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Shanti's Diagnosis Is In

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Well, after all the cultures came back and the xrays, we have come to the final conclusion...


Immune Mediated Poly Arthritis.


Bummer! We suspected it, and went through all the process of elimination and fixing what else we found. In 2 weeks we will start immune suppression on her. Since we treated the Babesia, we are going to use Prednisone and the chemo drug that starts with an A (I forgot it right now). We will put her on an antibiotic while suppressed to help her out.


We keep our fingers crossed that we don't set off any infections. If this does not work and she is still in great pain, we will be meeting with the specialist who has been consulting on her, Dr. Ike. We will discuss ortho surgery where they remove and fuse the joint. It was much more technical than that, but you get the point. :) It is an extreme option, but one of the last. If we need to cross that bridge, we will be doing a ton of research. This option would eliminate the pain and need for constant pain killers, but is not without its risks and downfalls.


I think she is lucky to have landed with us. We will do what we can. But I do believe this girl should be made of platinum. :P

The Girls

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She is very lucky to have the both of you that really care about her and her health. We will be praying that all goes well. :bighug:bighug

Darlene Mom to: Aladdin, Sophie ,Pongo, Jasmine, Relic Forever in our Hearts Champ at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Bay Area Greyhound Adoptions INC. Naples/ Fort Myers Chapter

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Guest longdogs

Fingers crossed for you. William had this, although it seems to be more of a label for a set of conditions than something concrete. He was extremely unwell, spent time in intensive care, then gradually crawled back into some kind of health helped by large doses of prednisolone. He never fully recovered his original vitality but lived a happy and mostly pain-free life for about another 18 months, a time we treasure. Late last year he went into a rapid decline that we couldn't prevent. We lost him in November, aged 10. The polyarthritis was just one symptom. Fortunately for William it was not a condition that required surgery although every joint in that poor dog's body was painful. Prednisolone helped him a lot and acted quite quickly. PM me if there is anything I can do.

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Oh my goodness! Wow. I'm so sorry! Poor Shanti. :(

I hope you can find the least invasive/toxic solutions to her comfort and health, and have long lovely years together with her yet! :bighug


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Guest vahoundlover
:( At least now you know....Shanti is a lucky girl to have you...it's quite obvious the love you have and take such good care of her. Keeping Shanti in my prayers. :grouphug
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oh no. you'll keep us posted, right?


I sure will.


I have come to the realization that she will not be setting the oldest greyhound record, but I do expect her to stick around for many years to come. :blush I am also thinking I may need to consider going back to work to support her. :blush

The Girls

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Guest MorganKonaAlex
Since we treated the Babesia, we are going to use Prednisone and the chemo drug that starts with an A (I forgot it right now).



Regarding the age Shanti may live to, she may surprise you. 2+ years ago when 10.5 year old Morgan got diagnosed with osteo, I thought for sure we wouldn't have him long. But he just keeps hopping along.... :blush

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Since we treated the Babesia, we are going to use Prednisone and the chemo drug that starts with an A (I forgot it right now).



Regarding the age Shanti may live to, she may surprise you. 2+ years ago when 10.5 year old Morgan got diagnosed with osteo, I thought for sure we wouldn't have him long. But he just keeps hopping along.... :blush


Azathioprine (Imuran) was the medicine.


I am hoping to be surprised with tons of years. :)


The Girls

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:bighug I know there are "issues" with pred, but it's been a wonder drug for us.


Check with your vet (not sure about interactions with chemo drugs), but if he says ok, be sure to add probiotics, yogurt, or something like that while she's on all this other stuff to help keep her gut in order :)

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:bighug I know there are "issues" with pred, but it's been a wonder drug for us.


Check with your vet (not sure about interactions with chemo drugs), but if he says ok, be sure to add probiotics, yogurt, or something like that while she's on all this other stuff to help keep her gut in order :)


I will. I had a hard time getting her to eat on antibiotics for a while. I am guessing I will go back to cooking her meals. Man, she is a lucky princess!

The Girls

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I'm sorry to hear about Shanti's diagnosis. :sad1 At least you know what it is for sure now, and you can move forward with treatment... Shanti is very lucky to have such a committed family. Hugs to you and your sweet hound :grouphug annd good luck... keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well :goodluck Please keep us posted!


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Guest LittleGreys

Oh no, I'm so sorry. I'll be praying for you both. Make sure they monitor her CBC while on the azathioprine, I'm sure they will, and I'll really be praying you fare better than Munchie and I.......

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Guest argolola

Prayers for precious Shanti. Sounds like they have a good game plan.


Lola says if you're cooking, she wants to come for a visit.

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This is what my Mum has, she developed it quite rapidly following a flu jab. :(


She is also on pred and a chemo drug, in her case, methotrexate. Once the drug regime was stabilised it gave her a very good measure of control and pain relief. I hope this is true for Shanti too! :goodluck


I'd second the advice for something soothing for her gut, too. Mum says the drugs are very hard on her stomach, but she's not allowed to take antacids so do check.


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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