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    Ozark Mountains
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    Greyhounds, westies, mystery novels, gardening, taking naps.

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Sr Grey Lover

Sr Grey Lover (6/9)

  1. I'm sorry for your loss of T. He had a fantastic life with you two. The pictures really tell the story of his life. And no matter how much time we're given with them, it's just never enough. I'm glad you were strong enough to make the right decision for him.
  2. We've had 4 different greyhounds along with an assortment of dogs, mostly westies, about 20 pounds max. The adoption group knew we had the little ones so they could give us greyhounds that were good with little dogs. 3 of the greyhounds have totally ignored the little ones; 1 greyhound actually ran in the yard with the little ones. We watched their interactions very closely at first to make sure no snarking or inappropriate behavior. Currently we have a senior greyhound and 3 westies, 1 shih tzu, and one 12 pound mutt. Ivy - the greyhound - pretends she's the only dog in the house. Most of the time the others pretend she's not here. Maybe we've just been extremely lucky with our dogs, but we have never had any problems between big ones and little ones. At one time, we had 3 greyhounds and 5 westies and they all got along just fine.
  3. We had the most gentle, laid back boy a few years ago. He killed a rat in our backyard (came from the hoarder neighbor's yard), then later on killed a squirrel and a rabbit. We live in the middle of the mountains and he had a doggie door into the fenced backyard at that time. The squirrel and rabbit he brought into the house and gently laid at my feet. He was so proud of himself! I understood it's his instinct, but it was still hard to deal with the dead animals. I didn't really say much to him, other than saying it scared me to death and please don't do that again. He was just so pleased that he could give me such great gifts. Plus he took criticism way too hard; even a gentle No upset him. I miss that boy.
  4. I don't know what she would be willing to run for. We have 5 little dogs who run around the yard like crazy and she will just stand and watch them go. This is after we force her to go outside for a whole 3 minutes before she goes back in and up on her chair. We've had three other greys who at least would do a zoomy or two once in a while. We have never ever seen her do a zoomy! Love her dearly, but she is such a couch potato! If Webster's had a definition for Retired Greyhound, they would have her picture listed.
  5. Yeah, except somehow it's against the law here to shoot cattle that are grazing in your front yard. These are the big cattle that are bred for rodeo bull riding. I am scared to death of them.
  6. I agree, living in the rural parts of our country has a lot of benefits, but people with unruly animals ruin it. Our neighbor who let his dogs roam free has lost his dogs - they just disappeared - I have no idea what may have happened to them. Can't say I'm upset cause they used to chase my car and bark at me. Our other neighbor - who lives about 1/2 mile away - has actually told us that Missouri is a free range state and he does not have to keep his cattle fenced in. They come down the road and into our front yard all the time. You cannot educate stupid people, especially those who are lazy and stupid.
  7. Our newest is DLT Poison Ivy. She is the absolute laziest dog ever. She gets off her chair 5 times a day - twice to be fed and 3 times to go pee/poop. I have a hard time believing she would even come out of the box to race. But she is the most gorgeous thing, so maybe she made it thru life on her looks. Could you tell me if she actually was even a mediocre racer? Thanks.
  8. Not sure about normal pancreatitis, but with diabetic dogs who have/had pancreatitis, the rule of thumb is always less than 10% fat content. There's another thread on here where I mentioned some UK and some US dog foods that have worked well for dogs that have had pancreatitis and diabetes. I would assume the fat content has to be as low as possible whether or not the dog is diabetic.
  9. Huh...usually it's the little terrors that bite! Ignore the old lady; she's just stupid. And your English is quite good; don't be concerned that it's bad. And enjoy your grey - they're such fabulous dogs!
  10. That's what this forum is all about - helping people and their hounds to lead a healthy, happy life!
  11. Here's a list of some of the foods the people in the UK use for their diabetic dogs. You'd need to check the DMB (based on the calculator I mentioned above) but here's some names: James WellBeloved, Wellness Core Reduced Fat, Pooch & Mutt Health & Digestion, Natural Instincts Low Fat, Burns Chicken & Oats, Chappie, Wainwrights. I assume you could also ask your vet for a prescription low-fat dry food too. Wet food has much more fat than dry. For snacks, a tiny bite of white boiled chicken, a piece of broccoli, a baby carrot. Good luck. Pancreatitis is awful.
  12. I'm getting ready to run out the door, but I will get you the algebraic formula for figuring Dry Matter Basis. I will also check with my canine diabetic forum to see if any of the UK members can give me a list of low fat foods. I know you have a bunch of food we don't have available and vice versa. My dog wouldn't eat the regular frozen green beans, but she loved the French cut green beans - but only frozen. I'll get back to you later today. Try this link for DMB - there's an explanation as to how to achieve this number, but at the top right corner there is a calculator that you just plug the numbers in and it will calculate the DMB for you. The numbers you use for the calculator are the numbers listed for fat and moisture on the back of the dog food bag. I'm still looking for low fat foods available in the UK. https://www.pawdiet.com/articles/dry-matter-basis-calculator-for-pet-food/?fbclid=IwAR09JkPqrT3NWsMe6QZ5kR_pphnCPIMDW0dvHj6r8UC46RKqSSItJg4x8BY
  13. I'm getting ready to run out the door, but I will get you the algebraic formula for figuring Dry Matter Basis. I will also check with my canine diabetic forum to see if any of the UK members can give me a list of low fat foods. I know you have a bunch of food we don't have available and vice versa. My dog wouldn't eat the regular frozen green beans, but she loved the French cut green beans - but only frozen. I'll get back to you later today.
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