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New To Greytalk, Needed To Communicate With Someone

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Hi all,


I have been a browser of Greytalk for awhile now but hadn't felt the need to register until today. This forum seems to be very good and I have found much useful information from it in the past. Now to my story and situation. We have a lovely little brindle female greyhound named Cherry. She turned 14 on August 18th. She was going along quite well for an old gal until just days after her birthday, she started to limp! I know from reading this forum that most of you know what that meant. The first x-rays were inconclusive but she had new x-rays on Monday and she has bone cancer in her right shoulder. The worst part is, she was a fully functioning but limping greyhound when we went to the vets but by the time they were done working the shoulder in all directions and dragging her around for x-rays and things, she now can't use the leg at all. The right leg just hangs down limp. She had some weakness in her hind quarters for the past few years so this latest development has put her in really bad shape. I now have to carry her in and out of the house and into and out of the car, she is not happy with this situation. Worst of all, she is in extreme pain unless she happens to find the perfect position laying down. We worked hard on finding one of these positions last night and eventually she was comfortable and we cuddled for a long time before we both went to sleep.


I am not really asking for any advice now, just need to communicate to someone to keep my sanity. I know what has to be done and I know it is time. I have waited 36 hours or more to see if the pain would subside after we quit poking at her Monday and to allow the industrial strength pain patch to kick in but things are not improving. I just called the vet to see if we can allow her to pass at home. The vet is going to call me today. This just sucks! Sorry for being long winded and thanks for listening.


Hurting in MA.




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Guest PhillyPups

First welcome to Greytalk, I just wish you were in a better place when you joined, but am so glad you are here :wave:bighug


I know the shock, my Divine Ms. SugarBear was 14.5 when she lost the battle to osteo, it still pains me to read about it with anyones hounds, brings all the shock and pain right back. We are here for you to share with you, to hope with you, and when the time comes to grieve with you. Many of us have walked your path, you are amongst (so very sad to say) a large group of people that have been there, and it is so very very painful.


Please give Cherry a kiss for me, cherish your moments together, and know I am here in Philly shedding tears with you. :bighug



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I am so sorry. I am sure that your girlie knows how very much you love her, and will appreciate you making that final decision to end her pain. Run free sweet girl.


Molly Weasley Carpenter-Caro - 6 Year Old Standard Poodle.

Gizzy, Specky, Riley Roo & Lady - Our beloved Greyhounds waiting at the Rainbow Bridge.

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I am so very sorry you're going thru this....so many of us have been in your shoes. You'll find lots of comfort and strength from the members here.


Welcome, and we'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers

Denise & Strider, Blake, Fields, Frank, FlippyDoo, and Momma Gail.

The Bridge Angels Zack(Ags Marble Chip) 4/25/93-2/16/06, Wanda(Rainier Rowanda) 12/14/94-06/09/06, Brooke/Boogers(Rainier Restive) 01/01/99-10/20/08, Warlock(Rainier Rammer) 4/29/99-10/01/09), Patsie(Frisky Patsy) 5/17/96-2/05/10, Hatter(Cals Madhatter) 6/3/00-3/11/10, Dodger(Rainier Ransack) 4/29/99-4/16/10, and Sparkle(Okie Sparkle) 11/8/2000-1/28/11

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Guest Redpack

I know you didn't ask for advice, but there are other pain meds. Maybe something would work better for as long as she's here? :grouphug

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It's unfortunate to welcome you under such circumstances, but welcome anyway.


I have not had the misfortune of osteo, but I do have two bridgekids. I'm sorry you're going thru this, however I'm sure Cherry knows she's loved. And that's most important.









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Guest EmilyAnne

Oh, I am very sorry. :(


When my Alfalfa passed on last year, I thought of his passing as being healed. Healed from the pain he was in. As he took his last breath, a relief went through his whole body. Their souls do not die and their souls are relieved to be free of their achy old bodies.

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Guest EustisMom

I am so sorry, this is one of the saddest things about owning a pet. I am sure you are a great owner and you have given Cherry a great life. I'll keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.

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Guest GreytMuse

Hugs and prayers for you and Cherry. Please know we're here for you whenever you need us -- we do understand what you are going through.

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I am so sorry you are going through this with your girl. White, healing energy is being sent to all of you -please do not hesitate to come back here with all your thoughts, feelings and questions. We've all been there... :grouphug

My boys, together again...




A hui hou kakou, my loves

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I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your girl today.


Cleo (Golddust Cadilac 83484 Blazing Desire X Greys Blu Fox)

Cole (Hallo Jeremy 88778 My Rooster X Bahama Tango)

Athena (R and a Peach 93839 Coldwater Guv X R and a Lady)

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Many prayers and hugs on the way to you. I just lost my sweet girl suddenly and trust me, GT is a fantastic place to be when you are hurting because everyone here understands and are ready with a hug. And we never get tired of hearing stories of our beloved Greys.




Take the time to stop and smell the flowers - appreciate your everyday ordinary miracles

Carolyn, Faith, Jeff Gordon (aka Jeffy) and Oscar the chilla. Desperately missing our Stella, we'll see you later sweet girl.

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Guest WarmheartedPups

First, Welcome to Greytalk and I am so very sorry you have to go through this. So many people here know exactly what you are going through.....its the worst......I will hold you and your special girl in my prayers.

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Guest mdituro


No one can take away the pain you feel right now but helping Cherry to be freed from the pain she is feeling is absolutely the one final act of love you can give her. No one wants to see a loved one suffer, and no one wants to lose a loved one. It's the hardest choice of all - but it's the one you must make. I feel for you - I truly do - and I hope some day you will be able to look back at what is happening now and know that you made the right choice, out of love for Cherry, for all the love that she has given you. Godspeed to you and Cherry. My thoughts and prayers are with you this sad day.

:f_pink :f_pink :f_pink


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