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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. Oh dear. Limping like that is always worrisome. Sending prayers and light for Miss Ripple.
  2. I'm so sorry. Poor fella caught a good break, finding his way to your group. Godspeed, precious Leo... go run like the wind with all your new angel pals.
  3. Wen, one of my fosters had to have that surgery, too. Just had to leash walk him for a few weeks, keep a sock or bandage on the foot and distract him from licking. You may need to tape up a muzzle so she can drink but not lick... like a anti-poop insert in a muzzle. Sending healing thoughts to your girlie...
  4. Excellent news! Keep up the good work, Bumper.
  5. How very sad. My deepest condolences to his family all all those whose hearts he touched. Godspeed, sweet Raymond... go run like the wind with the angels.
  6. OMG. How horrid. Hoping you and the pupsters heal up quickly. Fencing the garden is a great idea. Might also want to muzzle them when they're in the yard, at least for a few weeks. Sending lots of hugs your way.
  7. Incredible! Your girl is a survivor. She looks terrific!
  8. Your angel boy is always only a whisper away in spirit.
  9. That sweet face could KNOT be a shirt stealer. He's been framed. Congrats, BTW!
  10. I'm so sorry for your loss. I remember many Jake stories from years past. I'm sure he'll never be forgotten. Godspeed, sweet Jake...
  11. I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear boy. Godspeed, sweet Thane... go run like the wind with the angels.
  12. What a heartwarming update. Hoping the chemo goes well and that Cosmo continues to bless your lives for a LONG time with her joy for living.
  13. iluvgreys

    Fly Baby Dodge

    My deepest condolences to you for your loss. He fought a very good fight, and now is forever free from pain and discomfort. Godspeed, sweet Dodge...
  14. I'm so sorry. You did everything possible for your sweet boy. Godspeed, precious Dodge... go run like the wind with the angels.
  15. Geez, Wen... given her age and prior activity level (I know your girl LOVES to do zoomies!), I'd go with the toe amputation. Sending prayers to your girlie.
  16. How exciting for you! We like LOTS of pics. And, GreySave is a terrific group!
  17. What a dear boy he is. I admire you for doing what is in your boy's best interest, health-wise, although I can appreciate how heartbreaking that decision is, too. Hopefully your ex will keep you updated, and Pep will have an easy adjustment to new digs and all.
  18. I'm so sorry it was time for him to leave. Godspeed, sweet Woody...
  19. He was a stunning boy, and will live on forever in your hearts. Godspeed, sweet Chase...
  20. iluvgreys

    Keena Macbride

    My heart is breaking for you. I'm so very sorry. Heaven must have needed a very special angel today. Godspeed, precious Keena...
  21. Hoping the x-rays are clear. Holding your best boy in my prayers.
  22. Marion, I'm so very sorry for your loss. Over the years, I've loved your pics and stories about Ivy. He was one happy and cherished boy. Godspeed, sweet Ivy...
  23. My deepest condolences to you, Hilda. I'm sure he stole a big chunk of your heart. Godspeed, precious Halo... go run like the wind with all your new Angel pals, and send your momma a sign.
  24. Oh crap! I'm so sorry that the OS has reared it's ugly head again. Have found that a combination of NSAID + tramadol works well for pain mngt. Tramadol is cheap by prescription at Walmart, Costco, etc. Hoping you have much more quality time with your sweet Dodge. Holding you both in my prayers...
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