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Everything posted by LadyBailey

  1. I haven't heard of Claritin being used for dogs, but I know that Benedryl is okay for allergies.
  2. Sorry, didn't mean to scare you but I wanted to let you know that this was our experience with the drug. She didn't show any signs/side effects of anything until a week after the shot... when I noticed some hair falling out... upon inspection, we saw the ulceration. It outlines this side effect in the drug write up, so it wasn't just a freak episode with Bailey...They note that it happened on the first shot at the highest dose - but she wasn't given the highest dose - just the normal dose for her weight... but it still effected her... "Imizol® caused pain on injection in nearly all animals, regardless of dose. One injection site reaction (ulceration of injection site) occurred at the highest dose (9.9 mg/kg). Injection site reactions (swelling) after the second injection of Imizol were present in 4 out of the 10 dogs which received the lowest dose (2.2 mg/kg) and in all of the dogs which received the higher doses of Imizol. The dog that developed the injection site ulceration after the first dose of 9.9 mg/kg Imizol also developed injection site ulceration after the second dose of 9.9 mg/kg Imizol." she never did get the second shot and is bald as can be in that spot today. It totally fried her skin and it's soft and hairless as can be in that area.
  3. Oh Liz, I am so sorry to hear this. Tim saw Earl at the vets this morning, as he was there with Carrier. She is a great vet and I hope that she will be able to do something for him. Hugs to you and Earl and family.
  4. It should be given intramuscular. Our vet made the mistake of giving it sub Q and here were the results. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...9&hl=imizol
  5. Has anyone in Southern Ontario had acupuncture done for the grey? Can I get the name? Carrier is having cronic problems with his right shoulder and lower back. He went in for an "emergency" adjusment on Monday and had his shoulder popped back in and 4 ribs popped back in. He is getting adjustments every three weeks - that help, but I was curious if we could add acupuncture to his treatment. I am also ordering glucosamine to get him back on that. He is on valium for the next few days. His muscles in his chest are trembling and they need to relax. We are keeping quite and will be taking him again for another adjustment on Saturday.
  6. LadyBailey


    I am so sorry. Run free sweet Oscar.
  7. I am so sorry. Run free sweet Frazzle. You were a very lucky boy to have such a wonderful family.
  8. Great to hear that things are looking better. Hugs to Piper.
  9. Great News. I pray he's over the hump now and on the road to recovery. He's so sweet.
  10. What time is she eating dinner the night before? And when is she scheduled for breakie in the morning? She is probably just hungry and when she eats the grass on an empty tummy, it upsets her
  11. More prayers for Rusty. He is so sweet.
  12. I know it's on all four toes, but do they look like this? Andy has this problem a while back and he had xrays, but there was nothing bad there. He now has another toe like this on his back foot and doesn't seem bothered by it. The vet said its more than likely a sprain and that's the scar tissue in the joint. Bailey also has this on her front toe and again the xrays came back clean Both of them run and play and walk without any problems. Although, since it's on all four toes and all four paws - a vet check is definetly a good idea.
  13. How scary. Prayers coming your way. Hang in there Penny!
  14. He's been absolutely fine since last Thursday. St Pierre was off last week - so we decided to just go to the Paris vet, since it was closer to home and we were able to get in quicker. It's nice to have a back up. Both clinics have complete files on both dogs - so they know their complete history.
  15. Tim went home at lunch and NO PUKE I hope it was just a bug - gosh, it's scary when they can't hold down anything. Thanks for your prayers and wishes.
  16. What a beautiful boy. Run free sweet Oliver.
  17. Update July 5 AM So after he threw up again yesterday afternoon, I called the vet and he still wanted to stay the course - trying feeding him a little bit at dinner and seeing if he could keep that down. IF not, we would do the barium today. So I fed him 1/2 cup of kibble at dinner and kept a close eye on him. He had a very strange looking poop. Normal brown colour on the outside, but then the next layer under was black and then the middle was orange. After about an hour of sleeping, he got up and I heard a noise - I thought he was going to be sick, but instead he came running to me with his Lambie. Played for a little, then had a trance and a half hour later led a roo with the others. At about 8pm he kept running to the kitchen and banging his bowl - he does this when he wants something - so I fed him another 1/2 cup - max he was suppose to have was a cup yesterday, so he was still okay. After that 1/2 cup he wanted to go outside - didn't do anything but trance and then came back in and fell asleep. We had an uneventful night - thank god. we gave him 1 1/2 cups for breakie (normally he has 1 3/4). Managed to keep that down until we left for work 1.5 hours later. And then again, just before we left, he led another roo. I spoke to the vet and he said if he manages to be okay for the rest of the day, we are more than likely in the clear - the only unfortunate thing is that there is a change of t-storms today - which he is not fond of. Tim will be home at lunch to let them out and check on Carrier - so hoepfully, there won't be any problems. I will let you know if anything else pops up. thanks for the well wishes - they worked. eva ps - Maria - we don't have any mushrooms in the yard at the moment.
  18. Hi Maria, Thanks for the info. Carrier (and all of ours) are on Candidae and have been for quite a while. We started a new bag over a week ago and it's almost done, so I don't think that is what has triggered it - although, I can certainly get in touch with them and ask if they have had any change in ingredients.
  19. He was out for a pee just now and managed to sneak some grass while I ran in to get a muzzle for him. Within minutes he puked again. Bile and grass. I feel awful, I wish I would have put the muzzle on him before he even went out - but he didn't show any interest in the grass this morning. I have a call into the vet - I am guessing blood work will be needed this afternoon. I am worried that he hasn't eaten in a few days - not sure if he is going to have to stay with the vet on iv or not.
  20. Update - July 4 AM We took Carrier to the vet yesterday evening. Vet examined him and everything was normal - gums, heart, breathing, no pain in the abdomen, temp normal and hydrated. He suspects since he has an appetite but can't keep anything down that it's pancreatitis. Vet said to bring him home, give him some pepto and fast him until tonight, and only allow small amounts of water - enough to wet his mouth. Carrier was certainly wanting to eat as the others did, but we managed to keep him "out of sight" while they fed. He had an uneventful night and slept right through. This morning, he was hungry and you can tell he is tired. But he went out had a nice poop and is now sleeping soundly. He even chased after a rustle in the trees. I am working from home, so I am able to watch him. We shall see what happens with dinner. If he doesn't keep it down, he will be going in to the vets in the morning for a barium xray.
  21. oh man. I hope it's not the same thing. I will know shortly. I am assuming that Dallas is fine now?
  22. I am 99.9% sure that he hasn't ingested anything foriegn - other than the foliage in the yard - which is mostly grass. There is no evidence of him getting into anything inside and he is never home alone outside. He is excited for food and eats it no problem, but then throws up. I am hoping since he has had normal bowel movements it's not a blockage.
  23. I just spoke to Tim - he went home at lunch to let them out for a pee. There was puke on the carpet. Carrier did eat some rice and then wanted to go outside and threw up again. Just made an appointment to see the vet at 5:30. Wish us luck.
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