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Advantix And Fish Oil

Guest embarkguru

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Guest GreytGoolyGee

I, so, need to find a good Greyhound vet that makes me feel comfortable about my dog. I'm trying to be patient because I know that we will be moving soon to a different area.

I took Molly to the vet yesterday to have her sutures taken out from her spay. Of course they are going to charge me for an office visit so that make sure that she gets a good once over. But, the doctor (new) that they got for me, I never have met and she made a weird comment when she was feeling Mol over....'wow, I have never seen a Greyhound before'. Lord, I hope that my ears were playing tricks. It was hard to tell with all the screaming in my head that was going on from the mild panic attack that I was having.

So, after some deep breaths and the doctor figured out that she is UTD on everything, she asked if I had any concerns. Just some dried flaky skin on her coat. The doctor recommend OTC fish oil capsules. If any of you have used this before, please let me know. Amazingly enough, Molly has hair….even on her bottom!!!

Also, Molly is on Sentenial with Advantage. The office manager wanted to know if I was interested in Advantix. She didn’t know if it was Grey safe. Is it? Has anyone on here used it before?

Thank you for the help and the Greyt suggestions! I love this site!


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Guest SquanHound

Ugh - I wouldn't like hearing that either. But she was right about the fish oil. Ping gets one capsule with his breakfast each morning. It will take a few weeks to see a difference, but Ping had lots of flakes and now he has a really, really shiney, extrodinarily full coat (he too had a fuzzy bottom to start with). I don't know about Advantix for sure, but I have never heard that it wasn't safe for greyhound.

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Guest EmilyAnne

If your leery of our vet, search out a new one. I recently switched vets, and I am so glad I did! :colgate My vet has two greyhounds fo her own and takes them to work with her. :D My boys both get fish oil and vitamin E. If you give fish oil, you want to give vitamin E too.

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Don't know the answer on the flea/tick meds, but fish body oil is great for the skin & coat. I get mine from Puritan's Pride (NAYY) & throw a bunch in his bowl at dinner time (& take it myself). Faolin is a very hairy beast as well but he is a little flaky at the moment from the winter. He needs a good brushing to get rid of the dead skin & hair. Sounds like Molly is doing well & just needs a little brushing too.


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Guest spider9174

No on the Advantix. Use Frontline Plus.


Fish oil and vitamin E is AWESOME for coats. Greys don't have a lot of skin oil, so you have to supplement. I've found fish oil to be superior to anything I've tried. In fact, I have a black greyhound and have had 2 black fosters. Each one had flakey skin to differin degrees. After two weeks in my house, no flakes. I also brush and use wipes on them, but the fish oil puts in the oil they need. It's heart healthy--Omega 3 fatty acids. The vitamin E works synergistically with fish oil. It helps the absorbtion and is also great for skin. I give on fish oil 2x/day. I viatmin e tab 1x/day.

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Guest LokisMom

Advantix is grey safe. It is not safe for cats. Don't know if you have cats or not but it shouldn't be used in households with cats. (my vet swears it is fine as long as you don't let the cats eat it, other vets say differently) I don't know that I would switch flea medicines if I were you except I prefer to have tick protection as opposed to just flea. We really like Frontline Plus.


We are currently using Advantix and there is a long story about that which I will not get into here but we will be switching back to Frontline as soon as the Advantix runs out.


I would switch vets if you are not comfortable with the vet and particularly if they have never seen a grey before.


Edited because I am a lousy speller.

Edited by LokisMom
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Several adopters in my group have reported adverse reactions to Advantix, including diarrhea, severe itching and seizures. I'd never use it, and not just because I have cats :)

Meredith with Heyokha (HUS Me Teddy) and Crow (Mike Milbury). Missing Turbo (Sendahl Boss), Pancho, JoJo, and "Fat Stacks" Juana, the psycho kitty. Canku wakan kin manipi.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

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Guest GreytGoolyGee

Thank you so much for all the advice about the fish oil. After work today, I will go to the market and get some.

The office manager did say that the Advantix was not safe for cats. We do not have cats. But, I was thinking that since Greys are so sensitive to things, this would not be good. Were we live, we do not have problems with ticks. But, we go back home (Oklahoma) and my MIL does have a problem with them.

Thank you again for all of the advice!


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Guest BlackandBrindle

It was recommended by my grey savvy vet not to use Advantix. Frontline is what we use, and you can get it online for cheaper than they offer in the vet practices (no prescription.)


