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Everything posted by 3DogNite

  1. oh you all are early birds this morning ~ i'm just a bit Rascal did fine, slept all night long. I examined the poo and pee and all are normal. He is drinking and wants his morning breakfast like normal too! i think he feels good. because it's Saturday, i think i'll wait till Monday to take him for a blood test,, oh, that's new years eve.. mmmm the holiday schedule messes things up a bit,,, anyway,, he will definitely get his blood work up done. Thank you for keeping him in your prayers over night! Happy New Year everyone!
  2. so far, it's a quiet evening. i'm hoping it remains so! he's drinking, and pee'ing, he's had some food, he wanted a lot,, and he got a little... stinker!!! i am worried about the liver and kidneys.. of course google is a wonderful tool, just abit toooooooo wonderful sometimes! thank you all,, i will definatley be calling on the Phx greytalkers if anything more happens... for now,, sleep tight, don't let the bed-bugs bite.. kiss your babies,, life is precious and it only takes one second to see it all go away,,, xoxoxo
  3. thanks for the additional information. my boy has been giving me the evil eye and is running away from me... he's not very happy with me right now! I thought about inducing one more time, however, it's now been more than 4 hours. I estimate 2-3 hours when i induced the first time, so at this point it's been 4+ hours since the little bugger got the stash! I like the milk/water idea. and he's a food hog, so a little food will definatly make him feel better. ok, well, i will dilligently look at all poo and pee that comes out of him, and sleep with one eye open ! thank you!!!
  4. ok, that was gross,, and fast! i found food and rimadyl tabs...... now,, should i do it again? what else should i be looking for in symptoms? i did call a vet, they just said, induce vomitting and take him to the regular vet next week for blood tests.... mmmm seems like I wouldn't use them for my regular vet,, not much information or concern on their part... anything else i should look for? eta,, thanks Batmom,, just saw your last post. my boy has always tolerated the rimadyl very well, and all other pain drugs for that matter. I am going to make sure he drinks lots of water, and hold back food until morning. thank you!
  5. it's within that time, and yes i know the hydrogenperoxide trick, Thanks... what should i look for over the next couple of hours?
  6. my boy got into a stash of Rimadyl, 75mg chewable,,, he ate about 10 of them! should i induce vomiting? I am visiting my parents in Phx.. i can find a vet if needed....... thanks!
  7. Does anyone know about a bacteria that produces gas from a bite wound? a friend has a grey, 5 yrs, who was the unlucky recipient of a bite from another grey. It was a "clean" puncture and it is healing well... however, the vet was concerned that he felt some, for lack of a better word, crackle-ie, bubble-ie feel around the wound. So within a one day, bacteria started to produce a GAS that has continued until now he has a HUGE,, i mean HUGE, it covers most of his hind quarters!!! HUGE GAS POCKET!!!! The the doggie is on a strong anti-biotic, (sorry I don't know what kind) and the gas is still growing.... He is eating, playing, wants treats etc,, his attitude is very good,, except for the GAS POCKET that continues to grow.... We would love to know what to do for this. I would think the GAS should be let out, somehow. the wound is healing, so "pushing" the gas out that wound hole seams out of the question. drains, or cuts in the skin. as awful as that sounds,,, i don't know, and the vet seems to think as long as the dog is happy, the gas will eventually go away, but the gas pocket is lifting the skin so much, that i wonder if the skin will survive? your thoughts on this is appreciated as this has now gone on for a week and the gas pocket is not going away. Thanks!!!
  8. I was Mizzy's SS, but i'm in Utah,, did you have more than one SS???? I sent the red tag collar early from 2hounds, then later, a red and white necklace, some little treats, and a couple of things for you too, with a teaser postcard inbetween.... let me know.. sorry, I just put a note on the outside of the wrapping paper identifying myself.
