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Pa Coach

Guest TaraCoachCougar

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Guest TaraCoachCougar

PA Coach was born May 10, 1995. Her sire was Straight Away and her dam was Past Age. She belonged to Lawrence D. Henry and was at the Maverick Kennel Ltd, Inc. with trainer Sam Allison. She lived in New Smyrna Beach Florida. She was a gorgeous brindle and her left ear tattoo was 48101 and her right ear tattoo was 55C. Littermates were PA Ark, PA Brook, PA Down, PA Elite, PA Flag and PA Gym. After a torn rear leg muscle she was accepted by Greyhound Friends of NC and was there until her forever mom came for a visit. They brought about 3-4 dogs to show me and I narrowed it down to a black and white and Coach. I wanted a girl because I knew nothing about boys of any species and wasn't sure I wanted to see boy parts on a daily basis. When I left Coach at her kennel she whined a little as I was walking away and that sealed the deal. I put her on "hold" to discuss with DH as he wasn't with me and called the next day to began the adoption process.


Coach began her life with us in her forever home on September 11, 1999. She was 4 years old and had the most muscley butt I'd ever seen. One of the reasons I wanted a dog was to have a walking companion. I had been married for only four months living in a new neighborhood and it was only a couple of days before she was worked up to walking the neighborhood with me. Coach was a sweetheart, but she was a typical aloof female greyhound. She liked some attention, but then was content to go play with her stuffies or lounge on her beds. She quickly became comfortable cockroaching in her sleep, but didn't do it every day. She had some sleep agression and each time you walked past her bed too close, you would her a little growl or snap. Most of all she just accepted our love and loved us right back.


By the following May, I wanted another dog so I'd have a leash for both hands on our walks. The adoption group suggested that sometimes a girl and a boy got along better than two girls so I got over my boy part phobia. When Cougar arrived, people would stop in the middle of the street in our neighborhood or at the golf course neighborhood we walked in across the street to get out and love on my babies. They loved the attention. Again, Coach a little more reserved than Cougar but still enjoying the attention and always behaving even when young children wanted to pet her.


So Coach was there through the first two years of my marriage and our first house. In the fall of 2001, we decided to move out to the lake so she and Cougar easily transitioned to a new home. We bought a pontoon and they both loved to go for rides. We lost many a nail as they would tear down the pier to wait for their boat ride.


The first vet we went to in the early days had diagnosed Coach with a heart murmur (around 2002 I think). She started a daily regimen of enalapril and spironolactone. She easily took her pills in her food and later when she decided that wasn't going to cut it, she would take them inside mini marshmallows. Other than one bout of tape worm early on, I can't remember any big medical issues with Coach. She was so easy going and not a bit of trouble.


Coach was also there when I got pregnant and then brought home our son Greyson. I have pictures from his first walk out with the greys and the stroller. She pretty much ignored him and as he grew up for the most part he ignored her which was probably the best thing I could have asked for. Our now 5 year old son is gentle and mostly well-behaved and I attribute a lot of that to constant reminders to be quiet and low-key around the dogs.


I'm not sure where all the time went but it sure did pass. Watching my babies age has not been an easy process. About two years ago, Coach started losing some of the strength in her back legs. This made it difficult to manuever on the 8 or so steps down to our back deck and then two more to the back yard that was fenced for the dogs. Scraped legs were becoming more and more common. We moved the fence around to the other side of the house so they could go down the 4 carpeted steps that are under a roof that also helped with the few times a year that we had ice or snow. This is the best thing I could have done for the old gal. In the past year I also started backing my SUV up to the ditch to allow her to jump straight in instead of having to spring upward.


If you are still with me, I'll just summarize and say that I think I was able to give Coach a good life. There was a beach trip and swimming in the lake (once - not her favorite). She went to see some greyhounds that did tricks in Charlotte once and their were lots of car rides and the occassional trip to walk at the park. We put many miles on the road walking together over the years. This was one of the highlights of her day until her age started showing and walks were cut shorter when Cougar developed corns.


Now, for the sad part. About 5-6 weeks ago, Coach developed a limp. When I took her to our vet, he wanted her to come back for some x-rays. She had a slight aggresive bone lesion. We left with Deramaxx and tramadol that were a godsend for about 5 weeks. One day the sneaky bad limp showed back up and when it did clear up over a few days I started to worry a little. Then there was the incident last Saturday where she did a full body shake and screamed in pain when the shake made it's way down to her leg. She couldn't use the leg for a few minutes and I called the vet to see if we could get in before they closed. X-rays showed no fraction but much progession with the bone cancer.


Knowing the end was near, we decided to have a "party" to celebrate Miss Coach on Sunday. With uncharacteristic 70 degree weather in February, we piled into the pontoon boat for one last ride. She was limping but had improved from her status on Saturday. She had Frosty Paws ice cream and lots of treats and extra hugs and kisses. I can't relive the next few days, but she went downhill everyday.


She was a fighter. In the end, we had her pain under control but she wasn't using her front leg any longer. With the other three legs in not so great shape, she didn't make a good tripod. She still threw her heart into it though and would pull herself up using every ounce of strength to hop 5 feet to another bed or just to stand up to pee. My precious baby had no quality of life and I knew she would never walk down our steps again. It was hard because she was still giving it all she had, but I couldn't bear to watch her struggle so hard to accomplish so little. With the ever progessing cancer, all I could hope for was to prolong the inevitable.


So, on the February 12, 2009, the hardest day of my life to date, I took my first baby to our vet to say goodbye to the princess that had taught me about dogs, the greyhound breed and most importantly how to be a "mom". I drive 40 minutes to our vet and knew it was too far to ask them to come to our house so I asked them to take care of this outside in the grass since it was another gorgeous warm day. It was quick and it was peaceful and painless.


