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Everything posted by GreyTzu

  1. Dylan did baby food for a bit. I used the oragnic meat kind and made sure it was low sodium. I made a puree of the baby food, organic brown rice and boiled chicken and fed him that for about a week or two before his surgery. :grouphug
  2. Bio K Health food stores in the cooler or they should be able to order it for you.
  3. While you have a plethora of issues going on, my holistic Vet strongly recommends BioK for dogs on meds or with gastric issues and just, in genera,l for good gut health. All my dogs get some daily. They prefer the fruity flavor.
  4. I'm not sure what has actually been said, but I agree with Judy about an eye specialist. Our regular Vet did Dylan's surgery and he never even hinted that losing the tear duct was a possibility. Yet as soon as they took one look at JD's eye, they never even tried to treat him, just sent us to the Eye Dr. So they definitely understand what they are seeing in relation to what they can and cannot treat. Here is a picture of Dylan with his e-collar. You can just see a bit of red over his eye where the growth was removed. However, it is red only because a stitch irritated his eye and he rubbed it about a week after the actual surgery. Weirdo! He didn't wear a collar right after surgery because he didn't bother the eye at all. Anyway, I'm not sure where Dylan's was in relation to where Scooter's is, but I wouldn't be too happy with the duct removal. So anyway that's my 2 cents. And because I am sure there is a law about only posting one compromising picture of your dogs, here's JD, before surgery. And here he is after, sending good thoughts to Scootie!!
  5. That sounds like a good option to me, as long as it isn't sticking to the wound.
  6. Oh Wendy, I pray that I am able to say the same about Scooter next week.
  7. Dylan had something similar removed in Feb. 2006. He was fine. He did have an issue with a stitch rubbing the eye after like a week. He had to wear a collar and the stitches were removed a day or two early. He healed up very well from the surgery and it turned out to be benign.
  8. GreyTzu


    I am sorry.
  9. GreyTzu


    I'm so sorry.
  10. Jeff will check it out this evening when he gets home.
  11. canine proctologist? Greyhound Assologist.
  12. I tried one of those on Dancer's teeth the other day. It was fairly useless and what came off was pretty gross. Dancer was not impressed either.
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