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Everything posted by Josie

  1. moving date: february 25th!!!

  2. not sure I cant turn the inside-out.. but I'll try...
  3. I got Otis nice muttluck boots, medium size. I notice that it's not a good design for greyhound (well for Otis)! He gets sores on the top of his knucles that bleeds... on the inside of the boot there's a seam... anyone alse have this situation before? those are not cheap boots!!! guess I'll get back to the cheap wallmart ones
  4. typical dog thing... I dont think you need to worry.. I think Fae is getting less shy and happy Otis started scratching about 5 months after he arrived home At first it was really uncoordonnated..it tried to sratch 4 legs at the same time silly boy Now he does it after every pee and after some poop in the yard and also during walks! so I have to hold on the leash
  5. Otis loves his sardines-sicles!
  6. We are moving to our new house soon!! It's going to be the first time moving a dog... what should I do? how to introduce the dog to the new place? We are getting the keys february 11th, DH is doing renovation the week of the 13th, sandblasters workers will do the hardwood floors the 20-21 (cant walk on them until the 23rd) and we are moving in February 25th! should I go a few time during the week of the 13th with Otis? the previous owners were smokers and I have to clean all the house to get the smell out They have a small dog, Otis will certainly smell his odor in the house... one thing that's great: the house is 7 streets from our appartment.. so no long distance to do and it's the same area for Otis walks
  7. happy bday Phene! Tuffy is certainly partying with you
  8. thehouseofearl

    I sent you a PM ;)

  9. Moving in the new house in April 2012!!

  10. Otis is whit us since the end of june and he is a big time whinner At first I was so worried about this... was thinking something was wrong and wanted to anylize and found a reason for every whinnes. We had to accept that it's how Otis is... easy said then done some times
  11. shopping for a new house!

  12. I give Otis beef trachea, he loves them!
  13. I just order a leather tag collar from Dave engraves thanks for all your reply, advices and kind words! and this morning I did not forget to take off Otis martingale
  14. thanks! I have to shop for one of those! now I have to enter in my routine to take out the martingale when we arrive from a walk! this morning had to call MIL from the office so she can stop on her way to work to take Otis collar off... forgot about this this morning.. I was on the subway and realise I did not take it off.. was starting to stress...
  15. Many times I red about Gters taking off their greyhound collar in the house... the fear that the grey may get caught somewhere in the house... On the other hand I have the fear that if the grey gets out he has no collar... so Tuffy always had his collar and I now I do the same for Otis. But yesterday an incident made me rethink.. In the midle of the after-noon, I was cooking in the kitchen and I eard Otis SOD in the living room... He was really in a panic... DH got there first to find Otis on his bed, a toe of his back paw caught into the D-ring of his collar He was scratching his neck and got his toe in the ring!!! DH got it out.. it was not really caught tight.. but the situation was scary for poor Otis! So I think now I will take Otis collar off when we leave him alone... But what to do to help my fear of no identification?
  16. Update fo Otis: He stil whines a lot, nut we figure it out that that's him... wants to always let you know he is there For the barks we are training for the "speak" and it's doing ok..slowly still love to bark when excited. the link dont work It does work! we teach Otis lay down and is he whines at night we just say it and he goes back to his bed
  17. thanks for your responds last night after almost 45minutes of whinning at 3:30am DH went to the staircase (staying in the basement) and said firmly and with authority "go lie down" and Otis stop and went back to bed. so.. guess that's the best way to do this... Feisty49: you're right.. I got a 3 years old toddler that's testing the limits of his parents
  18. I know! that's what DH says.. good thing that boy is so darn cute!
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