I requested to take her body with us because my sweet old 82 year old grandpa was going to dig me a hole in the pasture right in front of my mom and dad's house with his backhoe. She is now where I grew up. The vet said they normally send body with a cadaver quality body bag and I know this wasn't the reason, but it made it so much easier as we placed her down. A little later on Thursday I realized the bag was her favorite color - royal blue. She would have been happy to know that it was her color and matched her color and coat.


It's hard to believe that just a little over a week ago, Coach was playing bowing in the living room and barking up a storm as I made my way across to open up the door for a potty break. She could be silly when she let her guard down.


Coach had a variety of nicknames as it was just usually whatever happened to come out of my mouth at the time, but in addition to being princess girl, she was Cho, Chicken Cho, Choey, Chip chip, pretty princess, Chachie, etc.


I'll miss her and never stop loving her. She holds a special spot in my heart. As my first pet as an adult, she taught me lots about love and life. Until we meet again Coachie, momma loves.

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I'm so sorry. :cry1 What a lovely tribute to a special girlie.


Godspeed Coach.

Standard Poodle Daisy (12/13)
Missing Cora (RL Nevada 5/99-10/09), Piper (Cee Bar Easy 2/99-1/10), Tally (Thunder La La 9/99-3/10), Edie (Daring Reva 9/99-10/12), Dixie (Kiowa Secret Sue 11/01-1/13), Jessie (P's Real Time 11/98-3/13), token boy Graham (Zydeco Dancer 9/00-5/13), Cal (Back Already 12/99-11/13), Betsy (Back Kick Beth 11/98-12/13), Standard Poodles Minnie (1/99-1/14) + Perry (9/98-2/14), Annie (Do Marcia 9/03-10/14), Pink (Miss Pinky Baker 1/02-6/15), Poppy (Cmon Err Not 8/05-1/16), Kat (Jax Candy 5/05-5/17), Ivy (Jax Isis 10/07-7/21), Hildy (Braska Hildy 7/10-12/22), Opal (Jax Opal 7/08-4/23). Toodles (BL Toodles 7/09-4/24)

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I'm so sorry about this...:beatheart

I do know how you feel about burying them. All of mine are buried at a friend's place by the lake under some shade trees. Its very peaceful.

Know that we are all here for you.... :grouphug

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I'm sorry you had to say goodbye to Coach.

You had a good long life together but it's always hard to say goodbye.



When a relationship of love is disrupted, the relationship does not cease. The love continues; therefore, the relationship continues. The work of grief is to reconcile and redeem life to a different love relationship. ~ W Scott Lineberry

Always Greyhounds Home Boarding and Greyhounds With Love House Sitting

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Guest greyt2love

I am so sorry about Coach. Having had to just make the same decision for Caesar, my first grey, on Wednesday, the 11th I so totally understand how hard it is, even knowing it is the right thing to do. My thoughts are with you now. Godspeed sweet Coach ! Look for Caesar, a quiet handsome brindle boy. He is brand new at the Bridge, too.

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the princess that had taught me about dogs, the greyhound breed and most importantly how to be a "mom"

My favorite part :heart

Find peace, baby girl.


I will miss Coachie, along with Vinnnie and Rex, Evie and Baz, and all the other greys that brought us all together for the first time. I am glad she is with your mom and dad. I bring ours home, too.


And I never knew it until today, but Coach is exactly one day older than Vinnie: just one day. :)


Hugs to you and Couger, Greyson and your DH,

Tonya, mom to May, and my angels Vinnie, Rex, Red, Chase, and Jake.

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I am so sorry for your loss of your very special Coach. Thank you for sharing your memories; my heart breaks along with your's.

I do hate cancer. It is the thief who robs us everyday of those we love.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
Handcrafted Greyhound and Custom Clocks http://www.houndtime.com
Zoom Doggies-Racing Coats for Racing Greyhounds

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Beautiful tribute for a beautiful soul. My sympathies to you, your family and Cougar. May all find peace.


Cindy with Miss Fancypants, Paris Bueller, Zeke, and Angus 
Dante (Dg's Boyd), Zoe (In a While), Brady (Devilish Effect), Goose (BG Shotgun), Maverick (BG ShoMe), Maggie (All Trades Jax), Sherman (LNB Herman Bad) and Indy (BYB whippet) forever in my heart
The flame that burns the brightest, burns the fastest and leaves the biggest shadow

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I loved her stories. She will be missed by all.


I am so sorry.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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:f_red That really was a baeutiful tribute you wrote. She leaves quite a legacy, a legacy of love.


God speed pretty girl, you fought a brave fight with such dignity and grace. Run now with the Angels and please continue to watch over those who love you.




Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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such a beautiful tribute for such a special girl :sad1 :sad1 :sad1


I know she's looking down on you from the bridge with love and caring, knowing you will always love her and have a special place for her in your heart, and will see her again. :f_pink

Kim and Bruce - with Rick (Rick Roufus 6/30/16) and missing my sweet greyhound Angels Rainey (LG's Rainey 10/4/2000 - 3/8/2011), Anubis (RJ's Saint Nick 12/25/2001 - 9/12/12) and Zeke (Hey Who Whiz It 4/6/2009 - 7/20/2020) and Larry (PTL Laroach 2/24/2007 - 8/2/2020) -- and Chester (Lab) (8/31/1990 - 5/3/2005), Captain (Schipperke) (10/12/1992 - 6/13/2005) and Remy (GSP) (?/?/1998 - 1/6/2005) at the bridge
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." -- Ernest Hemmingway

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