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Good Thoughts For Daisy Please

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Ack - it's been a rough week and a half for daisy.


On the 11th, she went out after dinner - they go in and out on their own when we are home. We were upstairs putting our son tobed and came down about an hour later to a lovely 6" diameter blood puddle on the couch - of course daisy is calmly roached on the couch while she's been bleeding out!


It was just a shallow cut that happened to be a bleeder, and it had stopped by that point., So I neosporined it, bandaged it, etc.

It looked fine the next morning when we left for Disneyworld. My sister watched the dogs, and while she took good care of them, she has never had a dog of her own.


We came back on the 16th to a lethargic loose-stooled Daisy who wouldn't eat or get off the couch. At the vet the next morning she was running a temp of 105, and ended up staying overnight for IV fluids and antibiotics. She has been on Clavamox and Orbax since, and Metacam for pain. Temp has gone up and down between normal and 103.5


But she is eating, begging, and glad to go on walks - behavior is pretty much normal over the last few days.


Now this evening, she suddenly got a small bloody nose (she was just lying on the couch and had been doing so fo rabout 20 minutes prior to the bloody nose,so nothing bumped her) and her temp is 103.8


She'll be back at the vet tomorrow.


Please think good thoughts - she's a sweetie.


Karen with Tessye (galgo b 2017), Fidel (galgo b c2012), and bridge kids Dublin (J's Texmex 1996-12/31/01), Daisy (Assurance 8/8/95-9/26/07),  Bubba (Kelsos Irony b 5/99-8/19/10), and Mabel (Googly Spin  1/06-11/19)



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You might want to talk to your vet about doing some blood work to check her clotting factors. I know when one of mine had some ortho surgery she seemed to bruise very easily. The vet determined at that time it was probably related to her cast rubbing but said if she would need further surgery she would test her first.


Good luck with Daisy and please update us when you can.


, Phoenix, Okie, Casey, and Ellie the Galga; with Aggie, Alexa, Bear,Cody, Gianni V., Missy B, Babette, Bernice, and BooBoo at the Bridge

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You might want to talk to your vet about doing some blood work to check her clotting factors.


Thanks - I know they did bloodwork last week and are following up with more bloodwork this week. Which results should I be looking at specifically?


Karen with Tessye (galgo b 2017), Fidel (galgo b c2012), and bridge kids Dublin (J's Texmex 1996-12/31/01), Daisy (Assurance 8/8/95-9/26/07),  Bubba (Kelsos Irony b 5/99-8/19/10), and Mabel (Googly Spin  1/06-11/19)



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You might want to talk to your vet about doing some blood work to check her clotting factors.


Thanks - I know they did bloodwork last week and are following up with more bloodwork this week. Which results should I be looking at specifically?


A CBC should include a platelet count and coagulation factor, amoung other things.

I would also ask the vet about testing for Von Willebrand.

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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I'm sorry your girlie is having a rough time of it. :( Keeping her in my prayers and sending lots of light her way. :hope:candle

Jeanne with Remington & Scooter the cat
....and Beloved Bridge Angels Sandee, Shari, Wells, Derby, Phoenix, Jerry Lee and Finnian.....
If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven
and bring you home again.

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How's Daisy doing? You might also want to have her screened for tick born diseases, especially Ehrlichia. Here's some info: Ehrlichia from Dr. Stack's site.

Edited by MarcR

Marc and Myun plus Starbuck (the cat)
Pinky my AWOL girl, wherever you are, I miss you.
Angels Honey (6/30/99-11/3/11) Nadia (5/11/99-6/4/12) Kara (6/5/99-7/17/12) Cleo (4/13/2000-4/19/2014)

Antnee (12/1/2002=2/20/17)

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Guest KaylyRed

Sending all kinds of good thoughts for Daisy! Sounds like she's had a rough time of things lately, and of course is taking your family along for the bumpy ride. I hope your sweet girl is feeling much better soon!



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Sorry I didn't get back on last night. I hope you were able to get a CBC done with a platelet count and also a test for von Willebrands.


If all else fails, a test for TBD might be in order as the tick borne diseases have several stages and can wreak havoc on many organs.


Lots of white light coming Daisy's way and I hope you can update us all soon.


, Phoenix, Okie, Casey, and Ellie the Galga; with Aggie, Alexa, Bear,Cody, Gianni V., Missy B, Babette, Bernice, and BooBoo at the Bridge

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Just checking on Daisy. :grouphug

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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