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Everything posted by macoduck

  1. macoduck


    I am so sorry for your loss. What lovely tribute to Kevin.
  2. Water therapy. Running water over the injured foot several times a day. Greybookends has done it and I think Burpdog too.
  3. My mutt Rosie survived after eating snail pellets. Had some liver damage but died of old age. Sending prayers for Dude.
  4. Does it look like these? histiocytoma
  5. If the vet is certain it's a histiocytoma then you don't have to do anything. Google it or search here on GT for more info. Gracie gets one in the exact same place on her rear foot. Vet reassured us is would go away within 3 months and it did. He also said it would come back one day and it did - a year later and in the same spot. Been there a month and is now shrinking. No meds needed if the dog doesn't chew or overly lick it damaging the surface, antibiotics if they do. It can mimic a mast cell tumor, so let the vet check it.
  6. Sign of dehydration would be similar to a human's. Pull up on some loose flesh. When you let go does it spring back to normal position or does it stay peaked up a bit.
  7. How's his water intake? Any signs of dehydration?
  8. Our first mutt girlie Rosie had a huge mass come up quickly in the same area you describe on Cullen. It was removed. Turned out to be a lipoma. She'd had smaller lipomas over the years although much smaller. Vet said while this huge one was benign, it wasn't just round but growing a tail, becoming invasive, and pushing hard on her internal organs. Once removed it did return years later but never got a large as the first time. Hope your Cullen gets some good news soon.
  9. Histiocytoma. Gracie gets one on a foot. Generally goes away within 3 months. No treatment needed unless it gets an infection from a dog licking it. Gracie's came back last month, exact same place. We're keeping an eye on it. It looks redder than this picture of her. Always worth a vet check to be sure though.
  10. Licking and the smell will let you know. My mutt needs to be expressed a couple of times a year. Here's a link to when Gracie's anal gland ruptured. Vet said it was good that it ruptured as it relieved the pain. She been a hiney licker on and off for years but never had a gland problem until this. There was no smell or butt dragging to warn us either. icky butt post and pictures Just editing to add the problem child Pudge has always had the firmest poops ever yet has chronic anal gland "issues."
  11. Thank you for doing all you can to solve the mystery and keep him happy.
  12. Our Gracie had completely bald thighs when we got her. She butt hair has grown in thickly except for a spot on each cheek similar to your picture. When she's hot from running the skin blushes. We call them brake lights.
  13. Welcome Sounds like you are dedicated to giving this little girl a good life. I would think Jackie's former adoption group would be happy to hear that she's safe and in a good home. Have your read Greyhounds For Dummies or other similar books? Please stay with us here.
  14. Even though my vet doesn't do it, I think doing it at home would be less stressful. Since you live in an apartment, check with your vet first to make sure she can transport afterward. I am so sorry you are having to go through this. It's never easy saying goodbye.
  15. Is giving pumpkin a regular thing? Most dogs firm up with it but some, like my Gracie, get the runs even with just a teaspoonful.
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