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Everything posted by Jackandgrey

  1. Poor girl. I hope it's dealt with and on it's way to healing now. Dislocations always look so much more dramatically painful than they are.
  2. What a relief! But this is going to be Joshy in a few years I just know it.
  3. I hope her titres are way low Mary Jo.
  4. I'm so sorry. for you and kisses for your sweet Brooke.
  5. I'm glad Flashy has gained back weight so that worry is gone Patti. As Judy said your plate is more than full. Hugs to everyone in your family!
  6. My vet came to my house too. And it was a two step procedure with the sedative first. It was gentle. There was no rush and the bill came in the mail later. All of it was prearraranged. That made it all so much much less awful at the time. I'm sorry it's something you need to expore.
  7. My junior brat is so very glad your senior brat is home and things are looking so much better. Loca is her hero and role model God help me!
  8. What a journey Robin. What lucky boy he is to have the family he does. I'm so glad to see that Beau face back.
  9. She loved you and you loved her with a very powerful love. The legacy of that love should never be guilt. Let that go now and smile at the wonderful memories of your sweet girl. You both deserve that.
  10. Jackandgrey


    I'm so very sorry your girl had to go.
  11. I'm so sorry Claudia. I know how much it hurts and how hard you fought for her. She makes a beautiful angel. And there will be so many of our babies to welcome her and keep her company till we all meet again. Nite nite sweet girl.
  12. Aww Amber I hope Soul is just keeping you on your toes and is okay this time around. I wouldn't even think to offer advice since I don't know anything about IBD. But do give him hugs for me.
  13. Oh Claudia my heart is breaking for you. You and Misty will be in my heart tomorrow and you know she will have so many friends to meet her. Jack will be waiting!
  14. I'm so sorry this monster disease has hit your home. The time is very individual. You need to carefully evaluate pain. Is she able to settle, sleep, is she anxious, panting, nose dripping or crying out. Is she content, eating well and happy for now. You need to be generous with the pain meds and stay ahead of the pain. When the pain meds cannot do their job or the dog is just struggling with activities of daily living, then the time has come. My Jack had 6 months but he was able to walk on his leg for almost all of that time. Some have a week. For however long you have with your baby, spoil her and make each day last a lifetime.
  15. I'm so sorry. I know that stunned sick feeling feeling. Jack's was in his femur too. As was said, be generous with pain meds and enjoy every single day.
  16. Poor girl. Heal quickly sweetie.
  17. Oh Susan I can't think of any words to say except that we're all going to miss sweet Alan more than you can imagine. I'm so very sorry for your poor broken heart.
  18. I'm so sorry. It is just so unrelenting. Whatever time, and I hope it's more than you imagine, don't make it about dying. Make every day about him being there alive with you. Those days will make sweet memories later when you need them so enjoy them as best you can now.
  19. He's so cute. I do hope this was just a little set back.
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