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Everything posted by Josie

  1. Josie


    cried a lot today, we got Tuffy ashs... big boy is home now yesterday we went to the lumber place to pic up the wood DH will use to make the urn... we choosed a wood name sucupira it looks like this: we tought it look like Tuffy brindles spots... the tree sucupira is really nice: beautifull purple flowers... we will get the wood planck in 7-10 days (had to be planned) I'll post went DH we start making the urn...
  2. Josie


    almost 2 weeks without my big boy wanted to share with you come pics of him... gosh I miss him... a video of Tuffy asking for cookies.. his 8pm routine Tuffy and Tiger, now they are running and playing together with angels: In the yard: with his favorite stuffie MrMonkey my favorite pic: DH and I will go tomorow buy the wood to make the urn... I found a great figurine (thank you Chilidog) to put on it... I'll get Tuffy ash soon and I'll post pics of the urn when it's done. Thaks for all your posts.
  3. Josie


    nobody to play with mrMonkey anymore... Please give George a big kiss for me
  4. Josie


    thank you gosh I'll miss seing my big boy getting all excited for burbdogs cookies
  5. Josie


    thanks for all your posts DH is founding this really difficult... he did not tought he would react so violently in sadness.. men and feelings are not a easy thing... :
  6. Josie


    sathurday morning during the walk Tuffy legs gived up... he was not able to stand anymore.. he was in great pain... Marc had to get him in the backyard in his harm for the evening pee.. there was blood in his urine.. he trow up all his meal.. even water came out as fast as he drink it... the last 12 hours he did not get up of his bed we put him down at our house this sunday a 4pm
  7. Josie


    My Tuffy is pain free now. Cant right more at the moment. We let him go today. Run pain free my angel.
  8. So Tuffy stretch a muscle in his back leg (the good leg ) yesterday (vet appointment is tomorow) I wanted to know if I should put cold on hot on it to help...
  9. up... maybe I'll get other Canadians (or other non US GTers) to talk about their experience with cartrophen...
  10. getting my tread up...maybe I'll get other Canadians (or other non US GTers) Tuffy urine test follow-up done today shows it's stable, did not degenarate Next Monday we are going to the vet to get cartrophen
  11. yes think it's similar to adequan.. but cartrophen is giving by sub-q injections...
  12. no cartrophen I dont know the US name of the drug or it's even available in the US, but it's available here in Canada.. link: CARTROPHEN VET
  13. We were discussing with teh vet what medication to give Tuffy to manage his arthritis pain... Used to give deramaxx and it was doing great but Tuffy is now having problems with his kidneys so we needed to stop it. What's you experience with cartrophen? any side effects? does it work good?
  14. thanks Susan it just worried me that maybe he is in pain... but like I said he does not do that during the day... maybe he wants to get the attention of my friend and if he looks pitifull enough he thinks he will get cookies..
  15. I'm not able to bring him down... 91 lbs is heavy DH did get him down the first week Tuffy was home 6 years ago... but on the 7th night DH back said it was enough...
  16. sadly it's not possible... Tuffy is not coordonated at all, never been. He does some stairs, those outside the house (5-6 steps). The staircasse to the basement is an abrut one, that has a wall at the end, miss a step and you fall down and you finish in it. Even people founds it difficult to step down. Our house was built in the 1930's so it was not design to have rooms in the basement We had many greys over and no one dared to go down those steps....
  17. my friend see Tuffy from the bedroom and she says he is laying down but head up... maybe he is sleeping croocked and his legs hurts and he wakes up... and cries.. after he stretch and go back to sleep... No panting or walking around whinning...
  18. Tuffy is 9. He is with us for almost 6 years now. He sleeps alone in the living room since the begginning.... our bedroom is in the basement and Tuffy does not go down the stairs. This week-end a friend has stayed in our guest room, near the living room. She tells me Tuffy cries at night. Not a big cries, just a little brief whining. It occurs right after my DH and goes to sleep downstairs and also a few time during the night. Tuf wakes up, whines, get up, strech, turn around and lay down to sleep... We dont ear him from our bebroom. Tuffy is not a speaker or whiner during the day. Real quite grey... He eats well (for a picky eater). His arthritis pains are really reduce (medicated) and he walks great now, less stiff then before the pills. I dont know what to make of this... I did not know if I should put this in health/medical...
  19. thanks for the link yes, even for a grey it's a little off (I dont have the numbers)
  20. Tuffy will turn 9 next week and his latest urine test show stage 1 (of 4) of kidney failure. They vet is not alarm or worried, saying it does occurs with age, and that since most dog owners dont do regular urine test the early stage are rarely known, since there's no symptoms.. My question is regarding feeding... Tuffy is fed raw, mostly minced chicken (meat and bone)that I buy at my butcher shop. I had veggies, fish oil, yogurt to his diet. I feed also liver, hearts and others once every 1-2 week... I wanted to know what to avoid or what to add to his diet to help his kidney fonction. Reading about it on the net I'm quite confused.. some say to lower the protein, some say protein dont affect anything... that phosphorus are the thing to whatch... thanks!
  21. beautyfull Logan Godspeed
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