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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. Hopefully Devin will be lucky this time, but I would get rid of the grape vines.
  2. It sounds like Norm is an outgoing extrovert and Tanner is more shy, maybe a little on the introverted side or a little spooky. There is nothing wrong with them being different, and having different comfort levels. I personally would not medicate a dog to try and achieve a different personality. It's OK for Tanner to be different and to not enjoy the same things Norm does. Maybe you could find a behaviorist who could help you with exercises to help Tanner gain more self confidence, and persue that before considering medication. In Dewey maybe you could take Tanner and Norm both out in the early mornings when people are just strolling around and walking the beach, and in the busy times maybe you and Tanner could have some quiet time wherever you are staying. With the shy greys it can take several years for their self confidence to bloom, and it takes baby steps. Two years is a relatively short amount of time. There are times that something like Prosac may indeed be the answer, but from your description Tanner just sounds like a shy greyhound who is happier not going out.
  3. TJ you need to listen to mama and leave those bandages alone.
  4. I hope the depo works well for him. I know that some have been able to go several months up to a year between shots.
  5. Prayers for Blitz and hope that he will be able to come home soon.
  6. I am so sorry. Godspeed sweet Gypsy.
  7. I thought about you today Mary... when I told Jim that I want to go to Cafe Piquet this weekend.
  8. Demodex was my first thought also and it is not contagious. A skin scraping should done. If you are going to adopt this girly then I would go ahead and have a comprehensive blood panel done, that way you will have a baseline.
  9. There are a multitude of possible reasons and you are absolutely doing the right thing by getting Kipp in to see the vet.
  10. Will he eat baked chicken, boiled hamburger, lean roast beef? Sending good thoughts for Freddie.
  11. The could be numerous reasons but you are doing the right thing by taking her to the vet. May turn out to be a dislocated toe, arthritis or something else. Try not to worry.
  12. I would have him checked again by the vet, I don't mess with limping. I also have my greys on glucosamine, chondrotin & msm. I like Fresh Factors and Joint Health from Springtime. Fresh Factors Joint Health
  13. Maybe she should get a second opinion on the pancreatitis. Most vets here are doing a 3 year protocol on shots except for bordatella.
  14. If you don't have the RX insert here is info on Anipryl, possible side effects, etc. link to Anipryl
  15. What are the annual shots? My dogs get bloodwork, urinalysis, & stool sample checked, I actually have it done every six months now that they are in "middle age", but they do not get annual shots.
  16. Bless her heart, she looks so good. Sending prayers that sweet Lacey will not get sick from the chemo.
  17. When I adopted Teddy he was being treated for a UTI which ended up needing another round of antibiotics. I only give the dogs filtered water and he has never had another UTI. I don't know if that is the answer, but it's worked for us.
  18. UTI's can be very painful. Be sure to give all the meds as prescribed until finished, and have her urine checked again two weeks after completion of the antibilotics just to be on the safe side, since UTI's can sometimes be difficult to get rid of. The good news is she will start feeling better fairly quickly after the meds are in her system.
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