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Everything posted by Josie

  1. from Montreal! lovely pups and snakes!! love Fang! what a beauty!
  2. thanks it's more normal summer weather since yesterday and yes the panting was less... but still excitement equals panting (and jumping and whinning and barking) for Otis I have an other question! does dog get stuffy nose?? last night Otis started breathing loudly and his nose made noise... it's the out breath that was short and noisy... it last about 40minutes.. Otis was laying on the side on his bed but his neck and head on the floor... after he made a big sigh it just stop... I stayed awake during that time..and after.. concerned and worrying.. DH aften make that sounds during his sleep and he as sinus and nose problems...
  3. it would be real funny if Otis and Annie met! look the same and act the same
  4. greyhaed: some example of situation when Otis is panting: -In the morning when I'm eating my breakfast and he is waiting to go for his walk (he has access to the backyard during this time and can go potty if needed). He want to go walk and will walk in the house, whinning and panting (like saying that I take too much time to eat). -we had some thunderstorm this summer at night. Otis will wake up (bed is in our bedroom) and will start panting (many minutes or hour before the storm arrives). -when it's time for the evning walk he gets really excited when I get the leash, jumps around, bark and start panting and whining... this summer he continued panting during the walk (but keep in mind summer is really humid this year and I'm sweting during walks).
  5. I'm sorry for you lost Alysmom I think Otis is in good health, the panting is always about something and it's not all the time. Panting because of the heat is ok (it's been quite hot this summer here with high humidity levels). It's the anxious panting that I want to moderate or stop..
  6. what do you do (if anything) for the anxious panting?
  7. When excited (during play time, before and during and after walks) Otis start panting... he also does it when anxious. I know it's a normal behaviour for dog but should I be concern?
  8. HOW IMPORTANT IS POOP? Otis is on raw since he arrived home a year ago. His coat is shiny and good, his teeths are amazing. He is my second greyhound, the previous one Tuffy was on several kibble food during our 6 years we had him and poop were never good.. he was on raw the last 6months of his life and it was marvelous poop HOW DO YOU DEFINE 'GOOD' POOP? good poop is a pickable poop, small amount (the diffrence beetween kibble and raw is really amazing), dont care about color (ok should not be bloody!) Otis is a hig energy grey (yes they do exist!) and we do 1h to 1h30 walks and you must keep in mind that more they walk more their body activate..more they poop... so the first and second poop is good poop... the others that follow are no so good but are not take in consideration WHAT OTHER CRITERIA DO YOU LOOK FOR IN JUDGING THE OVERALL SUCCESS OF A FOOD less to no gas, enjoying eating the food, no bad breath
  9. is it swollen? one of my friend grey, Elliot, get wound beetween his toes during summer... the vet says it's because of the friction... to put neosporin on it to prevent infection and restrain long walks to help it heal... and put zinc cream (you know the stuff you put on baby buttocks?) before going for walks, it will help decrease heat friction...
  10. I did not found chicken or duck feet either... guess I will have to be more adventurous and go to the chinatown grocery stores some day You can also check when 1/4 chicken legs are on special at your grocery store... I pack lots of those in the freezer, Otis loves them. also check in the frozen section for whole sardines... I give them frozen to my boy, sardinesicles
  11. Josie

    One Year, Guinness

    I so much understand
  12. maybe you can get capon necks Otis loves them. they are biger then chicken necks.
  13. I found this.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=al85C7Ylztc&feature=related
  14. already 1 year... gosh time past so fast... but so slowly the first months after you left. The house was so empty, I was so lost and you dady too... So many things happen in the last year. The 2 major ones: on you gotcha day you let us know you find the perfect greyhound for us to adopt. Our rescue group contact us that day with the info on a big fawn boy that just came available for adoption. Is kennel name: Happy. Around your birthday we notarized the purchase of a house. A nice place for us with a big yard for Otis. We miss you big boy. Hopping you have good parties with Tiger and all the other friends you have up there... I know Trish is taking care of you. you and you Mr.Monkey (Otis enjoys playing with him now). Your halloween costum: So pround walking in the St-Pat parade:
  15. hey! I'm not there! Josie-Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  16. as you may know we just move in our new house less then a month ago, and we have now a nice yard (ok at the moment it's quite mudy but it's still nice ) Otis routine involves a "before going to bed pee" in the yard... the problem we have is that he does not want to come back inside! He runs around and have to smell every spots and inch of the yard... We call him back and he runs toward the patio door and a few steps from getting in he turns around and start a new laps... anyone have a tip to cut this act short? beside going in the yard to get him (like I have to do )
  17. thanks for your post! Sojos dog food is not listed on the FDA's pet food recall website, and has not been involved in any recent recalls. I search the web and found the compagny respond to an e-mail about the origin of their products: "Thanks for considering Sojos and for your question. We are a Minnesota company that was started in 1985. We do all of our own baking, freeze drying, milling and processing in our NE Minneapolis facility. I wish it was possible to source all of our ingredients from the Midwest, but we use many exotic ingredients that make that impossible. We source everything that we can domestically and locally when possible. But certain ingredients, namely dried vegetable dices are impossible to source from the US. For example, 99.9% of all of the dried celery dices in the world come from China. And there are other vegetables and spices that simply aren’t grown in the US. There are US importers that resell ingredients sourced overseas and some pet food companies buy from these “middle men” and then claim that their ingredients are domestic. But we strive to be a completely transparent company and we have nothing to hide or to be ashamed of. When we buy ingredients from Asian sources, we have a representative on the ground inspecting not only the factory but the finished product to ensure that we’re getting the finest human-quality ingredients. This is the same stuff found in “people food” at the grocery store like soup mixes, stuffing mix, trail mix, etc. No feed ingredients. No by-products. No artificial preservatives, flavors, or colors. As far as pesticides go, you could mention that we’re actually at somewhat of an advantage because our dried celery and apples are imported. The FDA has very strict rules regarding pesticide levels in imported products. For that reason, all ingredients are tested for pesticides before being shipped to us. Domestic growers don’t have that extra testing step because the products are already in the US."
  18. thanks! I got a small bag yesterday of the fruit and veggie mix.. I did a batch with raw chicke I feed Otis and he loved it. One questions... do you see if your greys poop more with this? this morning Otis did 2 huge poop pile.. no dierhea, it was perfectly form.. just the quantity was really bigger then what he poops on raw usually... thanks! I'll ask about it at my store... HI Pam yes it's thegrain free (fruit and veggie). I'll check for the Honest Kitche brand
  19. anyone gives this to your hound? SOJOS Fruit and Veggie Otis is raw fed and I used to add Hollistic Blend can side-dish but it's virtually imposible to find here anymore.. HB side dish wanting to know what you think about that Sojos products Thnaks!
  20. feed pork hearts and kidney few times a month, no problem here
  21. Happy birthday my sweet old man. Have a big party up there with Tiger and all your friends. Cant believe it's going to be 1 year soon...We miss you so much.
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