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Everything posted by LadyBailey

  1. Yes. But I have been doing my research and I have seen post amp photos. I know the real thing is much different - especially when it's your own dog - so I am trying to prepare myself. OSU has been great with that too... I know it's going to be tough, but like you said, the pain of the tumor is gone - so now we learn to walk and heal. I spoke with Tim. He is going to drive down early the day of when we are going home (stil TBD). He is arranging that our dog sitter take care of the dogs for the day. So I won't be alone driving back. Flying would have taken just as long, since we don't live close to a major airport. I want Tim to meet everyone at OSU too and also be there for every step of the journey home.
  2. Emily called and said that he is doing really well. They have decreased the IV drip for the "bleeding drug" as he is not showing signs of bleeding. - so good news again. I get to see him at 5 today. It might only be a quick visit in ICU. They don't want to move him too much, so bringing him to the comfort room may be too much for him. I told them even if I have 5 minutes with him, I would be happy - I don't want to to stress him just so I can spend time with him. He is bruised a bit already, and has some bruising on his neck around the jugular from something they did yesterday - but overall he is well. I will post when I get back from the visit this afternoon.
  3. Dr Couto isn't normally on clinic duty - I know this week he hasn't been. Some of the vets are leaving today for a cancer conference in Ft Lauderdale - so he is really going to be the only one that is around for the next few days - so he will be busy. If it's not cancer related - then you will more than likely see one of the other vets - all of which are great and like Rhonda said, grey savvy. Good luck.
  4. Carrier Update Nov 1 9am I had no choice to take your advice - I was so tired from the night before from sleeping on the floor my my boy, that I went to bed at 9:30 and slept until 8:30 this morning. I feel much better. OSU just called, Emly is my new person who is taking care of Carrier in ICU. Here's the update from last night and this morning. Carrier had a good night - he pretty much was passed out. This morning they got him up and put him on the wagon and wheeled him out to go pee. They took him off the wagon and he peed and then put him back on the wagon and wheeled him in. Fun! He doesn't like the wagon - I know because the last time they wheeled him in on it, the look on his face was, "What the ?" Poor boy. Emily said that he is comfortable and not in pain (thanks to the drugs) and they are really happy with his progress so far. He will be in ICU today and possibly moved to regular recovery tonight - because he is doing so well... which is really, really good news. She is calling me back after rounds this morning to see when they think I can see him tonight. I can't wait. It's going to be a long day waiting. eva
  5. Another Update Just spoke to the surgeon. Three hours was normal, so no worries there. The sugery was normal and they didn't have any complications. They explained the possible problems that we might encounter - ie greys have a tendency to bleed more than other dogs - but they have him on a drug for this and he will also be in ICU for at least two day. They hope that we will be able to leave on Sunday. He is doing well and as best as they could expect at this time. I will get an update tomorrow morning and will possible be able to see him in the evening. Thanks for the good thoughts and prayers - they got out through this afternoon.
  6. Carrier Update Oct 31 5:55pm Julia the vet student just called - she told me that the surgeons will be calling me shortly to tell me everything. But overall everything went fine - no major complications - didn't need any plasma etc. He is in ICU. I will post more once I hear from the surgeons, for now it's good to know that he is in ICU and off the surgery table. They took a piece of the tumor to send off to pathology to confirm 100% that it was osteo - we already know, but they do this to be one million percent sure. and they also took a sample for the database bank (with my consent) for future greyhound cancer research. I asked Julia to give him a kiss for me - and she said, "I already did and told him that you were thinking of him". She is awesome and is going to make a wonderful vet one day.
  7. I can't offer any ideas on why it came on so suddenly, but on tip that I can offer when bathing is to use the zoomgroom brush - it really gets a nice lather and also exfoliates. We have a black girl who had dandruff issues - it was seboreha (sp?) and we used a medicated shampoo from the vet with zoom groom and she has been shiney for over three months now - and we saw instant results with the zoom groom too when used in the bath.
  8. I am opting for a big glass of Guinness instead. The vet student said that she didn't hear of any complications - please god, say there weren't any complications. Three hours is really long time. Is that normal?
