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I Miss...

Guest guinness_the_greyt

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Guest guinness_the_greyt

I miss your lil butt swishing when I came in the door...


I miss sitting on the couch after I came home and you'd nuzzle your head deep into my neck.... sniffing away... trying to drink in the adventures I'd had without you....


I miss how your amber eyes danced with light and looked straight through me... and miss when your eyes got old and milky and seemed to hold all my secrets....


I miss laying on the floor to watch TV and feeling all your tumors... counting them every night... somehow counting them gave me comfort....


I miss feeling the safety of you being here and knowing no one could hurt me.... I miss having my constant protector...


I miss squeezing you around your giant chest and you growling.... and then shaking you up so you sounded like a turkey call.... I miss you coming back again and again to do it over and over again...


I miss you being the heavy and the authority with every foster that came through the door.... and I miss watching you be the peace maker when the foster tried to rule over Guinness...


I miss hearing your snoring when you slept...


I miss your bow legs... and I miss your giant knees even though I knew it was the damned arthritis that made them that way....


I miss setting the alarm 15 minutes early on a cold morning so I could rub your hips and back legs to get them jump started....


I miss when I had a bad day and I cry and you'd growl at the air chasing away my imaginary demons....


I miss lazy Sunday mornings when you'd crawl to the head of the bed... it didn't matter if some loser of the month was there... you'd worm your way up anyway... always knowing this was your place....


I miss those little woofs you gave when something wasn't just right.... If you ever really barked I don't remember....


I miss constantly carrying a lint brush because in all the years I wouldn't give up my black clothes... and your little white body seemed to shed more hair then a zillion salons.


I miss how you always seemed to know if I was about to hit snooz or actually get up....


I miss having my instant idiot detector.... If I was too blind to notice... you always let me know....


I miss telling you all my secrets.... and I miss knowing that you never judged me....


I even miss how your farts sounded like a 2 liter coke bottle being opened....


I miss your amazing underbite.... and your big smile that exposed your crooked teeth....


I miss your thick velvet ears....


I miss how you would never let anyone and I mean anyone trim your nails.... I miss hearing you clacking away at them in the evening... determined to trim them yourself....


I miss thuderstorms and making your bed up in the closet.... it was only time you seemed vulnerable....


I miss your dry nose pushing at my elbow telling me it was time to put down that damned book and go to bed....


I miss how you were always at my feet no matter where we were....


I miss just getting in the car and going.... didn't matter where.... you were always the perfect shotgun companion....


I miss peeking around the corner at you.... and you'd catch my stare and puff up like a tuff guy and strut around the room....


I miss playing hide and go seek....


I miss your sense of humor... I miss having you cheer me up when I felt down...


I miss watching you chase your tail when I got too into whatever I was doing....


I miss kissing you between those wide set eyes....


I miss in the morning how you had to stretch and stretch... letting out a big yawn and this la la la sound that sounded eerily like a human voice...


I miss how you hated the tile... and would walk backwards... as if going backwards would make the tile less evil... I miss how if there was a cookie involved the tile didn't exist....


I miss cranking up the stereo and dancing around the living room... and there you'd be... my constant punk rock dancing partner....


I miss movie night and making a big batch of popcorn... I miss tossing the kernels to you and you'd catch every single one....


I miss trying to vacuum while you danced around it.... biting at it.... trying to kill this ugly loud machine....


I miss asking for a kiss and watching you close your eyes and make the kissing noise...


I miss singing you stupid songs.... and when I stopped... you'd groan for another...


I miss my best friend...


I miss my Harley Boy....


Harley boy...


In a couple days it will be 3 years my friend.... and I still miss you so much.


You were one in a million. One of those special dogs that wormed their way into every one of my friends hearts...


I will never forget you... you will always be my very best friend.


I will love you always... :sad1




Edited by guinness_the_greyt
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Guest Valliejo2001

OMG, how lovely. I could relate to so many of these. They say how I miss my angel Maggie Sue with every sunrise and sunset. Thank you for this beautiful post.






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Guest MySkye

I miss my girl Skye too, in just about the same way.


She knew every mood, every thought, every anticipation, she just knew.


The heart will heal us, just not today.


Stay strong.

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Guest guinness_the_greyt

For some reason the last few days I've thought about him all the time...


But I woke up this morning and felt much better. Maybe I just needed to get it out!

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Guest guinness_the_greyt
Could we have a picture of Harley?  I'd love to have a face to put with those words!



Harley hated to have anything pointed at him... it was another one of his weird and wonderful quirks... So I have few pictures of him. I bought a digital camera a few days before he died... and I got the best pic I ever took of him....



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oh Amanda...I'm so glad to see a picture of Harley! I had him all wrong...for some reason I expected him to be black...maybe because of his big, tough name :P he just looks like a big ole squeezable marshmallow there :P:grouphug



Michelle...forever missing her girls, Holly 5/22/99-9/13/10 and Bailey 8/1/93-7/11/05

Religion is the smile on a dog...Edie Brickell

Wag more, bark less :-)

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