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Poor Jac-foo

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Guest greymommy

This is creepy. I would also think that it was not your own pack if she is not acting differently around them, but I'm certainly not a behavioral expert.

Does the new pen have a roof on it? Or is it taller than your other fencing? Maybe I missed something in your post, but is it just a fence within a fence? Is it safer because it's smaller can only be jumped on two sides instead of three?

I'm so sorry you had to deal with this. Thank goodness she is ok!

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Goodness :eek


Hoping that she's feeling much better soon.

Deerhounds Darcy, Duffy, Grace & Wellington, Mutts Sprout & Buddy, Lurchers Ned & Jake plus Ella the Westie + cats. Remembering Del, Jessie, Maddison, Flo, Sally, Stanley, Wallace, Radar, Mokka, Oki cat, Tetley, Poppy & Striker.


Please visit our web store at http://www.dogsndubs.com for our own range of Greyhound related clothing for humans!

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This is creepy. I would also think that it was not your own pack if she is not acting differently around them, but I'm certainly not a behavioral expert.

Does the new pen have a roof on it? Or is it taller than your other fencing? Maybe I missed something in your post, but is it just a fence within a fence? Is it safer because it's smaller can only be jumped on two sides instead of three?

I'm so sorry you had to deal with this. Thank goodness she is ok!



Yes, we are hoping that it will be safer because they will be protected by the house and pond area. This way they will be unaproachable in the "open" acreage. Make any sense? I don't know if it will work, but I hope so. I will let they continue to have free run if anyone is home but while I am at work...the pens will be all they have access to.


DH is still hearbroken....

Sheila and CO

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Oh my goodness, how horrible!!! I'm sorry to hear this and I would be completely freaked out. I hope Jax makes a speedy recovery.


The photo was interesting (in a very painful way!) because my Jazz was attacked by a neighbor's St. Bernard. She required 11 stitches (spread over 3 different wounds) and 3 drainage tubes (removed before she came home). Now I know better what that must have looked like.


Yikes is all I can say. Good luck with the new pen and I hope they will stay safe.

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Poor little Jax. I have no idea what could have happened, but I hope she feels better soon!

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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Guest LolasMom

Poor boy! I can't imagine what you must have felt coming home to such a sight. Hoping for a speedy recovery and peace of mind. :grouphug

Maybe more fencing as a roof? The coyotes we have around here aren't afraid of anything!...

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OK, maybe I don't understand your fence protection plan but to me it looks as if whatever got over your other fence could get over this easily too. How about mounting some outward facing posts at about a 45 degree angle on top of your fence and string a couple of rows of barb wire. l = fence post , fence = chain link , / / has a row or two of barb wire between them.


/ / / / / / / Agh.. this dosen't reproduce well ... stretch these things out over the l Fence l part .. get it?

l fence l fence l fence l fence l


That way you could make your fence a foot or so taller & the outward angle of the barb wire would keep something outside from getting in. If that sounds like too much potential to injure your own dogs you could had height to your fence with more of the lattice you already have. I've seen it in 2 ft by 6 ft sections ... attach it lengthwise and you can add two feet to the height of your present fence.




Charla, Mom to Carl ( Bella Monsoon ) 5/2002 - 9/2016 and remembering Gracie Rose ( Cee Bar Xtreme ) 2/2002 - 1/2014

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I will say that DH mentioned that he wanted to do that....to 2.5 acres :eek . A bit more than we can afford after Jax surgery of over 1300.


I am just trying to keep them "close" to the house and this way whatever got them might not want to jump two fences. I am really hoping that we will be here for many more years with no more problems.


Also, just in case the other dogs did do this: I am hoping that with a smaller pen/s, there will be no chasing and fighting. I still don't think that they did it to each other. I do remember that they are dogs everyday...anything can happen, but I KNOW Jax would have gotten a bite in..I just know it.



Sheila and CO

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Hoping for a speedy recovery for your little girl. I would also trust your mom-instinct-and-pack-alarm-system that this was an outside attacker who went after Jax because she appeared weaker than the others.

Drake - Fortified Power x Cajun Oriel

Janney - Ronco x Sol Happy

Waiting at the bridge: Sirocco - (Reko Sirocco) - Trojan Episode x Reko Princess; Nikki - (MPS Sharai) - Devilish Episode x MPS Daisy Queen;
Yukon - (Yak Back) - Epic Prince x Barts Cinnamon

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Guest greytexplorer

Not to be flippant here, but I wonder what "the other guy" looked like..........?


I agree with the outward angled barbed wire idea. At least around the pens. Intruder might be able to jump the perimeter fence, but the barbed wire on the smaller penned area would discourage any intruder at that point.


There's another thread about coyotes----what's up with that? This must be their busy time of year.

I live in suburbia, and we have foxes, coyotes, wild pigs, deer, raccoons, and opossums. Can you believe that?


Please tell me a little more on Jax's background.

How did you get her so young? What's her favorite thing to do and eat? Does she have any silly quirks?


I guess that since she is a youngster, her healing will be faster? Sure do hope so.