  9. From Peppy: I love my warm hat and supper warm Blanket!! I have been snuggling and napping ever since you sent it,,, I love it, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!! From Darbee-Dooo Oh,, I look soooo nice in my new Collar!! Thank you! and the treats, and extra special things for my mom too!! I can't wait for Christmas to be over so I can wear my new collar!!!!! Thank you, Thank you, thank you!!! From Rascal WOW!!! what wonderful treats, and toys (my mom said I should at least try to play with them!! and I'm learning) and the beautiful Collar AND the fun special things for mom too...... THANK YOU, THANK YOU, thank you from Mom,,, 3dognite I want to thank you all for your generosity this Christmas, and we hope you all are having a wonderful Holiday season! I usually post pictures and individual thank yous, however this year has been a bit CRAZY!!! my family has done what I have always sworn NOT TO DO....... a small explanation: we put our house on the market to sell,,,, good news,,,IT SOLD IN ONE WEEK!!!!!!!! bad news,,, we had to then immediately look for a new place, pack, pack, pack and keep looking, and pack some more,,, we down sized so there was some throwing away in there too.... We moved, then started UNPACKING,,,,, then we took off for our Holidays to Phoenix.... Thru the packing and move, our Internet has been down, so NO GREYTALK..... oh, that was terrible, especially since SS kept sending the most wonderful gifts!!! so here i am , in sunny (almost) warm Phoenix, doggies are doing well after the 12 hour drive, and DH is ready to divorce me cause i kept saying "pull over, peppy has to GO!!" I am on my parents computer, for the first time on greytalk in 3+ weeks!!! so,, sorry this is a long story, explanation,, but I just want my SS's to know that we got all the gifts, and everything is wonderful, and THANK YOU!!!!!! when i go home, i have to unpack, unpack, and HOPE the DSL has been installed and keep unpacking ! my advise,,, NEVER MOVE DURING THE HOLIDAYS,,, or put a higher price on your home so it sells AFTER the Holidays, and you have time to enjoy with friends and family!!! Thanks again, I will try to put pictures on,, however it could be into January before that happens...... Merry Christmas! Lorinda Peppy, Darbee-doo, Rascal!!!!!
  10. So glad you like all the goodies!!! The sea care is a supplement,, mostly kelp, good for fur/skin. I had extra bottles and just thought I'd pass them along, I gave it to my kids a while back, then got out of the habit. Merry Christmas! 3dognite
  11. THANK YOU~~THANK YOU!!! Peptin says THANK YOU soo much for the wonderful warm Blanket and Hat!!! receiving prezzies is soooo much fun for my 13 3/4 yrs young boy!! I will post pictures soon, the hat is the best,, I've never seen anything like it before JUST PERFECT!!! Lorinda and Peppy, aka: Peptin, Pepty-poopers, Sir. Prance-a lot
  12. Poop-date,,,, sorry Day 2 of beet Pulp being added to seriously bad diarrhea boy, who has several bouts every month...... Poo getting firmer. Other 2 Guinea pigs (house mate greyhounds) Poo is also looking mighty firm! can improvement really happen this quickly??? I ended up cutting the pellets with a kitchen scissor, just pounding with a hammer was really hurting my brain. Then i just put the smaller size pellets into the kibble..... Even my VERY picky old lady ate the pellets right along with the kibble. I do add a small amount of water to the kibble, just enough to wet their whistle,, anyway,, I purchased the beet pulp pellets at my local country store.. they ended up giving me some from an already opened bag, I think they felt sorry for me cause i was asking soo many questions. the 50lb bag was under $10..this bag will easily last several greyhounds lifetime,, so go in with your adoption group and spread it around... EVERYONE SHOULD ENJOY FIRM POOP!!!! :rofl
  13. Ok, here it goes, my first thread about poo,, and how to deal with the Big D! i posted this in the food forum,, sorry if you read it twice! I have heard (read) about many of you who add beet pulp to their doggies food to help keep the poop firm. My old boy, 13 1/2 yrs young had a bout of bloody diarrhea several months ago. Was on IV fluids for the weekend in the pet ER and recovered well. He has had several rounds of bad runny poo, about once a month. We have had all the tests and nothing shows up, and he goes on Metrodizonal, and a couple days of bland chicken/rice diet and all is well......... I decided to find beet pulp after reading about others here who have had good luck regulating stool consistency with it..... I found it, in Pellet form. really hard stuff. My DH actually tried to chew it (ended up spitting in out ) but actually he was able to chew it. My question is,,, how much should I add to the food??? I took several pellets,, crushed them up and sprinkled them onto the food. I suppose it was about 1 table spoon. Is that enough,,,??? is that tooo much???? seems like we all are just a little obsessed about the consistency of our dogs Poo! i know i'm in good company! Thanks!!!
  14. How much fun is this!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok, as requested ,,, Rascal ~ We haven't put together a wish list,, but since you ask: He looks great in browns and gold tones because his eyes are a soft brown, but to be honest,,, I don't think he could look bad if he tried!!! He likes to cuddle under soft blankies, and he likes to wear coats on cold days, (utah has a few of those!) He has no shame, and has been known to wear crazy costumes on occasion! I'll have to get back to you on the neck size and the tail to nose-y size,, gotta find a measuring devise! He's never meet a yummy for his tummy that he didn't like!!! anything and everything including carrots go into his mouth! and there's this thing about stuffies ~~ he has never, ever played with a stuffie,, doesn't know how,, and doesn't care about them at all,,, I've tried everything accept playing with them myself! I hope this will hold you over until I can find the measuring devise! Thanks for inquiring about my boy! I love Christmas and SS time!!!
