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Shanti's Tail Problem

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Thank you for all the thoughts. I am crying right now. Oh how I wish they are SO wrong. I can't even convey how much I hope they are wrong. As Shanti lays here beside me so peacefully, I am crushed knowing how much pain medicine she is on. And what could be happening. There are so many words that are, not allowed, that are going through my head.


Ironically, I ran into Sharon, my adoption rep for Shanti. We had a nice talk. She gave me her un-censored true beliefs. I really appreciate that!!!! They were right along my thinking path.


GT's support means the world to me!!!! I can't convey that enough. Family does not always get it. I just thought this was fixable. Now, I am not so sure. I have put her through so much torture, I don't know how much more I can do. I love my girl with all my heart. She is MY heart dog. I don't know how to go on with out her. I hope they are wrong and something good comes out of this on Monday.

The Girls

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Guest vahoundlover

Tears have been flowing here too. You have fought so hard for Shanti, your love for her shines through your posts. :grouphug Whatever the final outcome is, know that she loves you so much and she knows you are trying so hard to help her. Praying on Monday you will get news that this is all just a very bad dream and they can help your baby girl get better.

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Guest charmsmom

Jenny, I've been following along, but have not posted until now. I've been praying for Shanti all the while, though. I'm so sorry to hear about this possible diagnosis and praying that they are wrong. You will be in our thoughts. Give her lots of extra love, and don't feel bad. There is nothing you did wrong or could have done differently. She knows you love her and are doing your best.



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I never thought this could be cancer! :cry1 I hope you get good news from the team of vets. Are they thinking it could be anything else?


We'll be sending good thoughts and "NO CANCER" chants to Shanti. :goodluck

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Guest luvRgreys

I just came across this thread. Read the whole thing, and when I got to CANCER it was such a shock! The last thing I would have thought.. Staph made sense to me, I am just sick to my stomach over this. Please know that you and Shanti are in my prayers. If I can do anytrhing I will, just ask. If tears would help, the help would be massive.


You are being such a great mom. Wish I could say/do more.

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I never thought this could be cancer! :cry1 I hope you get good news from the team of vets. Are they thinking it could be anything else?


We'll be sending good thoughts and "NO CANCER" chants to Shanti. :goodluck


There is a slim chance that is is a degenerative joint condition. But, that does not usually put bone cells in the lymph nodes. Plus the suspicious chest xray. But...there is a chance. If it is just a joint problem, that can more than likely be fixed with surgery.


I just came across this thread. Read the whole thing, and when I got to CANCER it was such a shock! The last thing I would have thought.. Staph made sense to me, I am just sick to my stomach over this. Please know that you and Shanti are in my prayers. If I can do anytrhing I will, just ask. If tears would help, the help would be massive.


You are being such a great mom. Wish I could say/do more.



She has a staph infection too. :( Her tail and belly are staph. Her staph infection came out of the immune suppression to fix her joint.

The Girls

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Oh Jenny :grouphug


I'm just catching up on everything. Shanti is always in our prayers, and now we'll just add more :bighug




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We appear to be winning the battle of the Staph infection. I cleaned her tail today and re-wrapped. HUGE improvement. She did not get up, so I put some paper towels down and cleaned it on her bed. :P That no longer hurts her. She no longer cares if I clean, wrap or mess with it. It has to stay wrapped for a bit for protection if nothing else.


Here is todays improvement.



And a fun picture, just because. I laughed at this. They were all laying down with paws over the stairs, but I moved for the camera. Nala always hopes for food and moved!



The Girls

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Shanti that beautiful girl is still in my thoughts as are you. I can't imagine how hard this has been for you.



Jack, in my heart forever March 1999-Nov 21, 2008 My Dancing Queen Jilly with me always and forever Aug 12, 2003-Oct 15, 2010

Joshy I will love you always Aug 1, 2004-Feb 22,2013 Jonah my sweetheart May 2000 - Jan 2015

" You will never need to be alone again. I promise this. As your dog, I will sing this promise to you, and whisper it to you at night, every night, with my breath." Stanley Coren

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NOT CANCER!!! She has a fungal infection. I th ink it was called coxemia mitoses or something that sounds a lot like that. Treatable!!!


I was left a message, he said there is a lot he needs to talk to me about so I will get more detail on Monday. We did a fungal panel in December and it came up negative. Her chest x-rays that were suspicious he said then 2 things can cause it, fungal and cancer. She had tested negative for fungal which is why the prime suspicion was cancer. The lymph node culture showed fungal spores.


So I will have a plan of attack on Monday. Right now I am SO RELIEVED!!! If I could do back flips, I would!


:bounce1 :bounce1 :bounce1:clap :clap :banana :banana :banana

Edited by ShantisMom

The Girls

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WHOO HOO!!! That is wonderful news. Give Shanti a big hug from me and Navigator. Her tail looks so much better. And that group photo............. priceless.


Doreen & Navigator


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Yahoo!!!!! Coccidomycosis It's Valley Fever. When I worked for a lung specialist we treated patient's for this!!! Here's a link for humans http://www.valley-fever.org/valley_fever_org_research.html Maybe you will find some interesting facts!!


Made my evening!!! :yay:yay:yay:bighug to you and Shanti!!



Well I'll be! We tested for that. I wonder why it did not show up. I am baffled at why in December it was negative and now positive.


THANK YOU! Off to find out all I can on that. :)

The Girls

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Glad to hear it's not cancer! When you mentioned it was fungal, my first thought was Valley Fever. Here's a link to Dr. Stack's website where she gives information: Valley Fever


Yahoo!!!!! Coccidomycosis It's Valley Fever. When I worked for a lung specialist we treated patient's for this!!! Here's a link for humans http://www.valley-fever.org/valley_fever_org_research.html Maybe you will find some interesting facts!!


Made my evening!!! :yay:yay:yay:bighug to you and Shanti!!



Well I'll be! We tested for that. I wonder why it did not show up. I am baffled at why in December it was negative and now positive.


THANK YOU! Off to find out all I can on that. :)

Different labs? :dunno

Paula & her pups--Paneer (WW Outlook Ladd), Kira & Rhett (the whippets)
Forever in my heart...Tinsel (Born's Bounder - 11/9/90-12/18/01), Piper, Chevy, Keno, Zuma, Little One, Phaelin & Winnie
Greyhound Adoption Center ~ So Cal rep for Whippet Rescue And Placement

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