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Harley's Results Are In....

Guest Jamie

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So glad to hear the surgery went well. Hope you can be reunited with your pup soon. Sending healing thoughts for Harley's recovery, and hugs to you. :grouphug :grouphug


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Harley had a rough go of it last night.


His blood pressure was low, red blood cell count was low, he was pale, bruising spreading faster than it should, and his blood was not clotting as well as it should. They did a plasma transfusion and switched his fluids. It was touch and go throught the night.


Dr. Pam called me back this morning saying he was doing much better. His blood pressure is up, the wound has almost stopped oozing, and they think they've got the clotting in line, his blood count is up a bit. I also just got off the phone with the E-vet and he is doing much better, they just finished up the plasma transfusion and they will recheck his count in about a half hour or so.


Wish Harley luck please, I'm extreamly worried at this point. I will be calling back around 2-3pm to see if it's possible to come and see him for a bit. I'll let you guys know something as soon as I do.


Thank you again for all the wonderful support!!!




Edited to add...I forgot to say he stood up for a bit today, Woo-Hoo, But they are trying to keep him rested at this point. I wish them all the luck keeping him down, he's a fighter.

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Guest HeatherDemps

Hang in there, Harley!


So glad to hear that he is doing better this morning after a rough night of it. I know Dempsey oozed for awhile from the incision as well and I understand that is normal. He is on antibiotics to help prevent an infection there. I hope that you get to see him today and that your visit helps him to heal faster. Definitely keep us in the loop!



Harley had a rough go of it last night.


His blood pressure was low, red blood cell count was low, he was pale, bruising spreading faster than it should, and his blood was not clotting as well as it should. They did a plasma transfusion and switched his fluids. It was touch and go throught the night.


Dr. Pam called me back this morning saying he was doing much better. His blood pressure is up, the wound has almost stopped oozing, and they think they've got the clotting in line, his blood count is up a bit. I also just got off the phone with the E-vet and he is doing much better, they just finished up the plasma transfusion and they will recheck his count in about a half hour or so.


Wish Harley luck please, I'm extreamly worried at this point. I will be calling back around 2-3pm to see if it's possible to come and see him for a bit. I'll let you guys know something as soon as I do.


Thank you again for all the wonderful support!!!




Edited to add...I forgot to say he stood up for a bit today, Woo-Hoo, But they are trying to keep him rested at this point. I wish them all the luck keeping him down, he's a fighter.


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Guest greytgovernor

Sending lots of healing good thoughts your way!!


My dog Governor did not have cancer but broke his left hind leg last September. The bone shattered going into the ankle joint and was unrepairable so we amputated it. I know what a tough decision that is and it is hard seeing them get used to three legs but it is soooo worth it! If you have any questions on what to expect as he is recovering I would be happy to help you out as much as I can.


When I went through it I found someone that had also gone through it and it helped ease my mind a lot! Within two weeks he was even starting to run again (that was when we had grass not snow).


Wishing Harley a speedy recovery!



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Thank you again, I don't think I can say this enough.


It's still touch and go, and i'm more worried than ever.


His bruising is all the way up to his front legs (still progressing), he is seeping blood through his skin (not an open wound or the suture site, it's through his skin on his belly), his gums are still pale, his red blood cell count is still low, blood pressure still low, heart rate high, he's not doing good at all and I can't stop crying.


He's had 2 plasma transfusions and one blood so far. He might be getting more of both. I honestly don't know if he's going to make it through this or not.


The only good thing is he licked off about a teaspoon and a half of wet dog food from my fingers and one of the vet tech said he has eaten 10cc for her. I kept telling him we loved him and to keep on fighting. I got to stay with him for about an hour or so. I have some pictures, but they are on my phone and I don't have the slightest idea how to get them to the computer, I have to use verizon's program or something like that.


I've got to go make some phone calls and I need some time to sort everything out for myself.


Thank you again for all your well wishes, prayers, and support. I'm praying Har-Har pulls through this!



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Sending many prayers.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest KatieGrey

I'm so sorry to hear this. My Lily (who is no longer with us) was diagnosed with bone cancer in her left rear leg in August of 2006. She had her amputation a few days after the diagnosis and the healing process was a nightmare. It took about a month for her stump to heal. She took off her e-collar several times and ripped out her sutures until we finally got a bite-not collar. Another time when she was re-bandaged, the vet staff put the bandage on too tight and it created an ulcer on her leg from the bandage rubbing on her. When it was finally healed, she did great on her three legs and raced around the backyard like she used to.


She started chemo treatments a few weeks after her stump healed. My vet had contacted Dr. Couto and we did not have to pay for the chemo as long as we participated in his cancer study, just any fluids that the vet gave and the CBCs (we did these the day of chemo and the week after chemo, we did chemo every two weeks). Unfortunately her cancer came back in her ribcage in late January of last year and before we could try another round of a different kind of chemo, she passed away. She passed away almost a year ago (2/24/07).


If you need to talk anytime or have any questions about my experience, please PM me.