Please give her a gentle hug and smooch from me. And peace to you and your family.

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Not to be flippant here, but I wonder what "the other guy" looked like..........?


I agree with the outward angled barbed wire idea. At least around the pens. Intruder might be able to jump the perimeter fence, but the barbed wire on the smaller penned area would discourage any intruder at that point.


There's another thread about coyotes----what's up with that? This must be their busy time of year.

I live in suburbia, and we have foxes, coyotes, wild pigs, deer, raccoons, and opossums. Can you believe that?


Please tell me a little more on Jax's background.

How did you get her so young? What's her favorite thing to do and eat? Does she have any silly quirks?


I guess that since she is a youngster, her healing will be faster? Sure do hope so.

Please give her a gentle hug and smooch from me. And peace to you and your family.


Jax background? I got a call from Leah GPA AZ prez. At the time I was the only one that had"Grey Puppy" experience. (I got Kala Blu at 10 weks). ANyway she was a broken leg dog that the "farm" didn;t find early enough to treat 5 weeks at first surgery). GPA stepped in an got her surgery and we fostered. After many trips to PX, (about 4 hours away) and a long recovery, she ended up losing her leg. And I need to mention DH actually pointed his finger at me and told me that we were not going to keep this dog, I can foster and help heal...but was going to go to a home. DH, after all was said and done....could not let his heart dog go....) So that is her story in a nut shell.....


So far today, better. I hate cleaning the tubes......one more day.


They hate the pen, but oh well. I can work and feel a little safer.

Thank you all...

Edited by GreyAcresMom

Sheila and CO

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Guest KennelMom

Poor Jax!!


Honestly, I would suspect an internal fight before a coyote jumping the fence, fighting and then climbing back over the fence to get away...if you don't muzzle while you are gone. A lot of damage can happen in just a few seconds in a greyhound fight...and it's possible that Jax just got the short end of the stick in the fight...esp if it were 2 or more on one. Also, don't rule out the damage that nails can do in a fight...so it may not have all been bite wounds. When Scout got tore up by Haley the only evidence was a bit of blood on Haley's mouth and leg. In the 30 minutes between the time DH left for the evet and I got home w/dogs I was picking up from the track, Haley had licked herself clean. As for there seeming to be no pack issues...it's entirely possible for there to be a fight that's just play that gets out of hand and escalates. Then, it's over. The dogs have no hard feelings or residual "issues." Since you can't be sure if it what caused her injuries, I would definitely muzzle when you are gone (if you don't already).


I hope she heals up quickly!! :hope



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Poor Jax!!


Honestly, I would suspect an internal fight before a coyote jumping the fence, fighting and then climbing back over the fence to get away...if you don't muzzle while you are gone. A lot of damage can happen in just a few seconds in a greyhound fight...and it's possible that Jax just got the short end of the stick in the fight...esp if it were 2 or more on one. Also, don't rule out the damage that nails can do in a fight...so it may not have all been bite wounds. When Scout got tore up by Haley the only evidence was a bit of blood on Haley's mouth and leg. In the 30 minutes between the time DH left for the evet and I got home w/dogs I was picking up from the track, Haley had licked herself clean. As for there seeming to be no pack issues...it's entirely possible for there to be a fight that's just play that gets out of hand and escalates. Then, it's over. The dogs have no hard feelings or residual "issues." Since you can't be sure if it what caused her injuries, I would definitely muzzle when you are gone (if you don't already).


I hope she heals up quickly!! :hope

I wanted to do the muzzles. Much cheaper than extra fencing. But...on the off chance it was an intruder, now they are defenceless. The coyotes here are aggressive....I am sure torn on what to do.....I am gone approx. 9 hours for work with drive time. NOBODY around that does pet service in this area. We are 30 miles each direction (north and west) from a small city, that doesn't really offer anything.

Sheila and CO

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Our tri-pod was the alpha dog and he was attacked one day by the rest of the pack. It had been raining and the deck was slick. He apparently slipped when running back up on the deck and the other dogs immediately attacked him. Fortunately I was standing right inside and heard the attack in time to get out there and yell in my loudest sternest voice. They backed off but he shook for almost 2 hours. Needless to say, I ordered outdoor carpet the next day. Because I broke it up so fast, he did not sustain any injuries except his loss of pride (just for that day - he was running the house again the next!).


I sure hope Jax heals up quickly and nothing like this happens again. You are really in a tough position because if you thought it was your pack and muzzled, then they wouldn't be able to protect themselves if there was an intruder. We also have a lot of coyotes here and it is scary to think the fence might not be enough to keep them safe. They have cleaned the neighborhood of all cats.

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Guest KennelMom
I wanted to do the muzzles. Much cheaper than extra fencing. But...on the off chance it was an intruder, now they are defenceless. The coyotes here are aggressive....I am sure torn on what to do.....I am gone approx. 9 hours for work with drive time. NOBODY around that does pet service in this area. We are 30 miles each direction (north and west) from a small city, that doesn't really offer anything.


Maybe hotwire along the top of the fence? Or angled fencing along the top should keep intruders from going over.

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