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Guest TinasTroops

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Sending lots of good thoughts. Please keep us posted.




Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Guest TinasTroops

Results are in - Negative for TBD.


Excerpt from Dr John "It is therefore in our best interest to consider looking at lymphoma as our diagnosis. However before we do this we should take a section of lymph node to quantify the condition."


So in him saying that and reading between the lines my Cyah Bum "Minnagirl" has Lymphomia This biopsy of the node will help determine what stage and condition.


Unless my baby girl tells me otherwise or that Dr John feels that this is not a strong option for her, we're moving forward with Chemo.


Dr John has also been informed of Care Credit and feels it is a good option/Financial aid to help us along with her treatment.

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Guest TinasTroops

It is what it is....................... Lymphoma.

We go in for a biopsy on Tuesday.

We will determine the stage and go from there.


We hope to start Chemo in just over a week.

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Please let me know if I can help you in anyway. :grouphug It's been almost 10 months since the lymphoma diagnosis and the start of chemo for our girl, Bonnie Twist. We opted not to do a biopsy to determine the type and stage. The FNA confirmed lymphoma for her, without any doubts.


Dr. Couto has prescribed all of our chemo protocols and has worked with our vet. I'd definitely recommend emailing or consulting with Dr. Couto, if you haven't already. Keep us updated. :goodluck Feel free to PM me if you have any specific questions.

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It is what it is....................... Lymphoma.

We go in for a biopsy on Tuesday.

We will determine the stage and go from there.


We hope to start Chemo in just over a week.

I am so sorry. Having been down that road with Angel LaceyLaine...if there is anything I can do...please let me know. :grouphug Hug Cyah for me. Edited to add: I am so happy you are considering Care Credit.

Edited by patricia


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest TinasTroops

Cyah is very tired right now and the swelling and bruising is a tad concerning - so I have emailed my Vet to ask his suggestions and what to watch for.


He has removed 2/3 of the Lymph Node behind her back leg and another fine needle aspiration. You may ask why?

Dr John even at this point is still not convinced that we are dealing with Lymphoma (even with the results to date all leaning towards it) She is exzibiting absolutely zero signs of the disease. He has also said which confirmed my finding that none of the node have grown in the last 30 days. When your dealing with Lymphoma the nodes will change and grow larger frm week to week - in her case this is not happening.


So we wait 3 days for the results and if the findings don't come back as 100% Lymphoma, Dr John, Dr Couto and myself head back to the drawing board to try and find out what this is.


Normally I would be crawling up the wall here but the fact that she has gained some weight, her energy has increased all due to her raw diet and the fact nothing is growing. I am not going batty BUT I do want to find out what this is.




We have contacted our Vet over the bruising and Cyah is now on Amicar for the bruising.

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The biopsy should tell the whole story. I hope you take that trip back to the drawing board! Prayers for Cyah!

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest TinasTroops

To start I want to thank each and every one who has called, messaged, posted asking how she is, passing over positive thoughts and healing prayers for my little girl


So now for the results that I did not expect to receive until Monday......




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Thank You Thank You Thank You - did I say Thank You!!


What we do know is she has Reactive Lymph Nodes - which are caused by a bacterial or viral infections. We talk to John on Monday on the protocol and medication to get ride of this bug she has, learn from it, and know what to watch for the next time it may happen.

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Yahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I hear ya shouting sista! Awesome news! :D


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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That's soooooo good to hear some brilliant news on GT that is lovely


Run free our beloved Sir Snowy, Pip, Queenie, Sadie, Tess & Rosie until we meet again......I would rather feel the thorn than to never see the rose

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Guest TinasTroops

We have received the results for Cyah and she has Reactive hyperplasia (local or general immune response) which means she has a bacterial or viral infection to which the origin cannot be determined.


Dr. John and I think it may be cause by her gum disease but nothing is for certain, He says to eliminate that we could do another extensive cleaning and dental on her, to which I refused (Unless it is life treating) being on raw has helped her teeth, gums, soreness and bleeding reduce substantually.


Dr. John has asked me to just be careful with the raw and its origins because of bacteria. I agreed, but I see a good difference in her so we’re not changing her food at this point.


This may reoccur - it means we have to watch her and just make sure her nodes are in check.


We are opting to not place her on Clamivox this time around but to try Clindamycin which is more geared towards viral and bacterial infections in and around the oral area. We will have her on it for 3 weeks and then in to see Dr. John for a full checkup. And I think at that point we will run a full senior blood panel on her.



Thank You Everyone

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