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Posts posted by RaineysMom

  1. we started Larry (turned 13 on 2/24) on it on February 18th -- he suddenly lost virtually all the use of his back legs on February 16th and we tried it as a last resort.  It took a couple of days to start working - in fact we had scheduled our vet to come to the house to let him go that Saturday but he rallied around that Thursday  (2 days after we started it) and he is still here with us now.  He has LS and is on 3.75mg Meloxicam 1 x day, 500mg Gabapentin 3 x day, 100 mg Tramadol 3 x day and gets a Chinese herb called Body Sore 2 x day.  He gets 100mg of the amantadine 2 x day, with his breakfast and dinner.  We leash-walk him in our fenced in back yard every time just to make sure he doesn't overdo it.  He used to get a chiro adjustment every 4 weeks too but since this happened I can no longer get him into the car safely.

    the only bad side effect is he vomits after he gets it here and there -- he's thrown up 22 times since he started taking it -- after the first couple times, we just let him re-eat his food (more so he can get the meds he vomited up with the food).  

    he's been noticeably going downhill in the past couple weeks so I don't know how much longer he will be with us, but I am grateful to have had 5 more months with him so far.  It's quite expensive, even using GoodRx it's $50 for 60 pills (30 days worth).  We also use an Assisi Loop 2 - 3 times a day as well.

    I'm glad you were able to get more time with Bea. :(

  2. 14 hours ago, NeylasMom said:

    How did you get yours open?

    I had to destroy the black plastic cover things on either side where the loop meets the actual electric part, then pried the electric pad open.

    and that's the teknikal explenashun.  :lol:

  3. Larry (13 yrs 3 months) is on 500mg Gabapentin and 100mg Tramadol 3 x day (he's 88 #) but he's gradually gone up to that high dose.  The Gaba can make them wobbly until they get used to it and some dogs cannot tolerate opiods like Tramadol and the panting can be a sign.  There's supposedly new thinking that dogs don't even benefit from Tramadol (due to how their brain/body is made up, don't know the specifics) but I am afraid of stopping Larry's and having him go downhill...

    hope your sweet Peggy is doing better.

  4. :lol I bought a new ortho bed for Larry back in February from our Costco -- like yours but only bolstered on 2 sides.  He will lie on it about as much as the others - we have 3 beds in the living room now, used to be just 2 Slumber Balls but Larry's back end went out in Feb so we had to pull them up as they were too hard to get out of -- one is an OLD Slumber Ball - the original -- that still has more "oomph" and he can get out of fine), a small Costco round bed and the ortho.  But Zeke will NOT lie on it -- in 3 + months he's been on there 2 times.  So weird that some like them, some not so much :)

  5. On 5/5/2020 at 5:29 AM, FiveRoooooers said:

    Any luck with that? Aiden's A .Loop has given up and at $$$ per, an option would be nice. Thanks.

    someone here that was handy with soldering and stuff could make a fortune replacing the batteries for us here.  I would pay $25 and shipping to have someone do it. :) 

  6. On 4/25/2020 at 9:23 AM, LBass said:

    What a wild and frightening ride you and your girl are having.  :grouphug



    These are 2 websites that I found helpful when learning about seizures for Piper.  I do think that you need to take some of the owner-provided anecdotal suggestions with a grain of salt.  People are willing to try almost anything to help their dogs and are grasping for answers and a "fix".  On the other hand, I tried a lot of approaches for Piper, held on to what worked for him, and dropped the rest.  

    One thing I would recommend is to get and keep an veterinary neurologist involved.  My own wonderful vet reached out to a veterinary neurologist for a phone consult about Piper's cluster seizures.  He then followed the consultant's medication recommendations and we had great success limiting Piper to single seizures rather than the horrible clusters.  So, either keep that neuro you took your girl to involved or make sure you've got a GP vet who will reach out for neuro help.   

    Remember, she's had a boatload of anesthesia, medications, and bacteria/infection coursing through her body for the last several weeks on top of those seizures.  I bet she doesn't feel anywhere near 100% right now so she's going to be fretful, restless, whiney, "off".  It's hard to know what thing or things are at the root of that.  It is very encouraging that the vets seeing her are reassuring you that she's not in a catastrophic health crisis. I think I understood that she's on something for the tooth/tooth root infection?  Treating that HAS to be a good thing.






    Our nearly 10 year old Rainey began having seizures (THEY SUCK) back in 2010, most likely due to a brain tumor (MRI on 10/4/2010 showed nothing, we let her got on 3/8/2011, the day before we were going to do another MRI -- she had been through so much we just decided it was time to set her free :( ).  One thing from the links Lucy put (great website, BTW) is using an ice pack during the seizure.  I SWEAR they helped our Rainey.

    Rainey had about 35 seizures in total from August of 2010 until she left in March 2011 and every single one of them happened while she was eating (food or treat, didn't matter) or within 60 seconds of eating something, so I would always have the ice pack pulled out of the freezer at the ready whenever she was going to be eating something.

    I don't know how old your pup is -- a lot of her actions sounds like what Rainey was doing :(

    sending tons of hugs -- I know how very hard this all is.


    ETA: I see she is 7 :( which means her epilepsy is most likely NOT the "regular" kind but usually is due to some issue in the brain (like Rainey) but sounds like all the stress and things she went through may have just caused it and hopefully it's not something worse.  For the peeing, our Rainey had urinary incontinence her whole life and was on DES (NOT Proin!  Greyhounds have had very bad reactions to that stuff) and it worked wonders.  However, after the seizures started she began peeing and pooping in the house EVERY DAY when we'd go to work -- one time I was only gone 45 minutes and even though she had just been out before I left she did both in that short of time.  I think it too was related to whatever was wrong in her sweet little brain.

  7. 1 hour ago, cleptogrey said:

    and i don't get drowsy- osteoarthritis- i literally fee the dog's pain- (and i also take 500mg Tylenol as needed)


    before investing in $$$$ MRI, digital x-rays and send them off to Dr. Couto?? were the x-rays digital? much better quality- and too often a dog shows pain before anything is visible. when i needed x-rays on both annie and emily i insisted upon digital- of course it was a hunt since it's a love hate relationship w/ vets and maintaining their $$$ x-ray machines. they love the quality- hate the maintance


    oops, I missed the part where YOU were taking the 15mg LOL  makes a lot more sense now :D

  8. 2 hours ago, cleptogrey said:

    my dogs have done very well on mexoxicam- the liquid is easier to accurately dose. i'm on 15mg daily- it's a wonder drug.

    15mg?  wow, Larry's takes a 1/2 of a 7mg pill of Meloxicam (so 3.75mg) once a day and he is 87 #.  :omg

  9. On 4/16/2020 at 7:57 PM, Bubbastruts said:

    What battery(ies) does it take and does anyone have a source?  I’m quite comfortable with the soldering to make this happen but would prefer to have the parts in stock before it runs out and I have to open it up!

    it uses 2 CR2032 batteries (flat, about the size of a nickel)....  It was next to impossible to get the contacts off the batteries (I only did one) and I was not able to solder a new one back on but then again, I am not a solderer.....  I found them on Amazon but my husband found them (along with about 15 other types of the flat batteries) for $1 at our local Ace last month.

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