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Everything posted by Josie

  1. I could try white noise but DH points out that Otis reacts to the cracking sounds when it's happening in the living room while we are watching TV...
  2. Mhh...I dont know... I would think it's more like a panic mode, similar to what some other gters describ when grey freezes on walks...
  3. Thanks! Today it's been 1 year that we moved in our house and this winter is way colder then the first one in 2012 so back then the house did not crack like this winter. The house was buit in 1938. DH says that the electrical wiring is a mess and he is gradually changing it (he is a electronic tech). Maybe ther's a EM fiels somewhere? And Otis responds to it? We all sleep on the second floor. Otis dont have a crate. He has 1 bed in our bedroom, 1 bed in the office and the futon in the guest room. The second floor just have those 3 rooms. I babygate the staircase at night so Otis dont go downstairs unattended. Otis dont wear pjs but has blankets on his bed (he dont seems to like behing cover up by them) During the winter months we did not go to the park, too cold and ir can be really icy there. But we walk at least 45minutes in the evenings. I read that greys normally have lower thyroid results... how can my vet know if it's abnormal?
  4. (not sure if I should have post in behavior section) for the past 4 months Otis behavior has change and is guetting worse. We have him since june 2011. He will be 5 in July. He always been a talker/whinner grey, Always vocalized about everything. He loves meeting people and other dogs, loves to go to the dog park. Heis a anxious grey but also a curious grey, he needs to see and sniff and know everything that is going on in the house or on walks. He always slep all nights and never had SA issue. Since the beggining of winter he started waiking up in the middle of the night and walks around, not wanting to go back to bed. He will also stand in a corner, doing the statue. We notice that the normal sounds of the house cracking due to the cold weather will make him jump out and make him anious. We tried to ignore him but things are guetting worse.. now he will whinne and shake... during those panic attacks he is completly ignoring us and does not responds to anything. wont take any cookies or treats. and now he will react to any cracking, clicking sounds..even during the daytime. He wont stay with us in the living room during evenings. He goes to the guess room where his bed is (he have 3 beds in the house). We notice also that he is shedding more then usual. His appetite is ok and eats good. Pee and poops are normal too. We walk 2 times a day (30minutes in the morning, 45min /1 hour in the evenings) We got a thunder shirt that we are trying since las week but his behavior is not changing (I know it's not a miraculous thing), but the thing that makes it not usefull is that Otis wont lay down when he wears it!!! We give Otis 2 puff of rescue remedy before bed time and more whe the panic attacks occurs... it seems to work at first but now doesnot make any diffrences.. last night Otis woke up again, panic mode and shaking.. it continued most of the night and this morning.. at the moment he is sleeping on his bed probably because it's exhausting to be scared... what's your thoughts about this? we have an appointment at the vet Tuesday. Our vet is not a grey savvy one (there's not many grey around here). should we do blood test (what should we be looking for?) should we medicate? (what's working best for our situation?) thanks!
  5. My angel Tuffy was on the holistic select duck for several years and it was ok. Nice fur and good poop.
  6. thanks Jiffer I'll untight the front one a little.. maybe he felt too much restricted in his mind.. like the first 30secondes I put his long booties on and he thinks it's a leg cast and walks funny LOLL
  7. I'll continue trying it and after a few weeks if it does not make any difference I can return it
  8. thanks for your posts! I guess Otis needs to get used to wear the TS.. yeaterday he did not want to lay down with it on.. could it be too small? or too tight? It's a large.. supose to fit a chest up to 40inch...
  9. What size did you get? I have a large one.... I put it on Otis to see and it fits ok but he seems not confortable to lay on his bed with it... I know it's soppose to be ''hugging'' him... maybe he needs to get used it?
  10. Does your grey have one? Did it help? I just got one for Otis...from the thundershirt compagny.
  11. I always check them.. but never know at what size to worry... and if they are swollen or not.. anyone have a pics of a grey with swollen neck lymph glands?
  12. Josie

    Moto Hot Rod

    oh no...I'm so sorry.. :weep
  13. I know that Billy, Tuffy and Astro are having good fun running around together again.
  14. Otis please sleep all night!

  15. yes I tought about that.. but like you said it could back fire on me lol last night I tried to ignore him.. after 45minutes I gave up and get out of bed to take Otis to the living room for the rest of the night... He did get up there too after heaters click but it took 5-10minutes to go back to his bed..
  16. DH and I realise last night that Otis is affraid... of the heaters noise... Our house is heated by electric heaters and they make a "clic" when they turn on or off (it's not lound!) if Otis is laying on his bed in the living room during the evening or in the bedroom at night he will jump up when the clic happens... will start walking all around and wants to go in an other room... could take several minutes to go back to his bed to sleep... He obviously wants to "flee" the strange sound... He does not cry or shake, tail is not tuck under... We ask him to Lay Down... but it does not work all the time and Otis will stay up, doing the freeze statue... I tried to ignore him but it can last a very long time... How could we desensitized him?
  17. those are ingredients in the Karnivore raw patties... can't really cut off them
  18. ah non Sophie!!! so sad to here this but you where there I dont know what to say...gosh sad you are so far away.... big hug
  19. what's your opinions, dear Gters, about the fact that Otis is running and playing in the ward at 3am? if he a tummy upset would he do that? I'm really bafled by all this!
  20. thanks mychip1 UPDATE: last night I divided Otis evening meal and fed him at 7pm and 10pm... He woke up again at 3am and would not got back to bed.. was standing not mooving and was swallowing like things are coming up.. I went downstairs with him and let him out... run fiew laps and pee.. was having fun in the fresh snow I gived him few puf or rescue remedy (my previous grey had thunder phobia)... I lay down on the couch and after 20-25minutees Otis finnally lay down on is living room bed.. woke up 1 time but got back to bed right away... telling you this I realise that I did not give him more food but just divided.. tonight I'll give him is normal meal and more at bed time to see...
  21. so scary! happy that he is ok! found this on youtube, always good to learn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZojRah-0us
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