Also, fish oil is good for the coat. We use Grizzly Salmon Oil, which you just pump onto their food and my bald babies are actually growing hair. They are so soft and shiny that people are always impressed when they see them :)

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Guest spider9174

the general rule with greyhounds, that I personally live by, is that if it is not good to use on cats, don't use it ion greyhounds. many of the probelms come from not being able to properly metabolize compounds due to a lower percentage of body fat. so, i'd stay away from advantix.

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Guest vahoundlover

Frontline Plus here...


I feel the same way Hubcitypam does about the fish oil... our holisitic vet says a sardine a day keeps the vet away :lol

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Advantix is grey safe, but not to be used around cats. I used it for a few months and then found out about the cat thing--gave it to a friend who gave it to another friend who used for her grey!




Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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What's your geographic location? Perhaps there's a local vet someone can recommend.


As for fish oil- our guys go NUTS for the "Costco" fish oil capsules. They like them so much we use them as treats after the nail/ear/teeth cleanings they get- as well as for squawker training. They love 'em.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Guest FordRacingRon
It was recommended by my grey savvy vet not to use Advantix. Frontline is what we use, and you can get it online for cheaper than they offer in the vet practices (no prescription.)


Also, fish oil is good for the coat. We use Grizzly Salmon Oil, which you just pump onto their food and my bald babies are actually growing hair. They are so soft and shiny that people are always impressed when they see them :)


All this for my household too. I don't now if there is a difference between Frontline and Frontline Plus,,,use the Plus. I buy by Grizzly Salmon Oil from www.kvvet.com ,,,pretty good prices. No skin problems with Leia at all.

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Guest crazy4greys

My vet also recommended NOT to use Advantix on greyhounds. He said he has seen some side effects from it.


I use Advantage and the Preventic tick collar.


The Frontline Plus seemed to stop working on the fleas in my area.

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Guest ProudGreyMom

I have used Advantix for years on my greys with no problem. I split one tube between the two of them. My vet is grey savvy and he has no issues with the Advantix.


Lots of folks have used the fish oil caps for flaky skin. I prefer to use Brewers Yeast tab type vitamins if needed because sometimes the oil can cause runny poo.



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Sentinel has worked GREAT for us in breaking the flea cycle that got started due to a bad year last year (and this was early in the year last year...haven't had a problem since!). I also use Frontline Plus about every other month during the summer. I would not use Advantix personally, but everyone has their preference.


Edit: my dogs get a can of Jack Mackerel each every week but I also give Fish Oil Caps. I quit giving Vit E, however.

Edited by HJsM

Missing our Raisin: 9/9/94 - 7/20/08, our Super Bea: 2003 - 12/16/09, our Howie: 9/17/97 - 4/9/11, our Bull: 8/7/00 - 1/17/13, our Wyatt Earp: 11/22/06 - 12/16/15, and our Cyclone 8/26/05 - 9/12/16

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Guest nerak254

I'm sure she's a very nice woman, but having her say she'd never seen a greyhound before would make me run for the door and not come back!

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Guest ChancesMom

I would not use Advantix. My vet gave it to me and after one application mine started doing weird things. I first noticed that he was scratching and shaking a lot more. Then if you tried to pet him around that area he would turn his head that way and his skin crawled dramatically. With frontline, usually in 2-3 days the product has soaked in. After a week the Advantix was still very visible. I gave him a bath which seemed to help some and the called the company. They suggested applying Vit. E oil to the area which I did still with not much change. I then washed it with a mild dishwashing liquid and that seems to have helped some. Hopefully in time, he will quit twitching every time I try to pet him in that area. We will be going back to Frontline.

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Guest GreytGoolyGee

I hate saying this (because it makes me feel old), but I think that she might have been 21 yrs or so. No bashing on me for that!!

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My vet that I've had for years has also recently started reccomending Advantix, I wonder if they are getting a kickback from it or something? Quiet Man has been on Frontline Plus for 6 years with no problems, so there's no way I'd switch now, even at the advice of my vet.

Forever in my heart: my girl Raspberry & my boys Quiet Man, Murphy, Ducky, Wylie & Theo
www.greyhoundadventures.org & www.greyhoundamberalert.org & www.duckypaws.com


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Guest lotsogreysmom

I have used Advantix for yrs on my dogs with no problems at all and I have 12 dogs that I use it on. My vet was fine with it and actually it is given to me free from the University of Pennsylvania Animal Hospital for my dogs being blood donors. I would think they know what they are doing since they are an animal hospital. Most vets are preferring Advantix to Frontline and Advantage nowadays. I have used fish oil capsules for my greys' coats before but I find that it's not necessary once they are on decent food for a while.

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Frontline Plus here, too. I buy Omega-3 from Trader Joe's, the human stuff. Carl gets one a day. That along with the Eagle Pack is making him grow fur on his thighs and chest. How manly!

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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