  9. I just called because I think I was going to vomit waiting... They are just closing the skin right now - he's been under for three hours (I wanna cry). They will call me once he's in recovery.
  10. He should be done by now - they brought him in at 1:30. I am patiently waiting to hear.
  11. Glad to hear that he is home with you. Thank god! I am not going to express my thoughts on OVC sending him home to you like that.
  12. A beautiful girl. Run free sweetheart.
  13. ditto on not jumping to getting the biospy. that was Dr Couto's last resort and we didn't end up having to do it. it's painful and puts the dog at risk for fracture. Ask for a fine needle aspirate and see if you can sed they xrays to osu. a lot of the time, the xrays that are taken by regular vet clinics are not the same quality as the ones that osu takes. so perhaps sending the xrays to osu and getting a second opinion Sending prayers for snowman and you.
  14. Carrier Update Oct 31 9:30am I picked Carrier up yesterday afternoon so he could spend the night with me. He was so sweet when he walked out and was really excited leave. When we got to the hotel he didn't want his dinner and was crying softly on his bed - so I just laid with him and pet him. He eventually fell asleep. I know he wnats to go home. At 8:30 I took him for a pee and offered him some food - which he surprizingly wanted - so I poured some in th bowl but he walked away and sat down - so I tried to give it to him in bed - still didn't want it. So I started hand feeding him - this he liked and ate all of it. He burped twice and feel asleep. Went for a pee at 11:30 and then back to bed. He continued to whimper a little bit, so I stayed with him on the floor and we just chatted. He awoke at 4 and needed to go for a pee and then was really whiney, so I grabbed my pillow and blanket and slept with him on the floor until morning. - which seemed to settle him. Me.. not so much. We had to be at OSU for 7:30. I spoke with the vet student, the vet and Dr Couto. I did cry a little bit because it really hit me that today is the day - but I quickly composed myself for Carrier - who himself was doing a great job of whining.. poor boy. The surgeon that is doing the surgery was brought in special for Carrier today - she wasn't suppose to be in clinic today - So I know that he is in extremely good hands. His physical exam was good and they are doing an anesthestic exam later this morning. He is scheduled for 1pm. Dr Couto and I spoke about it and he clearly explained everything to me. So I am comforted to know that Carrier is going to be well taken care of. To get things off my mind, we had a meeting about Scooby - so there are a few things that I can do to keep my mind busy this afternoon, until the surgery is over. I will let you know when he is out. thanks. eva
  15. Carrier Update Oct 30 4:40pm The surgery did not happen today. They were really busy and the surgeon was pretty much beat and wanted to have a clear head and plenty of time, so it's going to happen tomorrow. I picked Carrier up, so he is with me for the night - already sound asleep in the hotel room. His tail was going crazy when he walked out and he was saying hello to everyone in the wait room - he is so sweet - he makes my heart melt. I am sitting on the floor with him... just watching him breath His breathing is slow, so I know that he is comfortable- thanks to the drugs and I am sure also because he is so tired and just wanted to pass out. We will have a quite evening here and then go back to OSU for 7:30am. He's not wanting his dinner, so I will try later tonight... he hasn't eaten since yesterday as they were keeping him empty in case he was having the surgery - so I would like for him to eat something... he has until 10pm tonight. Please keep the prayers coming - he will need them tomorrow. thank you for all your support - it has given me so much strength - which is passed on to my sweet dear Carrier.
  16. A few months ago, Carrier was really sick - couldn't keep anything down and was puking for about two days. The vet made his fast for 24 hours. During this time, we weren't sure what had caused it because we were certain that he didn't get into anything. A day or so later, we found the remains of a frog that he was smelling. I think he ate the frog (YUK!) and that's what made him sick. He was fine afterwards - so I would recommend just keeping an eye on her - and if she is showing any signs of discomfort, call your vet. Carrier also ate two chicken carcasses and three corn on the cob years ago (that's a long story) and passed it without trouble - so I hope your girl will be able to do the same. Might not be a bad idea to call the vet regardless and see what they say.