The only good thing is he licked off about a teaspoon and a half of wet dog food from my fingers and one of the vet tech said he has eaten 10cc for her. I kept telling him we loved him and to keep on fighting. I got to stay with him for about an hour or so. I have some pictures, but they are on my phone and I don't have the slightest idea how to get them to the computer, I have to use verizon's program or something like that.




When Lily's appetite was weak we would take shredded cheese and melt it and feed it to her. She also would only eat french fries from a local italian restaurant. Not the best diet, but better than eating nothing.

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We have just recieved a call from the animal hospital. Harley is not doing well, all of levels are still dropping. He's going into DIC (I think that's it), His red blood cell count has went from 16% to 14%, his bruising is still getting progressively worse, that's all that I can remember. I'm getting ready to head in there to make the call I didn't want to have to make.


Thank you for your support.



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Jamie, I'm so sorry. I know how hard it is. :grouphug I will keep you and Harley in my thoughts and prayers.

Cosmo (Fuzz Face Cosmos), Holmes (He's a Dream), Boomer (USS Baby Boomer), Ella and missing our angels Clay (Red Clay), Train (Nite Train), Trip (Bock's Teddy Bear),Larry (Bohemian Frigid) and Jimmy (Bohemian Raw)
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Here's a picture from last night. I haven't went to make the "call" yet. Dr. Couto called before I left and he is going to be taking to the ER doctor. I'm waiting for them to call me back to see if he truely thinks Harley is in D.I.C. (he says he's never seen a grey go into it after amputation and that other vets think they are).



In this pic you can see how bad the bruising is. Harley is a white brindle, all of the darkish area on his belly is bruising.


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Guest greytgovernor

I am sending you both all the best thoughts, prayers & wishes!


Come on Harley, you can pull through this! :hope

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Guest HeatherDemps

Hey Jamie,


Sorry to hear about the troubles Harley is having. It's good that your vet is in contact with Dr. Couto. I know that our vets at U of I used some medication to help reduce/prevent the bruising and problems that it is associated with. Prayers that Harley pulls through this.



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Guest MorganKonaAlex

Hi Jamie,

While the bruising is extensive, I've actually seen worse. It has not traveled down the legs yet. It will be more noticable on a white dog too.


Come on Harley!



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Harley's update....


He's still not out of the woods yet...but we're praying!


I'm going to try and make a long story as short as I can. I've talked with numerous vets several times today. Dr. Couto called me, I called the ER vets, the ER vets called Dr. Couto, ER vets called me back, my vet called me, I called the ER vets, along with several calls to Cindy and Leann thru out the other calls all to get my hands on Aminocaproic acid that could possibly help him out and save his life. Because of this situation A. acid is now going to be a protocal at my vets whenever they do surgeries on greys. So even if Harley is not saved I hope this helps out any future greys going through this.


My vet got her hands on A. acid, I drove to go get it then back to the ER vets, they got it around 11am. Harley had just finished up his 3rd plasma transfusions and starting his 2nd blood transfusion, so I had to wait to see him because they have to keep his as calm as they can. I finally got to see him around 2pm today, after wearing a hole in the ER waiting room (I'm a pacer). I'm trying my hardest to be optimistic as I can...Even though his gums are pale they weren't quite as pale as last night just a very tiny touch of color (if that makes since), his nose was running (last night it was bone dry), his bruising has went down on the side of the belly by about an 1/2 inch but has gone up his chest and between his front legs almost to the throat, his belly is still seeping blood through the skin still, they don't want to do a bandage change just yet because they don't want to risk him bleeding out yet, he is also starting to develop some bed sore but that's to be expected. I was told he has been nauseas today and has not eaten anything, I dropped off some canned food and they are going to try that later on.


I'm hoping the A. acid will help him and no more tranfusions are needed. He still doesn't have that "look" in his eyes yet, or so we don't think. He's fighting, we're praying, Rescued Racer team is praying, along with all the greyt people here. We've done every possible thing we can do, hoping he pulls through this.


I don't know what else to say...I'm starving I haven't eaten in 2 days, I've barely slept...I think it's time for a bit of food and I'm going to try and take a nap before I go see him again tonight.


Thank you again!!!


I'll post more when I get my next call or I go see him.



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loads of prayers and hugs coming for you and Harley. Come on Harley, everyone on GT is pulling for you. Try to get some rest Jamie.



Pam with greys Avril, Dalton & Zeus & Diddy the dachshund & Miss Buzz the kitty

Devotion, Jingle Bells, Rocky, Hans, Harbor, Lennon, NoLa, Scooter, Naomi and Scout at the bridge

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Guest HeatherDemps



Hang in there! Dempsey's surgeons used the A. acid with him and it made a big difference. Don't be surpised if Harley doesn't eat. Dempsey ate his dinner here Tuesday night, had surgery Wednesday, and then wouldn't eat until Saturday morning. I think that greys are so sensitive and surgery is stressful of course. I hope you can get some rest and that you have a good visit with Harley this evening. Thanks for keeping us updated- I know this is a hard time for you. Sending positive thoughts your way!

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