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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. Welcome to GT! Lovely puppers you have... and very snuggly.
  2. Thanks for the update on your sweet boy! Hoping he can fight off that skin infection and get some relief. Keeping Bodie in my prayers...
  3. Oh dear... Sounds very serious. Sending lots of prayers and light to your boy, for a full recovery. And many hugs to you. You must be worried sick.
  4. Awwwww... your boy sounds like such a gem. Glad to hear that the meds are kicking in quickly and helping him feel better. Lots of prayers and light...
  5. Sending prayers and light to your precious boy...
  6. I'm very sorry for your loss. Perhaps your new angel will guide another mischievious grey your way, to fill his shoes and keep you laughing. Godspeed, sweet Clay...
  7. That's a great idea, Ron. I'd be glad to help out with the finances.
  8. His story and pics just break my heart. Will hold him in my prayers, surrounded by light for healing of his body and spirit. Please give Brody some gentle scritches from us.
  9. What a loving "hi momma" from your sweet angel.
  10. Oh no... She was so young. This has been a very tough month of losses for GT'rs. Godspeed, beautiful Finnula...
  11. OMG. I'm so sorry for your loss. Wishing Godspeed for your precious girlie...
  12. Woo hoooo! You go Cricket! Batmom is right... keep your spirits up with her ups and downs. Neuro problems are hard to get a handle on and vary so much. Your girlie has a strong will to live and is a courageous fighter.
  13. Very glad to hear that Carrier is home and all are happy with his return. The drive to OSU would certainly be worth it, and your intuition is directing you towards this decision. Holding Carrier in my prayers and sending lots of hugs and strength to you during this challenging time.
  14. My heart is with you and I hope for the best outcome possible for Carrier. Keeping him surrounded with love and light for his highest good.
  15. Prayers and light for Sally, and a few careful kisses too...
  16. I'm so very sorry. Cancer is such a monster. Asking my Bridge angels to find Glitter and show her the best spots to play. Godspeed, precious girlie...
  17. iluvgreys

    Nutty Charlene

    How heartbreaking. Thank you for finding her and bring her home. My prayers are with her grief striken owner and all those who knew and loved her. Godspeed, sweet Charlene...
  18. Sending my condolences for the loss of your special camping buddy. Godspeed, sweet Murphy...
  19. That's SUCH good news! WTG Miss Lacers! BTW, that second pic looks like she's plotting her next adventure...
  20. Sending more prayers and kisses to your baby girl. So glad she's home and seems happy.
  21. Welcome to GT! Re fencing, if you can put in a 6 foot, that is the safest. 5 feet is passable, 4 feet is asking for trouble.
  22. What a beautiful tribute to your Queen. My heart aches for you. I'm sure she felt your love constantly, even when you were not physically there. Godspeed, sweet Porsche...
  23. iluvgreys


    I'm glad BJ was able to share your home and heart for his last years, and knew what it was to be a cherished family member. I'm very sorry for your loss, Vince. Godspeed, precious boy...
  24. Every time I hear the "C" word, I just cringe. I'm so sorry your youngster has been struck by this monster. Holding you and Peatie in my heart for much more quality time together. Many prayers...
  25. My deepest condolences to you for your loss. I will miss your Sir D stories. He was just too young. He's in the best of company at the Bridge and pain free now. Godspeed, sweet boy...
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