  15. One of my boys did that all summer about 5 summers ago. His toes have healed apart so the webbing just isn't there anymore, he now has individual toes. It did take a long time to heal, I just kept it clean and made a light weight bootie for him to wear. He did not have stitches and they have not bothered him since. good luck!
  16. Thanks,, i have hear the wonders of water therapy.. hear on GreyTalk,,, i'll try it!
  17. Update: I sprayed on the EMT Spray,, i thought i had the EMT gel,, but no,, I hope this is essentially the same thing?! the sore looks coated and shinny, but dry to the touch. The bootie will go on next, and then we'll see how it looks tomorrow. Thanks for all of your help!
  18. I have EMT gel. but I think it really stings? The other one, Medi-Stype? if it doesn't sting,, i'll search it out and get some!!
  19. My Rascal had a tendon release surgery last month. It was a success~and has given him the movement he needs in his foot to walk without pain,,,, this is after a tendon reconstruction last year! There are several posts on Rascal if you want to read about him and his recovery! Well, after the tendon release, he now walks on his foot pretty well, however he has developed a sore place on the pad, that at first looked like a bad Blister, and then it opened up to an open round sore where now the black pad "skin" is completely gone (on about 1/4 of the pad. ) it has been open and bleeding for almost 3 weeks. I have kept it clean, and wrapped and it isn't showing any signs of healing or closing up. And now, after his foot has been wrapped all this time, he has sores between his toes where they are rubbing together. so, I went to a bootie that I lined with non-stick bandage, the bootie is big enough for his foot to spread some, and hopefully dry between the toes and heal the sores....... this however does not give much cushion on the bottom of his foot where the open sore is on the pad. I'm really worried about the pad that has the open sore. Will this ever close up and callous over ?????? I've heard that the pad "skin" is different than the other skin on the foot, and that it sometimes doesn't grow that pad skin again??? oh, i hope this makes sense and if anyone has suggestions other than toe amputation ,, i'd love to hear them! I thank you,, and Rascal thanks you too! also, he does have an apt. next week, it's the first avail. apt with his surgeon.
  20. We learn to love them with all of our hearts while they are here with us,,cherish every moment! I am doing the same,, 13 1/2 yr and 12 1/2 yr senior greys here,, not to mention the almost 10 yr old with crazy tendon issues....... I hate watching them get older, but LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them so much that it hurts! prayers and warm thoughts coming from our Senior house, to your Senior house !
  21. I'm glad the 2nd surgery went well,, Bodie,, now you get to feeling better real soon!
  22. The waiting for results after the lump has been taken,, i'm sorry to say,, is the HARDEST part!!!!!!!! Stay positive, and busy, and we all will do the worrying with you!! good luck and xtra for Scooter !
  23. My boy has had a blackhead patch like that his whole life, with no other kind of redness, bruising, or rash. The redness looks like a bruise, but the way the redness comes toward the black heads makes me wonder. ? I'd be for a cool compress over the redness area, if its a bruis it will go away pretty quickly. He could be biteing at it,, itchiness,, maybe benadryl could help. If it lingers, i'd be to the vet.. on the blackheads,, I've tried everything,, and they always come back.. war towel, pressure, antibiotics, skin clensers... I just leave them alone,, at 13 1/2 yrs old, i figure they are just a part of my beautiful boy! good luck, I hope it goes away soon!
  24. a friend of mine's greyhound ate a corn cob once,, unfortunatly that doggie had to go into surgery to extract the thing! He was pretty sick, but recovered just fine,,, i'm sure the owners pocket bood took longer to recover than the grey. good luck, hope your boy is fine, sounds like you have everything under control.
  25. Rascal is doing just fine after a good nite sleep. Mom slept some, but has baggs under her eyes! i need coffee! His foot did bleed thru the nite. what I did was: I put an extra bandage on the bottom of the foot, to see if the blood would seep enough to go thru that extra pad. Upon inspection this morning, no additional blood. seems last night's bleeding stopped. This morning I did the same thing, thinking if the blood comes thru the big bandage and soaks my little one on the out side, THEN it's time to go back in. This is giving me an idea of additional or continuation of bleeding. now thru the day it could start again and i'll have to go thru the same decision process.. but at least i have a benchmark to go by..... I must admit, this wasn't my wonderful idea,, I found my nurse friend was available for a phone consultation last night, and this was her suggestion!!! I thought it a pretty good one. She also thought that leaving it would be better than opening up the bandage. On the other hand,, she thought that by NOW the bleeding should be stopped and a clot should have formed.. so, my little brain goes right back to ,, take off the bandage and SEE what's happening down there..... time for the morning pills, not to mention breakfast,, better get to that,,, Thanks for your help.. the saga continues....................
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