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Everything posted by macoduck

  1. kar, please heed JJNg's advice. She's a vet.
  2. Please listen to tbhounds. Feed Snow whatever she will eat. This!
  3. PUdge woke me up several times. I too am a diabetic. I ignored her with the first incident. After that I checked my sugar when she woke me and it was low. I am not insulin-dependent so the low readings were unusual for me. Your DH needs to listen to "Dr. River"
  4. No offense to vet techs but I'd rather a vet examine and empty anal glands. I don't let groomers do it either. The way your boy keeps licking sounds like an anal gland about to rupture. It happened to my Gracie. Once it burst she felt much better and was treated with an antibiotic. Tessa had a bulge that wasn't quite in the right place. It wasn't a swollen anal gland. It was a hernia of the bowel at the rectum that came and went. Editing to add: This photo shows where Gracie's gland ruptured. Is this where your boy is licking?
  5. She is on the Bridge Angel list now, Erika.
  6. Oh, what wonderful memories Poodle has given you. I will miss hearing Poodle stories. The little fella made a big impression.
  7. No one could have loved Poodle more than you. My heart breaks knowing that he has to leave you.
  8. Adams spray is available at Walmart. This is from the Adams website: http://www.adamsfleacontrol.com/smarter-pet-care/frequently-asked-questions Adams™ Pet Spray products come in both alcohol and water-based formulas. Some contain adulticides only, while others contain both an adulticide and the Infest Stop™* ingredient, which kills the eggs and causes the female flea to lay sterile eggs. The water-based formulas are slower drying (alcohol speeds up drying process because of evaporation) but are the choice for irritated skin. The water-based formulas contain coat conditioners. The alcohol-based formulas dry quickly and the alcohol has a flushing effect on the fleas, which tends to create a faster kill. Some cats may drool upon tasting the spray on their coat. This may occur with alcohol- or water-based products. This response is generally self-limiting. Topical treatments can take up to 24 hours to dry. Refraining from bathing your pet during this time is recommended. If you do choose to bathe your animal prior to adding topical products, wait until your pet is completely dry to apply the product. You will also see their product called Adams Flea and Tick Spot On. Do not buy this product. http://www.asrcreviews.org/2012/11/nad-recommends-farnam-modify-discontinue-certain-claims-for-flea-tick-control-product/
  9. I was reading up on corns last night. A new procedure involves implanting a circular pad to alleviate pressure directly on the corn. So far results are mixed.
  10. Doing a search for Vectra3D and hair loss finds many complaints like these: http://vectra-3d.pissedconsumer.com/ Contact info for the manufacturer is listed at the bottom of this page: http://www.drugs.com/vet/vectra-3d.html If you think the thyroid could be the problem be sure to get the full panel done, not just the T4. If you do a search on GT for Melatonin you'll see many owners have had hair growth return on their greyhounds.
  11. John, you mentioned Peggy's outdoor water bowls. Is there any chance she could have had a drink from a bird bath or that the birds roosted on her bowls? I had 3 dogs at one time get horrible diarrhea and our bird bath was the culprit.
  12. Joel, please check the links in this thread regarding Vectra. It is a nasty product and nearly killed my friend's non-greyhound. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/274177-vectra/?p=5064752&hl=permethrin&fromsearch=1&do=findComment&comment=5064752
  13. I will add Dylan's name to the list of Bridge Angels. He will not be alone.
  14. I feel your pain. I am so sorry your handsome Paul had to leave you.
  15. Kar, my mutt girl Pudge (age 13 +/-) had end stage renal disease. She was on Royal Canin for several years. She didn't care too much for it unless we put a few of Gracie's kibbles in with it. With age and the progression of kidney failure her appetite lessened. At that point our vet said let her eat whatever the heck she wants - we know her time is limited, we know we can't fix this, so make her happy. While we didn't overly indulge her, she was a happy girl until the day she said "enough".
  16. I would give her what she wants just to get her eating again. The less healthy food can be temporary, then gradually mix with her regular food.
  17. www.greythealth.com It will be listed on the Greyhounds Are Different med card I'm sending you.
  18. Many of us here have second-guessed medical problems with our dogs. We shared your pain and your hope that maybe, just maybe things would get better. Many times I've brought one of my dogs to the vet and said "something just isn't right but I can't put my finger on it". And despite the vet not finding anything, my dogs died very soon after those visits. You have not failed Duke. You have shared his story and in doing that you, and he, may save the life of another greyhound.
  19. That's a good update. Keep an eye out for any swelling of the foot. Just loosed the wrapping if you do. And treat with :dogcookie
  20. I will add Duke's name to the list of Bridge Angels for July. He is not alone.
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