain meds. If he is not willing and you are not ready to let him go then you have to find another vet. Osteo is very painful. I know what you mean about him looking healthy. Someone told me on here that it is better to let them go a day too early than a day too late. That helped me to think of it that way.

I will keep you and your boy in my thoughts.

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Guest Annie
I am so sorry. We lost our boy Romeo last Monday to osteo. He was diagnosed Saturday March 21st and we lost him March 23rd. He had been limping for a couple of weeks but the first xray was clean. He continued to limp even on rimadyl so we took him in and the last xray showed the cancer. Romeo could never take pain and he did very bad on the morphine. We were up to a very high dose of tramadol and rimadyl. He would not eat and I could tell he was in pain so I knew it was time to let him go.

It is a very hard decision to make. Your vet will have to give more pain meds. If he is not willing and you are not ready to let him go then you have to find another vet. Osteo is very painful. I know what you mean about him looking healthy. Someone told me on here that it is better to let them go a day too early than a day too late. That helped me to think of it that way.

I will keep you and your boy in my thoughts.


It's a saying I will never forget, especially having lost Bond to cancer. :cry1 "Better a day too soon than a moment too late".


Again Anka, I am so sorry you are going through this with your beloved boy. :(

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- I'm calling other vets, but it would kill me to drive him anywhere else. I will see what they say.

I wouldn't drive him anywhere. If your vet won't give you the meds, another vet will once they understand Ricky's situation. Your vet's office should either give you copies of his records so you can bring them to another vet or handle it over the phone vet to vet. I have no patience when my pets are in pain, so I'd be insisting it be done today. Every day matters to Ricky.


(Also wanted to add that my girl was never zonked out on all her meds. I don't think the pain will allow it. :( )


Keep us posted - we know what it's like. :grouphug


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Only you will know when he's had enough, but the kindest gift we can give a beloved pet with a terminal, painful condition is a gentle passing surrounded by loved ones.


I've been through it myself, and it's not easy.


Best wishes for strength.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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