  17. Carrier Update October 30 12:30pm Just got back from visiting Carrier. He looks good and did his patented head shake and tail wag when he saw me. I knew he wouldn't want to just lay in the comfort room with me, since he was walking fine and really just wanting to get the hell out of there... so I took him for a walk with Dr Vilar. Before I came over to see him I spoke to Julia the vet student, who also has a grey and has been assigned to Carrier - she told me he had a good night and ate his dinner fine. Slept well, and seems to be enjoying his fentanyl patch - I asked for one, but they said no. So, yes, back to when I saw Carrier this morning. I can see his shoulder is really starting to bother him and it's bigger, so I know he will be relieved when that pain is gone. He was happy to be outside and took three long pees and three poops. Dr Vilar was like, "Really, we did take him out this morning!". I just laughed, because I figured that Carrier was probably too distracted by a stranger taking him for a pee and also interested in his surroundings that he forgot what he had to do.... but regardless, he is empty now We walked in through the large animal clinic and Carrier saw a Llama - which got him really excited. He loves large animals - cows, horses and deer he goes bonkers for and now the Llama. It was great to see him so excited. Unfortunately, I had to leave shortly after because they had to prep him for sugery. He was suppose to go for 12:30, but there is a chance that that is not going to happen. I am waiting to hear. will let you know more as I get more info.
  18. prayers for Peatie and you in this extremely difficult time.
  19. OK, so I took your advice and after much confusion I got the next student on the rotation on the line...she didn't know too much about anything but she was just with Chevy and moved him from intensive care to the doggie ward. She said he was cold so they put jammies on him and fluffed him up with blankies...that's my Chev-Chev. He ate this afternoon and this evening. Yup, you are right about the good money part...too much money...but how could anyone possible put a price tag on these beautiful babies...we do what we gotta do. I hope things are continuing to go well with you, Carrier and Dr. Couto. Ah confusion... that sounds familiar. Even though the vet student couldnt give you a medical update - it's good to hear that you got some information which hopefully gave you some comfort to know that they are attentive to his needs. When can you go and see him? Re the cost - I don't even ask how much things cost anymore when it comes to the pups - they are priceless. I said to Tim that, first we sell his motorcycle and then remortgage the house - he was fine with the mortgage, but not the bike - go figure. Hugs to you and Chevy. I hope he heals quickly and gets home soon.
  20. How heartbreaking... although that last photo did make me smile. They are so resilient. Continued prayers.
  21. Holy Crap! Glad to hear that they got the blockage. If you want an update - call for one. You are paying them good money. They will take your call if they are available. Good thoughts for Chevy.
  22. Carrier update Oct 29, 2007 In short - everything is good. I haven't cried yet - which is a bonus. Carrier on the other hand... is crying right now from coming out of anesthetic. My poor sweet boy. Here is the long story... We arrived last night at 8:30 and pretty much crashed once we hit the bed. Carrier was nervous and tired, so after he ate his dinner, he pretty much slept until 11:30 and then had a bed time pee and was sleeping until 8 am this morning. We had our appointment at 9 and the CT Scan for the back leg at 1. There has been so much medical talk, that I can't think clearly to type it all out right now. So in short - the femur is not showing cancer. So wee are going to amputate the front leg which has been confirmed to be osteosarcoma. Dr Couto's recommendation is amputation and chemo. I know to some it sounds rough, but we came here for his opinion and what was best for Carrier. We knew that we pretty much had two options... not persue any more tests and just give him pain meds and know that he would soon pass... or do all the tests - which we did - and have to make the choice to amputate. It's such a difficult decision and it's any easier when people look at you like you are seriously barbaric when you tell them that you are going to amputate your dogs leg. But this is our choice and we are prepared to care for Carrier 100% to make sure he gets through this. I was able to spend time with Carrier this evening in a lovely room with a couch and big pad and blanket for Carrier to lay on. He was still coming out of sedation from the CT scan, so he wasn't the happiest - hence the crying... which was so heartbreaking, because I know he just feels like crap. But he has a fentanyl patch which will kick in soon. But it was so still awesome to be able to hug and kiss him. The staff at OSU are amazing - the student and Dr Vilar sat with me and Carrier and we just talked about how amazing greyhounds are. I told them how much we loved Carrier even before we saw him in real life - with Tim driving to Kansas to adopt him. I guess we'll drive the world for