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Nystagmus/vestibular "episode?"

Guest Greensleeves

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Guest Greensleeves

Well, it was almost fated to happen. Today would have been Nelly's 9th birthday, DH's 38th birthday (well, it still was that ;)), and the anniversary of the day we found our Mamadog on the highway. It's been pretty low key around here--DH's first birthday since losing his girl. :(


...And, of course, we spent the evening at the e-vet.


Gracie Pigeon (almost 8) had some nystagmus and maybe some dizziness tonight (I didn't see this happen--DH was here with her), which we have heard about but never seen before. After a workup at the e-vet, they diagnosed a "vestibular episode," and said it could be a one-time thing. They saw no signs of an ear infection, or any other problems (they did the full exam--palpated the abdomen, moved all her limbs around, listened to her heart/lungs, took her temp, etc). She's never had any problems like this before, and nothing unusual happened today that would seem to "cause" something like this.


Has anyone had experience with this before? We plan to get her in tomorrow or Friday for bloodwork at our regular vet (her last bloodwork was in October), but until then she's just resting and we're kind of staring obsessively at her.


I'd appreciate any information or experience anyone has to share.



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Guest greytlady

My 11 yr old gal had an episode, probably 5 or 6 years ago. Was fine in the morning before I went to work, when I came home for lunch she was leaning against the wall, unable to stand on her own. Her eyes were revolving like she was super dizzy and if I got her away from the wall, she needed assistance to stand or she would stagger over. Took her to the vets and they could find nothing wrong with labwork, ect. Seems they put her on steriods and she was much better in 24 hours and completely better within days. The vet warned she could have a repeat episode but she never has.

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Mimi had a vestibular episode about a year, year and a half ago. She's 14.5 now so was probably around 13 then.


She was fine one minute and the next couldn't get up, had a stiff neck, eyes were wonky, etc. Rushed her to our vet and he gave her antibiotics and steroids and said to watch her and bring her back the next day. She was minimally better the next day, but there was a tiny bit of improvement. It took her probably a month to fully recover and lose the slight head tilt.


VERY scary when it happened. I thought for sure she'd had a stroke or something.


It's never happened again, and she's fairly healthy at 14.5.

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Guest RooCroo

One of our fosters had this. The vet said it will usually clear up with steroids, and never return.


:hope Hoping for no more recurrences!

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My Lynch has had two of the episodes, about 9-12 months apart. The first one was over and done with in about 2 weeks. The second one took months for him to get over and was much worse. It was hard with Lynch because he is blind and you feel bad enough because he can't see and then when he's trying to walk and staggering around (kind of like a bull in a china shop) and can't see what he's about to crash into. He's probably 90-95% at this point.


Frasier (bridge kid) had two episodes and then shortly after the second one started having seizures and vet figures the three issues for Frasier were related. And no, none of these issues are why he passed.


Blood work for dogs was fine in both instances.

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Guest KennelMom

We had an episode with Grandpa once...it scared the crap outta me!! He was better within a few days and never had an episode after that. The vet gave us something for the nausea, but that's about it.


:getwell Hope your girl is feeling better soon.

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Oh, I had a cat go through that. It was terribly frightening, but the vet diagnosed a deep, inner ear infection, and within a couple of days she was right as rain. I was SURE she had a stroke and that I was going to be coming home from the vet minus one cat, but it turned out to be a-OK!


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Guest Greensleeves

Thanks, everyone!


Gracie Pigeon seems absolutely fine now (and it doesn't sound like her episode was anywhere near as severe as what your guys went through), but she's got an appointment with Dr. Linda at 4 this afternoon, just to make sure! (Thanks to Mama Nelly's kidney disease, our regular vets now have a blood pressure machine--Nell was very special :)--so we'll be sure to have them check that, too. Assuming Gracie Pigeon's tail stops wagging long enough for them to get the cuff on her....)

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Sending my prayers. :grouphug


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Guest MonsterMomma

My lab has recurrent episodes of idiopathic vestibular syndrome. They last for 5-7 days, and she gradually returns to normal over a week or two. She had a really nasty episode about a month ago, and hasn't lost the head tilt yet. Then again, she's nearly 14, deaf and half blind...but still quite happy and not in any discomfort.

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Hoping for a fast and full recovery for your pup!


My sweet Robyn had an acute vestibular episode at age 14. As you've found out, it's frightening to watch, but even more frightening for them to experience. Within a week, Robbie was back to normal without a residual head tilt. My 11 year old iggy, Lexi, had an episode last year, which I mistook for a seizure because of her flailing and inability to move. She'd improved dramatically within 1-2 days, and completely recovered a few days later.


this was lexi the day after... her head tilt was gone before the end of the week.




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Hopefully it is a one time thing. One of my old greys had a vestibular episode and it scared the be jesus out of me. Rushed him to the vet. He never had another episode. My thoughts and prayers are with you and hopefully it is just a one time episode.



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