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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. I'm so sorry. You did all you could to save him. Godspeed, precious Train...
  2. iluvgreys


    I'm sorry she's never been found. She's one of the "lost" dogs that I pray is safe somewhere.
  3. My deepest condolences to you. OS is SUCH a monster. She's free from pain now, and running like the wind with all of our beloved Bridge angels.
  4. Sending more prayers and light to help boost your precious boy over this hump.
  5. No experience with this diagnosis, but sending prayers and wishes to your baby girl.
  6. My deepest condolences to you. Fly free with the angels, sweet Chorney...
  7. That's great news! Flashy, you're gonna want that extra fur in a few more months.
  8. My heartfelt sympathy to you and Dee for the loss of this precious soul. He's now running free at the Bridge with no limitations.
  9. For his size, you could use 20 mg. of Pepcid. When I used it with hounds that were getting an NSAID or Pred, I'd give the Pepcid 30 to 60 min. before a meal (in a little piece of cheese or lunch meat), then gave the NSAID with food. That seemed to protect the tummy very well.
  10. So glad to hear your happy update. Phoenix is looking terrific and looks so comfy. Must be fun watching him in the kiddie pool! Excellent that he's gained back the weight, too. What a trooper he is.
  11. I'm so very sorry you had to make that difficult decision. Quality of life and dignity are essential for a senior (and any) dog. Sending more prayers and light for the remainder of time you have with her, and hoping her transition is gentle and peaceful.
  12. What crappy news. Can't remember any other GT houndies that have dealt with this. Why is life so unfair. Sending more prayers and light for sweet Wallace, and extra hugs for you and Marc.
  13. Sending prayers to your precious girl. It's so hard when their bodies start to fail but their spirit is strong.
  14. Keeping your little girl in my prayers, surrounded by light. You done excellent research, asked a ton of questions and have reached a decision that you feel is best for your baby girl. Don't second guess yourself. The surgery will remove the source of the pain, and hopefully no other little critter cells will survive the chemo. Be gentle with yourself and enjoy every moment with Miss Asia.
  15. My heart goes out to you. Sending light and prayers to Leeanna for the best news possible.
  16. OMG. She's got eyes that melt my soul. Welcome to heaven on earth, little girl.
  17. A quick Google search turned up some research in Europe with this drug for UTI's. Sounds like it's worth a try! Hope this clears up that UTI! http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal...=1&SRETRY=0
  18. I'm very sorry for your sudden loss. Godspeed, precious Beau... Send your momma a sign soon.
  19. Wow... what a touching story. My heart goes out to all who knew and loved this very special hound. Godspeed, sweet Travis...
  20. Welcome home, Sophia Olivia! She's a beauty. I bet she'll rule the roost in time.
  21. Lauri, you might want to join http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/IBDogs/ as these folks are specifically dealing with IBD issues. Sending more prayers for your dear boy.
  22. True words of wisdom. Wally only knows the here and now. Cherish every moment with your sweet boy.
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