him - really... I think that's why I am not so emotional about everything today because I know that Carrier is in the best possible hands. Dr Couto is amazing - they all are. The fact that they completely understand Greyhounds - is comforting. I think they said that 50% of the oncology staff has greys. So tonight, I have left Carrier there to recoup and will know for sure if the surgery will happen tomorrow or on Wednesday. Dr Couto wants a specific surgeon working on Carrier, so they are having a battle of schedules to see how they can fit him in. If it's not tomorrow, I will get Carrier for the day and we will enjoy a walk in the park and just hang out until Wednesday. There were 4 greyhounds there today. One with a front amputation and he was 11 when he had that done 6 months ago. I sat with his mom for 2 hours and we chatted about him and what I can expect with Carrier. It was really helpful and we will stay in touch. I can't express how amazing OSU is. OVC was a complete nightmare. Right from when you walk in the door - you feel like you are walking into a hospital in a third world country - no comfort for humans or dogs. OSU is so comfortable - just the exam rooms alone are super with the cushions for the dogs etc. I was there from 9 am to 7 pm today and didn't feel like I had to get the heck out of there. All the staff are wonderful and hearing them explain to people about their dogs diagnosis etc is so great - so thorough and calm and just really nice. Anyway, I am kinda rambling now... I will let you know how we do tomorrow. Thanks again for your support. It's means so much and I don't think I could have done this without the support and knowledge of other greyhound owners.
  23. Carrier Update October 28 Over the last few days Carrier has been awesome. He has been eating amazing and sleeping well. If I was to compare his activity level and behaviour with the other three - he is exactly the same. Although, we can tell that his front leg is bothering him and he is managing well with the other three. The back right leg doesn't seem to give him any problem. No problems getting up or down the two stairs that lead from the back porch to the yard. Thankfully we don't have any stairs in the house that he has to contend with. Funny enough, it was raining on Friday, but he had to go pee - so I let him out, he ran down the stairs, I turned around to grab a towel for his feet when he was done, but by that time he was already back up the stairs because he didn't like the rain. I couldn't believe how quickly he was able to go down and back up again! He has also been quite keen to jump up on the guest bed - and then jump off again - three times over the last two days - which is really great, as he is obviously feeling okay enough to do that. I on the other hand feel my heart sink as I am terrified of him hurting himself and that bad front leg. He has had many, many roos and even played with his Lambie and has been doing the most amazing play bows. His tail is wagging all the time and yesterday he even wanted to go for a walk, but we thought it would be best for him to rest, plus it was cold and damp out. We leave today at noon for OSU and se Dr Couto tomorrowing morning. I will have my laptop with me, so I will be sure to post updates. Thank you to everyone for all your kind and supportive words and pm's. They mean a lot and have really helped us through this. eva
  24. Thanks everyone. I have called Red Roof, Holiday Inn and Super 8 - which is a little further than I would like. I have made reservations with each hotel because there is an OSU football game on Nov 2 - so most of the rooms are already booked. Red Roof only had 2 left when I spoke with them now. Red Roof is $59 Sunday to Thurs but $119 on Friday and Holiday Inn is $99/night. Both of those are with the discount. Red Roof is $19 for internet access for the week and Holiday Inn is free. Both are pet friendly. I am going to do the math - althought, my basic math tells me that Red Roof is cheaper but I need to write these things down on paper - my brain is not working properly these days. MOTF - thanks for the comfort - and yes GT is especially wonderful in these situations. You have all eased my nerves. Not to mention Dr Couto who is absolutely brilliant at this and calms me everytime we speak. I look forward to meeting him. thanks again so very much to everyone who has had Carrier in thoughts and prayers and for all your input and guidance during this extremely difficult time.
  25. I am writing this in H&M because I figure most of the people that would know the answer to this question, would be in this forum more than any other. We care speaking with Dr Couto this morning to confirm everything, but it looks like we will be on our way to OSU for Monday. So I need to get my butt in gear and find a place for me and Carrier to spend the night / nights depending on what is going on. If you have ever gone to OSU - I would like to know where you have stayed - ie. hotel etc - and of course must be dog friendly, because I think we are going to leaving on Sunday afternoon and spend the night, so we aren't rushing around on early Monday trying to get there. thanks, eva
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