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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. I'm relieved that MSU has an optimistic outlook. We'll all be here to support you through his healing process.
  2. Hilda, I am so sorry Godspeed Sweet Halo
  3. Diane, I hate that this is happening to Dodge. I could scream. Praying you have many days left to love on your boy.
  4. We use Hydrox at the child care centre I work at. It's not toxic to kids, and gentler to what it's sprayed on than bleach.
  5. Now sending some quick healing thoughts
  6. I'm glad you are in touch with OSU. That would have been my advice. I only know of one dog that had a reccurence, although his was in another leg so it really limitted the treatment options. Bosha was 3 1/2 years post amp and chemo. He was an OSU patient. Saddly Bosha left us last month when his leg broke. You have my thoughts and prayers.
  7. Both our Jakes got good reports on their vet visits.
  8. Hey! That's what I was going to say.
  9. Finally, not an emergency visit. We just went for his regular checkup and shots. Great news, he is a very healthy 79 lbs. Miki was oohing at his thigh muscles and said the best thing we did for him was bring Peanut home. Miki has been our vet for all of Jake's life with us so she knew him pre Peanut. He is muscular, soft and shiny (thank you nutritional yeast) She thoroughly checked his eyes and was happy that there is no scarring from this past winter's corneal abrassion. He had his shots and Miki told him that was it until he was 13, that made me go my boy really is a senior. After she finished, she looked at the album I had brought to show one of the vet techs. It had Carla pups from my first visit to Casa de Lambert, baby Icee, Flippy, Tippy, Paisly, Jade, Bernard and Cowboy were only 6 1/2 months old. It was fun to look through them, a few of Katie the bloodhound, Cathie's friend's (and mine) foster bloodhound puppy and one of Mariah Anne's old girl plus stunning Commander Ray. The next batch were all of Baby's babies, that basket of puppies is priceless.
  10. Not sure if more is going on. I always use a probiotic like acidopholus when my dogs are on antibiotics. It helps repopulate the gut with good bacteria. Often a bit of fiberlike metamucil will help too.
  11. HopeForHounds


    I'm so sorry for your devastating loss. Godspeed Shayla
  12. I'm so sorry for everyone involved. Things just suck sometimes despite all of our hard work. Please give Dr Couto a hug for me. I also want to add how wonderful and heartbreaking to hear that his foster family have adopted him. That takes special people. Hugs and healing prayers for them. I've asked Foxy to meet Tooey at the bridge, she will be the white faced bossy one.
  13. Tina, you should talk to Denise, Flippys Mom. She is giving liver support to Flippy during her chemo.
  14. I'm at a loss for words. I am so very, very sorry Tom Godspeed Jed, you were so loved.
  15. His All American son Kiowa Wish Frank is being honored at Orange Park Kennel Club next Saturday night. Linky Godspeed Handsome Man
  16. That is scary. A frined of mine had that happen with her boy after a dental. It took an overnight at the vets, but he came home the next day. Sending prayers that all will be well by morning.
  17. Treasure the good days. to you and to Iceman
  18. I'm glad they made it and got accross customs okay. Continued prayers and sending hugs for Jamey.
  19. This is not your fault. Thank God you got her in in time and now have treatment. You do need to muzzle her and put a poop cup on (if you don't have one tape the muzzle up far enough that she can't sneak any more snacks). Foxy was terrible for eating poop, especially when she was on pred. Continuing the prayers and sending hugs.
  20. Give me a holler if you need anything. I'll be thinking of you and handsome Iceman.
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