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Everything posted by Josie

  1. Josie


    so sorry godspeed beautifull Logan
  2. welcome from coold Montreal, Canada! WOW!!! Fiji?!?!?!?!? I dream of going there... for now I'm sit infront of my reef aquarium and dream of seing fiji reef... Cant wait to see pics of your greyhound!
  3. yes first pee. I talk to the vet, He is ok with the results and happy to see that the protein level are low. He explains the USG by the fact that Tuffy takes dextab (makes him drink more)... We will retest blood and urnine in February. thank you for you replies and supoort
  4. some results.. the tech did not talk to the vet yet (will doi tomorow morning)... she said the urine anylisis was consider normal specific gravity: 1.0173 ratio normal proteine is less the 0.05 (I did not ask what value this is!) will have more info tomorow... please give me your opinions on those numbers
  5. no telephone today with results... I'll let you know as soon I have some tomorow.
  6. guess Treasure was jealous that her brother got all your atention Phene
  7. thanks for you replies! Here a tread concerning Tuffy (first ever) blood test results: blood test Tuffy Talking to the vet yesterday and seing my concern he ask to bring Tuffy morning pee to do some testing... I just drop it off at the vet this morning. Suppose to have results this after-noon... I did not tell the vet that we switch to raw feeding about 4 months ago... knowing that most vets desagree with raw feeding... maybe I should mention it...
  8. Does raw feeding makes blood test results high for creatinine and BUN????
  9. found on the net: *** Depending on the lab's normal range, other breeds have a high of about 1.2 to 1.4 for their creatinine level, Greyhounds can normally run up to 2.1 (some say to 2.4) before it's considered to be possibly abnormal. If there is any doubt, run a second test on the urine called a specific gravity to help distinguish true kidney failure from a normal value. A specific gravity in the 1.008 to 1.012 range combined with a truly elevated creatinine requires further testing. BUN's can also run a little above other breed's normal. *** my question is: is this a reversable sitation and waht can I do to make it better? we will slowly decrease the deramax and try to go on other thing... like tremadol...
  10. I hate conversion! so if I get this right: creatinine (265 umol divided by 88.4 makes) 2.99 BUN (16.8 mmol multiply by 2.8 makes)47
  11. thanks and the creatinine? is it in mg/dl too?
  12. does anyone knows in what units are the USA blood values I see everywhere? "Normal" dog BUN range is 6-31... but it,s 6 to 31 WHAT?
  13. I think it can be convert like this, BUT I'm not sure of this, anyone can help? I'm not a lab tech or a chemist creatinine 265 umol equals 2.9? BUN 16.8 mmol equals 6?
  14. So we went to the vet this week for Tuffy follow-up. He is on deramax and dextab for his arthritis. The vet was really happy that it is going realy good! Tuffy has a lot less pain now! it's a real diffence form a few months back! more active and more playfull, eats good and is happy. but... we did a blood test. (No urine test was done) Tuffy creatinine and BUN are high... THE VALUES ARE NOT IN "AMERICAIN" VALUES BUT INTERNATIONAL VALUES! creatinine 265 umol BUN 16.8 mmol since it's going better the vet cut the medication a little, 4 days a week 1/2 a deramx and 5 times a week 1 dextab (.25mg) we have an appointment in 1 month to do a other blood work. what do you think??? I'm so worried
  15. indeed... perfect consistency here since Tuffy is on raw.. never had more perfect poop (retired for 5 years)!
  16. thanks for your replies! guess I should stop worried myself about poop colors and found other things more interesting to do in my life
  17. I started adding Grizly salmon oil in Tuffy raw meals... looks like it makes Tuffy poop more orange... not bright orange.. just a little...
  18. it's not bright orange... just not brown (gosh we have weird conversation here! )
  19. I started adding Grizly salmon oil in Tuffy meals (raw feeding: chicken). anyone noticed that it makes poops more.. "orange"?
  20. yes I will go with that after, the drumpstick was just a introduction to raw meaty bones I gived him grounded chicken and veggies after to complet his meal maybe I should find a plastic picnic tablecloth to put on his bed at eating time... since he wants to lay down to eat meaty bones...
  21. Tuffy ate is first chicken drumstick tonigh! he was quite intrigue about it in his bowl.. after few seconds he took it and went to lay on his bed to eat it took less then 5 minutes and it was gone (omg the horrible sounds of raw bone being eaten I will have to get use to this lol) guess I will have to find a way to keep clean his bed now since he does not eat meaty bone standing up!
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