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Everything posted by SPDoggie

  1. Kingsley is like Snowy in that he does not stand on it, but uses it for everything else! We have given him glucosamine since we adopted him at age 5 about 2.5 years ago. We wondered if it actually did anything, so took him off it, and after just 4 days he was noticeably stiffer. So, he has gotten his 1/2 teaspoon at breakfast ever-since! Wanted to add, that I would not hesitate to adopt another broken-legged dog.
  2. We just had a similar episode during our Christmas travels with our 3 year old (and 4 months in our home) Ruby. Twice within an afternoon did she "leak" while lying on her bed, not asleep. We assumed a UTI, and took her to a vet where we were visiting. The Dr found no traces of infection and did not want to medicate so hoped/figured it could be stress. While we did not pick up any stress-signs from her, she has not had any leaking since. Others on this board suggested incontinence, and we will just continue to see what happens with her. Like you say, if it is just a leak once-and-a-while, nothing worth treating with meds yet.
  3. Will be anxious to hear back at the end of your day... hope all goes smoothly
  4. Thanks... I had heard talk of this, but figured we would have seen this happen previously if she had this problem. But in the meantime we have wrapped her beds in plastic and will watch for a bit longer (until we go home) and can speak with our vet if she continues to have problems. She has been fine overnight, just had these leakings during the afternoon yesterday.
  5. We are away from home, and our girl Ruby has leaked while lying on her bed, twice within several hours. We had noticed Kingsley was sniffing at her recently, so we assumed it must be a UTI. We took her to the locally suggested vet (PHENOMENAL vet, at Arlington Animal hospital in Poughkeepsie, NY... I will post more about that elsewhere so that others in the area know to go there) But, she does not have a UTI. The vet said to keep an eye on her discharges cause if there is any blood we should come right back, but he saw no need to treat what was not there. He suggested stress, but she is our confident girl, and we are not getting any stress-signals from her, though this is her first trip with us. We wondered if spayed girls ever have liquidy discharges when they might be coming into "heat"? It appears like very dilute urine, not smelly. Thanks for all your insight, GTers
  6. Oh my. Kingsley also had a broken hock that was just wrapped but not set, and his back right leg is noticeably "wrong". I certainly hope there are not shards waiting to pop thru! Hope the healing continues to go well!
  7. Glad it was "nothing" but do hope she is acting more her normal self
  8. I hope Dear can come home today, or at least really soon
  9. Oh I am so sorry. Prayers for you and Beecher
  10. So glad he is home! Hope each day is better and better
  11. Oh my gosh! Did you already share how this happened? wow, poor thing... eating is gonna hurt for a while.
  12. Prayers for you and Bobby... please keep us updated.
  13. He looks SO good, and so happy.... must make your heart melt to know that you have taken away his pain. Best luck to both of you!
  14. My boy releases dandruff suddenly when he gets nervous. Besides stress, not sure what would make it come out so suddenly... I was gonna suggest the drier weather or food changes, but it seems so sudden.
  15. Kingsley is very stoic. He broke his leg to end his racing career, and we wonder if he made a peep. It is so hard to tell if he is hurt or feeling bad, cause he does not flinch at anything. I've hit the quick of his toenail twice, didn't even flinch. When the vet has to do something, you'd never know she poked and prodded. Ruby will be our drama queen, as she lets out this howling scream when she trips upon exiting her crate!
  16. This is VERY common (hence we even have the term, "statueing" for it!) Our Kingsley was a great statue-er, and his is definitely fear-based. Could Pharaoh be hearing something and that makes him concerned? My guy was freaked by everything and anything. Some times just pausing and then putting on your happy, "let's go" voice will bring them back. Sometimes, you resort to picking them up. We found pushing rather than pulling was more successful. But even after 2 and a half years Kingsley will still stop at some things, and we just stand for a moment, and then I give him a pat on his side and start walking while saying, "ok, here we go" and he normally will follow. On windy days, I know it is just not worth it to even try to go for a walk, he will freeze too much! Pocket some yummy treats to give to him once he responds to moving again, in hopes of his gaining confidence that the world is not too scary, and you will be there to protect him.
  17. Oh my gosh... that is so hard to look at... your family must be so concerned! Many prayers for Jax and all of you!
  18. Ugh! This has been going on for SO long... you must be so frustrated in just wanting to help your girl feel better.
  19. Kingsley also freaked out in his e-collar and ended up breaking it one time when he ran into a wall, scared himself which sent him flailing and falling down. He was good at not scratching his head when we were there to watch him, so we just had to find baby-sitters to be with him for the times when we could not be home while he had staples.
  20. Jennifer, like many others have said, Scooter was all-of-our greyhound. Many prayers to you
  21. SPDoggie


    I never come to Remembrance, but saw Hogan's name and had to say how sorry I am for the loss of your sweet red boy. Hugs and prayers to you
  22. Kingsley sheds a lot... but he seems to have more hair than many other greyhounds, so I just figured that went hand-in-hand
  23. Maybe arthritis? Might be time to try adding some glucosamine to his food and see if that helps at all. Our guy came to us with a broken leg, and the glucosamine really does improve his mobility, as when we took him off of it for just 4 days he was stiffer. Good luck!
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